Questions in topic: "ms sql" The latest questions for the topic "ms sql" HTTPCaller (PDF) write to MS SQL database

Is it possible to download a PDF file and then write that data to an MS SQL table?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I am able to download, using the below. However I am not able to write to SQL as VARBINARY(MAX).

Almost there....

httpcaller sqlexecutor MSSQL. ms sql Tue, 29 Jan 2019 06:44:51 GMT 01011010
Can I use a Azure SQL Database (PaaS) as FME Server system database?

Can I use a Azure SQL Database (PaaS) as FME Server system database similar to how I use a on-premise Microsoft SQL Server Database?

database fmeserver MSSQL. azure ms sql Fri, 21 Dec 2018 23:24:36 GMT fmelizard
Migrate FME Scripts from PostgreSQL to MS SQL Server


I have to migrate a bunch of FME scripts from PostgreSQL/PostGIS to MS SQL Server for every Reader and Writer. The straightforward way would be to just replace any Reader and Writer with its MS SQL Server version, and to modify any SQLCreators and SQLExecutors. Many days of work... Is there a more efficient way to handle this?

Regards, Tobias

database postgis postgres. fme workbench ms sql Mon,03 Sep 2018 00:42:59 GMT tobibruehlmeier
Creating Unix/Linux JDBC connection string to MS SQL Server using MS AD Credentials < p >我试图建立一个连接到一个女士QL Server through FME Workbench installed on a Unix and/or Linux box - that uses Microsoft AD credentials.

I have downloaded and placed the lastest MS SQL Server JDBC from

And I placed the driver v10 jar in the /User/<user>/Library/Application Supper/FME/Plugins/Java directory. As suggested in the "Getting Started with JDBC" article.

When I create a new Database Connection within FME Workbench using the JDBC driver. But when I click "Test" I keep getting an error either that my user login did not authenticate or that is could not pull back the database schema. Not sure if I have setup everything right for FME Workbench to use the MS JDBC driver correctly. I also see a sqljdbc_auth.dll file inside of the MS SQL JDBC driver download. Not sure if I am supposed to place this some place too.

The below is what my DB connection inside of FME Workbench looks like -

JDBC Connection String: jdbc:sqlserver://<host>;databaseName=<database>; Username: <windows domain>/<username> Password: <password> Java Driver Class: [blank] 
ms sql credentials Thu, 02 Aug 2018 22:26:40 GMT rsmith
Reader Max Features to Read Per Feature Type not working https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have tried multiple combinations, but it seems the "Max Features to Read Per Feature Type" value is being ignored. I have 14 Feature Classes selected in my "FEATURE_TYPES" Published Parameter, so hence, if I set the value to 2, it should read 28 records but unfortunately it seems to only read 2 records from a random Feature Class.

I am using v2016.1.0.1

Refer @mhab's comments in this idea post:

readers feature types ms sql maximum value Tue, 06 Feb 2018 06:16:22 GMT peterx
Want To Connect ArcGis 10.5 Sde Mssql Database from Client Machine

Want To Connect ArcGis 10.5 Sde Mssql Database from Client Machine . It is Mandatory ArcGIS 10.5 at Client ? at client side 10.2 is already install .

ms sql arcgis 10.5 Mon, 05 Feb 2018 16:33:21 GMT rajibtechlabs
compare table data cross database https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am very new to use this tool and thought some of expert from this forum might help me

I have oracle11 database and migrated to MS SQL server 2014

I would like to compare data between oracle11->database1->table1 with mssqlserver2014->database1->table1

I would like to compare data between each table with cross databases

Please, let me know steps to do this

database oracle compare ms sql database operations Fri, 11 Aug 2017 15:03:24 GMT click4vk
FME Server to support MS SQL 2016 as the FME Server Database

sql server server fme server database ms sql 星期二,2017年4月25日20:39:07 GMT fmelizard
How to Convert from SQL Server to MongoDB with Embedded Attributes


Sorry but I could not find an Answer on this Topic. (Generally the Tuts from safe are Kind minimalistic)

To my Question how can I convert from Sql Server to MongoDB with Embedded Attributes.

In SQL I got this 3 Tables

Table Parts// Cardinality to Prices (1:n) and Archive (1:n)


Table Prices


Table Archive


The Simple 1 to 1 Convert is working

The 3 Tables are Identically in my MongoDB as 3 Collections.

But I want to have 1 Collection ( 3 in 1 as "BestPractice of MongoDB")

But I cant find a Transformer for this or other Functions?

How can I achieve something like this

{//Parts as Primary _id : 14011, isATPart : 0, SuppID : ["BMW","MINI"] ... priceByCountry:[{ Prices countryStr: "DE", CurrStr: "EUR", .... archiv:[{//Prices_Archiv price : 2,50€, date : 31.02.17, ListId: 1234 }, { price : 2,50€, date : 31.01.17, ListId: 1233 }] },{..AT..} ] }


I accept as well answers as how this can be solved/converted from MongoDB to MongoDB because Ive got allready the 3 Tables in MongoDB now and need only to "merge" them

Thx all for Help

MongoDB. convert ms sql nosql mongo Tue, 11 Apr 2017 14:57:29 GMT atodicebear.
Connection issues to MS SQL


pued tarm用所有这些步骤修复它,没有运气。

更新:关于工作区,这些空间是从fme server 2015.1.3.1 - build 15573 - win64到fme server 2016.1.2.1 - Build 16674 - Win64

 2017-01-24 20:12:10 |0.1 |0.0 |通知| FME配置:使用“XXX”的命名连接值MSSQL_ADO_1 2017-01-24 20:12:10 |0.1 |0.0 |通知|创建读者格式:Microsoft SQL Server非空间2017-01-24 20:12:10 |0.1 |0.0 |通知|为读者找到一个名为“MSSQL_ADO”2017-01-24 20:12:10 |的读者动态插件0.1 | 0.0|INFORM|FME API version of module 'MSSQL_ADO' matches current internal version (3.8 20160224) 2017-01-24 20:12:10| 0.1| 0.0|INFORM|Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Read 2 DEF line(s). Found 9 attribute(s) 2017-01-24 20:12:10| 0.1| 0.0|INFORM|Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Opening `XXX' for read operation 2017-01-24 20:12:10| 0.1| 0.0|INFORM|Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Trying to connect using SQL Server 2012 Native Client... 2017-01-24 20:12:25| 0.1| 0.0|ERROR |Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Failed to connect using SQL Server 2012 Native Client. Provider error '(-2146824582) Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.'. Connection string 'Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;Data Source=XXX;Initial Catalog=XXX;User ID=XXX;Password=********' 2017-01-24 20:12:25| 0.1| 0.0|INFORM|Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Trying to connect using SQL Server 2008 Native Client... 2017-01-24 20:12:25| 0.1| 0.0|ERROR |Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Failed to connect using SQL Server 2008 Native Client. Provider error '(-2147467259) Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [5]. '. Connection string 'Provider=SQLNCLI10;DataTypeCompatibility=80;Data Source=XXX;Initial Catalog=XXX;User ID=XXX;Password=********' 2017-01-24 20:12:25| 0.1| 0.0|ERROR |Failed to open reader

And these

2017-01-24 20:11:55| 16.9| 0.8|ERROR |Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Query failed, possibly due to a malformed statement. Query Text `select count(*) as _numodptot from dbo.XXX where XXX= XXX'. Provider error `(-2147467259) Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [5]. ' 

It happens randomly, on different workspaces, we have a group of 10 workspaces running every 1-5-10 minutes)

It seems some connection,issue - however this does not exist on the staging server (same FME Server version etc). During the upgrade we replaced the Embedded database parameters with Database Connections to simplify things, not sure if that is messing up stuff. Also the SQLExecutors, Joiners, Readers connecting to the MSSQL was created with FME2015 in the beginning and havent been deleted/recreated. The Joiners have been Upgraded to the latest version. Nor sure if there is some changes with the MS SQL Reader / Writer / Joiner that has changed how to connect to MSSQL and that might be an issue? Seems to work fine on FME Desktop 2016 with no issues.

Any help or suggestions appreciated!

database microsoft ms sql database co Tue, 24 Jan 2017 19:22:19 GMT sigtill