主题问题:“属性列表” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/topics/single/43999.html网站 The latest questions for the topic "list of attribute" Create a simple list https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/88013/create-a-simple-list.html网站


I want to make a simple list of two attributes.我将试着解释上下文。I have a point shapefile who has all an attribute "Factor2019".

First i have to determine which two points belong together,i use the "neighborfinder" and that works perfectly.I also give the two points who belongs together a same attribute (RWZI-NR),with the neighborfinder.I also merge the field "Factor 2019 but i firts give it an other name with the renamer "F2019"

But then a want for each "RWZI_NR" the two values from "Factor2019 and F2019" in the same field named "FACT" in al list so after that i can use de ListConcatenator for determing the max value.

But it doesnt work,我试着马上在邻居查找器中生成一个列表,with list builder and with a feature merger but i never get the result i need.


Help :-)



列表 list of attribute listconcatenator Wed,06 Mar 2019 11:06:21 GMT nath
关于Listbreaker https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/87667/about-listbreaker.html


I've tried using ListBreaker to transform list indexes into attributes,


我的读者是一个JSON文件,depending to the file used,工作区开始后保持暂停状态,

without giving result

i join the data and workspace

I use FME 2019 last build 19214 64b


CAD list of attribute Wed,2019年2月27日13:42:14格林尼治标准时间 pascalmortz
What is the simplest way of getting the last element in FME list? https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/80635/what-is-the-simplest-way-of-getting-the-last-eleme.html

I am using an attribute creator that is given a List of coordinate.From that list i want the last x value( or the second to last in my example).我该怎么做?

在这张图片中,我尝试用一个列表元素计数器计算列表中元素的数量,然后我只写:@value(_indexes@sub(@value(_nbr_indexes),2).x)。However this return a sad .

我在教程中找不到任何内容:教程:使用列表属性或者其中提供的关于这个特定问题的链接。The closest to an answer that I've found is this lecture slide show:list-manipulation-in-fme.

列表 list of attribute Tue,16 Oct 2018 22:30:54 GMT 哈黛芬
Export nested list attributes to feature attributes https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/80313/export-nested-list-attributes-to-feature-attribute.html

I have point feature with duplicated and sometimes tripiclated or more.But for each point we may have the attributes with different values.My goal is to have only a unique point,but keep all the attributes.所以我使用Matcher(启用了GenerateList),然后使用ListConcatenator连接到单匹配输出。It's work perfectly,我现在只有一个唯一的点,我设置了计数器选项,所以我知道这一点代表了多少个点。If I click in one point in the inspector a can see all the attributes and expand the nested list.我有6个点的列表。What I want to achieve is to be able to export the point to feature class and keep all the nested attributes from the list.Is that possible?Will be like expose the nested list.

Thanks in advance,


列表 list of attribute listconcatenator Thu,11 Oct 2018 14:35:19 GMT dilsonkitoko
如何迭代属性列表? https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/79059/how-to-iterate-a-list-of-attribute.html

Hi,I asked about比较具有相同属性表的两个数据集的属性earlier,and@ DanA亚搏在线tSafehelped me out.But now I have a lot datasets to compare and they don't have same attribute table,which means every time I have to create a new comparing workbench,这是很多工作,我可能会错过一些属性或设置错误的参数。

So I'm thinking about creating a custom transformer to iterate coming feature's attributes.I've been looking into help documents about Looping,but it seems that's not possible to get the count of the incoming attribues,not to mention iterate them.ListElementCounter将只返回列表的计数,not the attributes in the list.

Figure1 below is the whole workbench I created based on Dan's method,下面的图2是带有摘要注释的工作台的一部分,and Figure3 is all the input attributes of a pair of datasets,I want to compare all attributes in the differ{} list.

I'm not sure FuzzyStringComparer would work or not,and there're too many versions of them.


高桥@Mark2At亚搏在线Safe @MarkAt亚搏在线Safe @ DanA亚搏在线tSafe @jdh

attribute matcher list of attribute fuzzystringcomparer iterate FRI,21 Sep 2018 17:43:14 GMT bobo
Help with a Python script on a list https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/71263/help-with-a-python-script-on-a-list.html

I have a list called ''列表'' of variable length depending on features.
I wanna assign as an attribute to each feature ''list(0);清单(1)…列表(长度(列表))
I tried writing a loop on the attribute manager but I didn't know how to use it well
Thanks for any possible help :)

python list of attribute Mon,28 May 2018 13:02:37 GMT lianaolianov
List Attributes https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/56144/list-attributes.html


I know that you can set new attribute names and new attribute values using a list attributes as such:

{0}. name属性


But how do I set the value of this new attribute?

Is it something like:



列表 属性值 list of attribute attribute list attribute names Thu,2017年10月19日11:26:39格林尼治标准时间 aquamarine
特征的两个属性的最大值 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/50116/max-value-of-two-attribute-of-a-feature.html

Hi !

I have a set of feature,对于每个功能,multiple attributes (A,B,C),all having numbers.我必须提取,对于每个功能,属性A、B和C之间的最大值。

Since the StatisticCalculator limit to compute the max/min/...属性在所有特征中的值,如何存档我的目标?

thanks in advance !

统计学 属性值 list of attribute Wed,09 Aug 2017 13:27:32 GMT nmatton
Test the type of attribute and test attribute value https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/44000/test-the-type-of-attribute-and-test-attribute-valu.html

Hi all,

I'm new on using FME,I have a question that troubles me

At first I would like to check the type of an attribute (text,number,……)。然后我将测试一个属性的值是否属于已经预先定义的属性列表。

An idea please ?

thank you in advance,

测试器 attributevalidator list of attribute type of attribute Tue,09 May 2017 16:08:09 GMT mgeomaticien