Questions in topic: "polygon" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "polygon" How to detect and remove thin sections from polygon features https://knowledge.亚搏在线

嗨,FME Guys

I'm struggling with a data situation that occurs frequently in my daily work.When I have a polygon feature it may occur that this polygon is composed from "thin" and "thick" sections.See below a screenshot of such a situation.

Thin Polygon

I'm now looking for a way to

  1. identify affected polygon features
  2. identify "thin" sections from this feature
  3. remove the thin sections or at least cut them from the "thick" parts.

Each solution should keep existing Z-values as I'm dealing with 3D data.

Any ideas how to achieve the desired result?

三维 几何学 多边形 概括 结婚,06 Mar 2019 09:50:49 GMT 惠克托
Shifting Polygon to line https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have a polygon and line data-sets.I would like to shift the polygon to the lines in a way that last edge of the polygon would touch the lines.有什么想法吗?




多边形 线 清华大学,28 Feb 2019 12:02:37 GMT 南斯拉夫
Polygon Around Raster Image https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Does anyone know of an easy method to create a polygon around part of a LiDAR tile where the LiDAR tile does not have a complete set of values or is not complete?

So in the example below I would like to create a polygon around the colored sections (crudely drawn in red),not the whole tile.

I have tried the RasterExtentsCoercer,but that just creates a polygon over the whole tile.


光栅 多边形 激光雷达 清华大学,21 Feb 2019 14:17:17 GMT 杂耍者
Creating hexagon polygon based on line https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have some line-strings and I would like to create polygons with shape like in the images based on the line.It looks like hexagon but all edges do not have the same length.Can Bufferer create such polygon based on the lines?Or do you have any idea how i can create such polygon?


多边形 线 缓冲器 六角形 周一,18 Feb 2019 12:58:18 GMT 南斯拉夫
polygon intersect lines https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have 2 layers one representing lines and the other layer is polygons.I need to create a point at the center of the polygon when a line intersect a polygon,can this be possible.谢谢你的帮助。

多边形 线 部门间 清华大学,14 Feb 2019 20:53:37 GMT 爱尔兰2018
Moving point to coresponding polygon https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have two shape files,one is polygon and second one is point.I need to reposition point shape that are outside of polygon so every point is inside of polygon with same id.




多边形 小水电 指向 周一,04 Feb 2019 15:03:09 GMT 侥幸
FME ingore the multipart polygones https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I work with WFS reader with polygons and multipart polygons.所以,FME ingore the multipart polygones.There is no any error message,but it imports only simply polygons.I don't understand why.Is there any parameter of the WFS reader to change?


读者 错误 多边形 多部分 FRI,25 Jan 2019 15:42:23 GMT
Using multiple polygons in shapefile to find intersections https://knowledge.亚搏在线
The goal of this workspace is to go through multiple shapefiles and update a field for each polygon in a shapefile.The field will be compiled of the sum of an attribute from another shapefile that intersects with a single polygon in the shapefile.

前任。I have a 15 minute drive time polygon from a single point (a single polygon in a shapefile of many polygons).I want to see how many block groups intersect/are within the drive time.I then want to sum or average a field within the block groups and then add this new number as a field to the drive time shapefile.Then it will move onto the next polygon,maybe a 30 minute drive time,and do the same.

I have been attempting to use the Spatial Filter but I am unsure if this creates intersections for each polygon or if it is assessing if the candidate needs to intersect with all polygons read from the shapefile.

I am open to using arcpy as well to help solve this problem.Overall I think I am asking if looping through each polygon in a shapefile is possible and then updating by row.

Shape文件 多边形 空间滤波器 交叉 FRI,18 Jan 2019 20:18:48 GMT 拉贾德
Sort polygon features by location [NW-ES] and/or spatial relationship with same featureType https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Backgroud: I created a workspace that uses ArcMap's "strip map" tool for data driven pages--the tool creates fixed-sized polygons along a line feature to be used as an index layer to produce multiple output pages [PDF].I found the tool to be extremely helpful for creating the polygon,but had its flaws when attributing fields.


1)在ArcMaP中,select by attribute for targeted section on line feature.

1.2) run strip map index feature and save output to GDB.

2) both line feature and strip map output are moved to FME workspace to further attribute,but also to push pythonscript,.MXD文档,and output folder to share drive.

QUESTION: Is there a transformer(s) that could sort features by its physical location and relative location to other features?

Each polygon can be thought as a window to print individual pdf documents.Each feature has four attribute fields for PDF's match-line (top,bottom,left,right) used to inform client which sheet 'goes where'.Its troublesome for the client when ArcMap processes a lengthy line segment and begins to number each sheet with page numbers that are fairly random,with respect to its bordering feature and its geographic location.

This is my first question and happy to add any additional information that is needed to help my speedbump.

QUESTION: Is there a transformer(s) that could sort features by its physical location and relative location to other features?

多边形 数据互操作 spatial transformation 弧图 spatial relationship FRI,18 Jan 2019 15:05:40 GMT 林奇3AR
convert ESRI shp polygon to INSPIRE gml https://knowledge.亚搏在线

.The data contains englands ceremonies as polygons.After converting the shp according to this demohttps://knowledge.亚搏在线 a few polygons get the geometry attributes.

fme_geometry (string) fme_aggregate

fme_type (string) fme_area

xml_type (string) xml_area

Most of the polygons get these kind of geometry attributes

fme_geometry (string) fme_undefined

fme_type (string) fme_no_geom

xml_type (string) xml_no_geom


This is my project.




GML 多边形 激励 esri shape file attributes FRI,18 Jan 2019 15:05:04 GMT 用户789566
Polygon shapefile - minimum width https://knowledge.亚搏在线

你好,I have a shapefile that contains polygons and we would like to find the minimum width of each of the polygons.Any help would be greatly appreciated.谢谢您。

Shape文件 多边形 宽度 结婚,09 Jan 2019 15:05:58 GMT 库扎
剪辑多边形 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

你好。I have a shapefile of Dissolved points and another shapefile of a polygon.Now I want to clip the polygon overlapping on the point file.Please note that the whole polygon area does not cover all the dissolved points.

多边形 清华大学,20 Dec 2018 10:52:00 GMT 穆克塔尔格
Point to Polygon https://knowledge.亚搏在线

你好。I have a multipoint shape file of Dissolved points on the basis of locality.I want these points to be enveloped with the polygon on the basis of the locality.

多边形 结婚,19 Dec 2018 08:58:48 GMT 穆克塔尔格
ArcGIS Online writer overwiting polygons https://knowledge.亚搏在线


So I've come across a weird issue.When ever I try to overwrite polygons on ArcGIS online using the ArcGIS Online Writer with the truncate option set to Yes I get a weird error saying something like

ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Could not connect to server.Check that you are connected to the internet and that no firewall is blocking outbound connections.The error was 'HTTPSConnectionPool(host='',port=443): Max retries exceeded with url:


(Caused by ProtocolError('Connection aborted.',误差(10053)'An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine')))'
A fatal error has occurred.Check the logfile above for details

Points go in fine.Polygons go in fine the first time (Where the Feature Layer and the Feature Service don't creates them and sends in the data perfectly).But as soon as I have existing polygonal information in there it crashes with that error message.I've already tried to reduce the number of features...from the default 1000,to 500 to 100 to even luck.

ArcGIS在线 多边形 作家 更新数据 截断 FRI,30 Nov 2018 15:31:17 GMT 道克斯85
Move or anchored snapping polygons to a point by ID https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have 2 AGOL layers a polygon layer and a point layer were i need to snap the polygons to the points based on a unique asset ID.The points are in the right location and i have 4000 of the polygons grouped over 1 of the points but need them to move to their corresponding point.

多边形 锚固器 清华大学,29 Nov 2018 15:20:14 GMT CJGIS