Questions in topic: "read" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "read" Extraer geometrías de las anotaciones de un PDF https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Para agilizar trabajos,con base cartográfica,sí se tienen que dibujar áreas sobre una cartografía existente.Usando las anotaciones del PDF,se podrían exportar también al igual que el resto de información.

pdf read exporting Mon,04 Mar 2019 22:00:03 GMT ftl
How do I read a .log file from a directory and transform it into an excel file? https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Hello FMErs,

I am wanting to read a .log file from a specific directory,run it pass a tester on a specific attribute and then output the result in excel file format.I plan to place this on the server for self serve.

example file attached.I had to change the file extension to .txt due to attach rules.


thanks in advance.

excel log read reading separated by pipe Fri,05 Oct 2018 01:39:47 GMT fbastian73
Parse CSV data stored in database table https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi FME'er,

I have CSV data that is stored in a table in Oracle.The data is created using a stored procedure and is stored in a single field with one row per line.I would like to read and parse this data as a CSV file into FME for further processing.I figured I would start by aggregating the field (attribute) into a single row but don't know where to go from there.I can't use the AttributeSplitter because it uses " qualifiers around data that has commas.

Many Thanks,


database csv read parse Fri,14 Sep 2018 13:45:09 GMT djmcdermott
Read from Mongo,transform geometry and write back to Mongo doesn't give expected output. https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I am having problems with Mongo reader/writer.First I read from Mongo,it works fine and I add several transformers (Clipper,spatialFilter - comparing with other datasets) and then I want to write back to mongo.When I check the output from the Data Inspector,it seems to be fine,geometry is the way I expected and the result looks good.But the Mongo Writer gives back the original geometry.

in writer settings,I put "Document Source":JSON Attribute -> mongodb_json


writers mongodb read Wed,29 Aug 2018 14:33:14 GMT johannafalkenst
Read or filter values based on attribute from another source https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I'm reading a bunch of data from a log database,transforming it and storing it somewhere else.I leave the unique ID attribute of the log message alone.

So I want to make it so my workbench only reads the logging rows I haven't processed yet.The ID numbers are ascending so my idea was to check the destination database using SQL to get the highest ID stored in there,and only read/filter from the source based on that.

Now: How do I do this?I can get the current highest ID processing using the SQLCreator,but how do i read/filter based on that?


values read merge filter Wed,02 May 2018 06:35:48 GMT mvdorst
Is there a way to read or write to an MP3 (Music) or MP4 (Video) file's ID Tags? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Is there a way to read or write to an MP3 (Music) or MP4 (Video) file's ID(3) Tags?There is plenty of software out there that allows for the editing of a variety of ID(3) tags in music or video files of the MPEG variety,however it might be useful for a Reader to enable those music / video files that identify their origins to be located from their tags onto a map.

Anyone wanting to create a catalogue of their music or video would find the reading of the built-in data tags in their music / video files useful too.

....just a thought.

files read reading id3 wr Mon,19 Mar 2018 15:01:08 GMT uk_martin
Apply "Max Feature to Read Per Feature Type" to all features listed in Feature Types to Read. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Max Feature Types to Read applies to the feature types on the workbench canvas.So if you use Merge Feature Type (and only have one feature type on the canvas) then that will count as only one feature type.Say you set Max Feature Types to read to 2.If you use Merge Feature Type,only two features are read instead of two features per feature listed in the Feature Types to read parameter.

Max Feature Types to Read should also be applied when Merge Feature Type Filter is used along with the Feature Types to Read.

workbench feature types read Tue,06 Feb 2018 17:00:51 GMT fmelizard
Ability to read Trimble .job files https://knowledge.亚搏在线

readers read trimble survey .jxl Mon,16 Oct 2017 22:50:16 GMT tjandegian
I noticed that the PATH (Directory and File Pathnames) reader doesn't read my hidden files on Windows.Is there anything I can do? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

directory and file pathnames file path read pathreader Tue,13 Jun 2017 23:46:57 GMT fmelizard
Reading TAR.GZ (full of texts/ XML / XBRL) - please provide fme_basename https://knowledge.亚搏在线

TAR.GZ (full of texts/ XML / XBRL):

Using a CSV reader,no attributes are available to tell me which file eachline was read from (e.g.fme_dataset,fme_basename,fme_featuretype,etc.are not coming out useful).

I have over 7k of these tar.gz files (nearly 1.5TB) andwould prefer not to unzip them (blows up to ~9TB) just to be able to wildcardthe reader appropriately / know which file each line is coming from.

readers fme desktop zip files files csv2 read csv file parameters archiving Mon,29 May 2017 17:06:48 GMT setld_solutions
Is it possible to load data into ArcSDE in Spatial Index order? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi Peoples,

Is it possible to use FME to export data in Spatial Index Order.This would be similar to the command line tool that esri had in the past,但不再提供。

In trials I have done in the past,if the data can be read in spatial index order,then piped back to the write in spatial index order - the performance can be increased in ArcSDE by about 30%.

Why you may ask?

The result is similar to Morten Sequencing,where the data that is spatial close in the real world is then physically close on disk.This means fewer read/write access,fewer blocks of memory to manage and thus vastly improved performance.I have talked with Cary Millsap (author of Optimizing Oracle Performance) about this very matter.Turns out this is one way Oracle users have used in the past to optimize performance as well with non spatial data - for example if your process access data in alphabetical order,then if you store your data in alphabetical order you get performance improvement.



performance arcsde write read spatial index Wed,01 Mar 2017 23:44:40 GMT markchilcott
Error &-character when reading kml-file https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello all,

Last year i posted a question here onreading a descripton of a kml-file.This is a new question with the same background: reading a kml-file that contains data from an app (BuitenBeter) that people can use to inform the city about all kinds of things in public space.

Some of these kml-files,like the one attached,have a &-character in the kml-description that results in an error: XML Parser error: 'Error in input dataset:'file...MOR 020816-140816.kml' line:1 column:58047 message:expected entity name for reference'.The script continues with the next file,but this file is now only partially read.I get the same (kind of) error when using the XML and KML reader and using FME versions 2014 en 2016.The error refers to a &-character that can be found in some descriptions.Till now i replaced this &-character manually,but now i'm working on a automatic script for which it is important to get a 'real' solution to this problem.

So,does anyone know how to read kml-files,with an &-character in the description,without errors?.As i got some useful remarks last year,i hope someone is able to help me with this one.Thanks in advance.


Antoon van Ham

City of Eindhoven,Netherlands

error KML read Mon,13 Feb 2017 09:04:56 GMT avanham