Questions in topic: "views" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "views" Data Inspector - add choice of how to open data https://knowledge.亚搏在线

When inspecting a dataset from workbench,add a choice of open data "into View 3".

Also,add chioce of merging Views withing the Data Inspector.

It would be helpful to view and compare datasets in the same map.Or even compare the 'same' data at different stages of the process.

(I know you can do some of this today,by connecting the interesting points to one Inspector each on the canvas,or even add dataset from a temporary ffs-file and find the right featuretype in there,but I find this somewhat anoying.)

data inspector inspector usability views Tue,19 Feb 2019 12:33:36 GMT hsamor
Rename views in data inspector https://knowledge.亚搏在线

It would be great if it would be possible to give views in the data inspector a name.So I could rename view 1 to "other name".

The reason for this is when I am testing I have often have multiple views open.Some of these views I want to keep open the whole time I am working on a workbench.When I could rename the view it gives a better overview.

data inspector rename views Wed,04 Jul 2018 14:53:20 GMT stefanh
Multiple views in FME Desktop https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi FME 亚搏国际在线官网community,I propose to have multiple views in FME Desktop to represent the different views for the same script.这些视图选项卡视图或dock-able。This will help working with very complex and dense scripts where referring to different areas in the script is essential and managing through bookmarks can become cumbersome.There could be limit on number of views.This could be similar to what Microstation has.I think this will really help!Thanks.

views Tue,19 Sep 2017 09:22:58 GMT VIJAYS
Is there a way to distinguish feature types whether they are real tables or views? https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I need to reproject feature coordinates (with ReframeReprojector) coming from an Oracle Spatial Object reader and therefore want to exclude feature types that are views from being reprojected.


oracle views Wed,21 Dec 2016 16:13:48 GMT pramisters