Answers for "Will FlexLM run on AWS?" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Will FlexLM run on AWS?" Answer by ryanatsafe

Here's an article outlining the steps required to get the FME Desktop floating license server up and running on an EC2 instance quickly.

If you are really familiar with AWS and Linux, it's possible to have it up and running in less than 8 minutes.Total cost is ~$45 per year.

Fri, 09 Nov 2018 18:17:07 GMT ryanatsafe
Answer by catatsafe

As requested: Using FME Desktop on AWS:

Thu, 04 Jan 2018 00:32:56 GMT catatsafe
Answer by jkpowellaia

@CatAtSafe - I'm trying to do this very thing...Install FlexLM on an EC2 Instance to allow licensing for an Autodesk software package.The EC2 side seems to be working well but the client machine can't seem to connect.Is there a good explanation available for both ends of the connection needed to implement this connection?

Fri, 22 Sep 2017 21:28:56 GMT jkpowellaia
Answer by catatsafe


Yes it will.We do this internally for our online training, where the Flex LM license manager is hosted on a micro or nano instance of AWS, that is set up with an elastic ip ( aka it doesn't change).Our EC2 machines are then use that instance as the licesne server.However, if you can't have a static IP, then your .lic will invalidate every time the ip changes and is not recommended.



Thu, 11 May 2017 23:34:19 GMT catatsafe