Answers for "Join PNG images (North arrow, logo, etc.) to multiple PDF files?" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Join PNG images (North arrow, logo, etc.) to multiple PDF files?" Answer by bbelzile

@geospatiallover after countless attempts, I finally managed to generate these PDF...As @gio suggested, I used a cloner to add a title and an image to all my PDF:

Give it a try, and let me know if you have questions/problems with this...


Fri, 27 Oct 2017 13:50:00 GMT bbelzile
Answer by gio

transparency is not supported by writer, as it uses a jpeg2000 isfai understand .

Cloning objects to as many pages is correct.

But you need to use the counter as pagenumber.SO you must setpdf_page_number(for multipage pdf) on the obejcts that need to be on the same page.

else fan-out on layer name

For instance using a cloner and the a featuremerger.

Page units can be calculated.Extract bounding box (or rasterextent) and calculate (1inch/72points) to get worldframe size.

Mon, 07 Aug 2017 15:52:03 GMT gio
Answer by redgeographics

I seem to recall there being an issue with using transparent png's in PDF.Can you try with jpg's instead, see if that makes a difference?

Fri, 04 Aug 2017 12:23:22 GMT redgeographics
Answer by geospatiallover

Have you resolved your issue yet?I have the same problem.I found a newer article and I'm going to try this newer one on my workspace:

Fri, 04 Aug 2017 12:08:08 GMT geospatiallover
Answer by itay


This old article might be helpful on how to place certain elements into a PDF .

Hope this helps.

Tue, 09 May 2017 20:56:20 GMT itay