问题的话题:“pathreader” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/topics/single/45536.html The latest questions for the topic "pathreader" How to read folders and pipe filenames for processing? https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/76342/how-to-read-folders-and-pipe-filenames-for-process.html


Working with Sentinel data,you get some 120 files i a zip file (standard download).Only three are needed to make an rgb image with FME (as described in this post: https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/articles/43742/making-rgb-images-with-sentinel-data.html).


This workspace snippet begins to extract these file names and should then pipe them to the next step (there is more to follow).But I am unable to figure out what goes into the gap between the TestFilter and the RasterBand...transformer.I simply need to get thepath_windowsattribute to be understood as an input file.

pathreader pathreader multiple file file name pip multiple file processing Tue,14 Aug 2018 09:30:41 GMT matself
Folder path with special characther å does not work https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/71304/folder-path-with-special-characther-a-does-not-wor.html

I'm trying to upload a file from a folder with name luleå but FME change the character å with \xE5 in the folder path and FME cant find the file and terminate the workbench.

Is there something to do so fme does not change the character?

工作台 pathreader Tue,29 May 2018 09:51:44 GMT linhgg2
Path reader not reading zips correctly? https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/56934/path-reader-not-reading-zips-correctly.html

I have posted something related to this same reader before,but this error is new.I am using a path reader to unzip an archive containing multiple subfolders/subdirectories and look for geodatabases,before then sending them to a geodatabase feature reader.I am using the glob pattern **/*.gdb and leaving path type to 'any',although I have tried (and got the same error) with 'folder'.This works fine on desktop,but on server I am now getting the following error:

I'll save any further details for comments,just to keep this question simple.Previously this was working,and neither the desktop build I am using for this (2016.1.1 build 16674) nor server version (2016.1.3.2 build 16717) have changed.

fmeserver zip files pathreader Wed,01 Nov 2017 02:26:28 GMT chrisw84
Can´t read files inside subfolders https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/56722/cant-read-files-inside-subfolders.html


I need help.No matter how I try,it does not read the files contained inside different subfolders.I was told to set the path so in the Dataset appears like this:


and replace the pathname with mine.

I have 2 readers combined together,and excel sheet and the subfolders inside a main folder.I have set it so there is an error report in the end and it keeps on telling me,that the files are not inside the subfolders.The files formats are different: pdf,dwg,etc..

Thanks for your help in advance!!

pathreader Fri,27 Oct 2017 14:44:00 GMT ninani
Workspacerunner runs workspace multiple times? https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/46463/workspacerunner-runs-workspace-multiple-times.html


I have created an FME workspace that sends an email via the Python Emailer transformer which includes some basic information from a database table.

自动运行这个,I have set another workspace up and have used the Workspace Runner to run this workspace,with the reader accessing the folder path my workspace resides in (it is the only workspace in this folder).

For some reason I am finding that my workspace is being accessed three times from the path and then subsequently runs three times,so I am getting three separate emails being generated.

I cannot work out why this might be happening,does anyone have any ideas please?


email workspace pathreader workspace runner Thu,22 Jun 2017 12:49:26 GMT cartochris
I noticed that the PATH (Directory and File Pathnames) reader doesn't read my hidden files on Windows.Is there anything I can do? https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/45875/i-noticed-that-the-path-directory-and-file-pathnam.html

directory and file pathnames file path read pathreader Tue,13 Jun 2017 23:46:57 GMT fmelizard
PATH Reader: Add option to include hidden files (in windows) https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/idea/45874/path-reader-add-option-to-include-hidden-files-in.html

windows pathreader Tue,13 Jun 2017 23:43:16 GMT fmelizard
Directory and path reader does not support nul https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/45537/directory-and-path-reader-does-not-support-nul.html

Hi,I came across the following issue: using a directory and path reader (filtering for files only) and supplying an empty folder works fine (it doesn't produce any files,but that's just fine).However,say I want to skip any processing from this reader,as an innocent user I supply the Windows nul: device.Now my workspace crashes,how is that?Of course,there are a lot of ways around this problem,but wouldn't it be nice if the directory and path reader behaves in the same way like,say,the Windows dir command?

directory and file pathnames file path pathreader Wed,07 Jun 2017 06:45:49 GMT helmoet