Questions in topic: "canvas" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "canvas" Automatically nudge transformers when inserting new ones https://knowledge.亚搏在线

When dropping transformers into exiting 亚搏在线workflows,automatically have FME move the rest along.Similar to the way Blender nodes work,like this

workbench canvas Mon,18 Mar 2019 20:34:49 GMT owen
Rotate transformers through 90 degrees. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Suggestion: on a busy canvas,being able to rotate a transformer through 90 degrees i.e.from horizontal to vertical might make for a more ergonomic workspace.

transformers canvas Wed,23 Jan 2019 11:14:29 GMT paulc1
Auto size to title transformer https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi,is it an idea to create an FME Option that enables that transformers are auto-adjusted to the length of the name of the transformers?If one has a large title,one gets a stretched transformer and if it is a short one,the transformer is kept compact.

transformers canvas Mon,07 Jan 2019 15:32:50 GMT helmoet
Lock / Unlock for Connections https://knowledge.亚搏在线

While editing a complex workspace,sometimes happens to disconnect unintentionally a connection with a slightly rough mouse operation.It would be nice if the user can switch lock (uneditable) / unlock (editable) a connection,in order to prevent unintentional disconnection of important connections.

workbench connections canvas links Wed,22 Aug 2018 09:01:33 GMT takashi
Summary of whats selected in workbench https://knowledge.亚搏在线

it would be nice to get a hint of whats selected on the canvas in workbench.Sometimes it is hard to figure out whats selected in a big workspace if you want to delete some connections and transformers.

-use the satus bar of the workbench?

-add a chapter in the navigator?

-pop-up with a summary of current selection?

(the next step would be to be able to right-click on a selected category and e.g delete them)

workbench canvas selection usability easy Wed,13 Jun 2018 10:56:41 GMT hsamor
Allow further zoom out in Workbench - My workspace is too big! https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a number or workspaces that have become too big to see in full when I zoom all the way out.

Now,I know what you're going to say: "Surely that goes against best practice!" or "Get a bigger monitor!" or even "Can't you now just use collapsible bookmarks!"

Well I just think that this would be a nice to have.我的骄傲我的工作流程是多大。亚搏在线I've documented it well and it's laid out in a way that makes sense to me.What are your thoughts on this?

workbench zoom canvas Tue,03 Apr 2018 21:01:26 GMT fmelizard
Add ability to place images on canvas https://knowledge.亚搏在线

In certain cases,it would be useful if I could add an image,like a screenshot,to the canvas.

This would be mainly for the purpose of documenting a 亚搏在线workflow using images or graphics that I create outside of FME.

Does anyone else think this would be useful?

workspace canvas Thu,30 Nov 2017 23:16:47 GMT dmatranga
Box selection - Ability to select everything within a box when dragging left,and select everything that touches the box when dragging right https://knowledge.亚搏在线

The user drags the cursor on the Workbench canvas,which results in a box.The box only selects what isInside.

Ability to select everythingwithina box when dragging left,and select everything thattouchesthe box when dragging right.

workspace canvas selection box Tue,12 Sep 2017 17:06:36 GMT yvesstjulien
Add "Insert Junction" command to Workbench Canvas Right-Click Menu https://knowledge.亚搏在线

It would allow the user to insert a Junction anywhere more quickly.

canvas junction menu Tue,12 Sep 2017 00:07:05 GMT takashi
Startup/Shutdown scripts on the canvas https://knowledge.亚搏在线

When encountering a workspace with a startup script,it is somewhat hidden and you might not notice.It would be cool if these scripts had their own canvas representation.Maybe in some different color or design to not confuse them with actual transformers.So they can be seen,placed and access from the canvas.

canvas Mon,11 Sep 2017 10:10:54 GMT giskis
Canvas cleaner https://knowledge.亚搏在线

It would be cool to have a "canvas cleaner" in the toolbar where when clicked remove all your inspector,logger & unconnected transformer.

Also you could add parameters in order to let the user choose default options such as : keep logger

inspector canvas logger cleanup clean Fri,26 May 2017 15:55:12 GMT mbv
Typing a transformer name on canvas should search transformers using contains - rather than begins with. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

The workspace behaviour when searching for a transfomer on the canvas should change.When searching for AttributeManager,I have to type 'AttributeM' before it finds the transformer.Typing the whole word Attribute is cumbersome.It should be able to find the AttributeManager when someone searches for 'AttMan' or 'Manager'.This would speed up the search when there are many transfomers starting with the same word.

transformers canvas searching behaviour Thu,25 May 2017 16:10:05 GMT will_mm
Collapsible / Pinable Windows https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Put a pin icon on the helper windows (view > windows) in FME Desktop.When pinned the window stays open (as it is the behaviour now all windows are pinned);when not pinned the window auto hides if you have not moused over it for say 5-10 seconds (configurable in settings?).The window hides to a narrow side bar,when you mouse over / click the sidebar,it opens back out.


gui canvas view Sat,06 May 2017 16:19:43 GMT iangilmour
Add raster as background image in workbench https://knowledge.亚搏在线

add possibility to add a raster image as a background item on the canvas,same way as a bookmark or transformer

canvas Wed,08 Feb 2017 18:31:49 GMT sigtill