Comments and answers for "Flipped triangles at OGCKML Writer output" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "Flipped triangles at OGCKML Writer output" Comment by sander on sander's comment https://knowledge.亚搏在线 Thanks!Glad my answer was helpful.:)
Mon,03 Jul 2017 17:17:31 GMT sander
Comment by whkarto on whkarto's answer https://knowledge.亚搏在线 Thanks,sander_s that approach worked perfectly!The result now looks as expected and changes in 亚搏在线workflow are not worth mentioning!所以你得到两个大拇指从我!

Mon,03 Jul 2017 14:09:05 GMT whkarto
Answer by sander https://knowledge.亚搏在线


One of the major differences between the 2017 and 2015 output that I noticed,is the fact that each building in the 2017 version is a MultiSurface that contains a lot more Mesh parts than the 2015 one.I guess your Building.ffs file contains the original data,right?In that case,the 2015 output seems to be correct (as you expected) and the 2017 one converts the CompositeSurface parts of the MultiSurfaces into more Mesh parts than it originally contained.My guess is that the Collada writer (which the KML writer calls) is to blame here and something goes wrong with the triangulation.

As a workaround,you could try to take care of the triangulation yourself (so the Collada writer doesn't screw up) and deaggregate each building one level so you end up with all CompositeSurface geometries,pull them through aTriangulator(which outputs Meshes) and then reassemble them into MultiSurfaces (e.g.grouped by UUID) using anAggregator.Then write out to KML again.I'm using 2017 and for me,this worked!

Nevertheless,this feels like a bug,so I would report this to@support(e.g.@DaveAt亚搏在线Safe).

Mon,03 Jul 2017 09:41:57 GMT sander