“GML提取几何体CircleByCenterPoint而不是posList”的答案 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/47136/gml-extract-geometry-circlebycenterpoint-instead-o.html “GML提取几何体CircleByCenterPoint而不是posList”问题的最新答案 答案由mark2atsafe亚搏在线 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/47211/view.html




格林尼治时间2017年7月4日星期二07:25:20 david_r
答案由桑德 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/47140/view.html


您的问题是FME提取的不是一个圆,而是一个椭圆。在您的屏幕截图中,有一个主要半径和一个次要半径。我测试了提取一个圆(因此在次要半径没有定义/不等于主要半径的地方),FME 2017给我的结果是:

<gml:Curve xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" gml:id="id-2d39993a-6018-11e7-b4b2-c42c033923d4-0" srsDimension="2">& lt; gml: segments>& lt; gml: CircleByCenterPoint numArc =“1”比;< br > & lt; gml: posList> 10 60 & lt; / gml: posList>& lt; gml: radius> 2 & lt; / gml: radius>< br > & lt; / gml: CircleByCenterPoint>& lt; / gml: segments> < br > & lt; / gml: Curve> 

So that seems to work. However, if I feed it an ellipse, it gets stroked by FME into a line and you end up with the posList like you did. I'm not sure, but I don't think GML supports storing elliptical geometry..?

Depending on what the spatial reference of your output GML needs to be and what your input is, you could try to create a true circle (reprojection probably turned it into an ellipse). This question might provide some insight there.

格林尼治时间2017年7月3日星期一18:02:51 砂光机