Questions in topic: "fmeserver" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "fmeserver" Intro message for server maintenance https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi there,

we want to update our FME Server 2016.1 to 2018.1 in the next few weeks.由于这个原因,the server might be down for a couple of days.Is there a way of informing the users who are logged in to the server?

I'm imaging a message of the kind "Due to maintenance work,the server will be down from X to Y"

Many thanks in advance and kind regards


fmeserver Wed,06 Mar 2019 08:21:11 GMT thomask
FMEserver - no engines are available (fme_engine.parlic file problem)? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I've just installed FMEserver on some remote machine (VPS),but no engines are available.

The engine log file stands that:

"FME Engine couldn't initialize because a required file fme_engine.parlic couldn't be read or located"

whereas every trhree parlic files are located in the right places (

/opt/fmeserver/Server/fme/parlic/fme_engine.parlic,/opt/fme-engine-2018/parlic/fme_engine.parlic ).

我使用Ubuntu 16.04。

Any idea how to solve the problem?

fmeserver engines Fri,01 Mar 2019 00:07:56 GMT przegee
FME Server 2019 automations https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Currently looking at the FME Server 2019 beta (build 19213) automations,which so much easier to understand from a publisher aspect,compared to "Notifications".However,I noticed that when you choose "triggers" or "external actions" such as sending an email,you need to fill out all the configuration details each time?There is a copy-paste option in a single automation,but that doesn't seem to work between automations.

Maybe that could also look differently,allowing users to have private/public actions and triggers ( connections in FME Desktop)

Also,if a one configuration is used multiple times (and all these get different id in the current setup based on the json responses I am seeing),how do you update a single email (or any other trigger or action) configuration in the UI.Yes,you can do via rest api (although it isn't currently documented) but if you don't,someone would have to go through all the automations looking for the thing that they may need to change.

From an FME Server audit aspect,I am going to end up with hundreds of of the same "actions" and "triggers",which is going to make it a bit more difficult than it use to be,so looking at the ways I can get a win in that space.

Interested in thoughts,and will post a few ideas.





fmeserver 2019 automations Wed,27 Feb 2019 21:50:13 GMT todd_davis
new FME Server Parameters --> FME_SECURITY_USER_EMAIL https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Please evaluate to add a variable in fmeserver that contains the useremail from the logged user if present in the useraccount table.Is useful to send mail directly to the user.Thank you.

fmeserver 亚搏在线 email Wed,27 Feb 2019 13:17:38 GMT giosp
Rename Repositories in FME Server https://knowledge.亚搏在线

In FME Server there is currently no way to manage the names of your repositories either through the Web Interface or via the Rest API.It would be nice if there was an option to easily rename repositories rather than having to create a new one and republish workspaces.

fmeserver repository Tue,26 Feb 2019 17:37:43 GMT fmelizard
Custom osm map feature config for FME server https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have a job of transforming osm to imdf with a custom osm map feature config file.When I push this job to FME server,it seems to miss that config file and fail to run the job.How do I solve this problem?Any help?

Thank you very much.

fmeserver osm Tue,26 Feb 2019 15:06:23 GMT cezhang
Change Resource File Permissions via FME Server Web Interface https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm working with FME Server 2018.1.1.1 running on Linux (CentOS 7).

In my observation,if you created or uploaded a resource folder and files to an FME Server via its web interface,the owner of them would become "root" and their permissions would be set to "rwxr-xr-x" (folder) or "rw-r--r--" (files).

It may not cause any problem in most cases,but sometimes a workspace requires to update a resource file,for example updating an SQLite database.In such a case,you will have to change the permissions of the folder and the file via console of the OS or other tool like WinSCP.

It would be more convenient if FME Server web interface would have a function to change the permissions of a resource folder and files.

fmeserver web ui resources Tue,26 Feb 2019 13:07:29 GMT takashi
FME Server email read from fme user https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I use FME Server 2018.I'd like to send the result of a job to the user that submitted the job.I'd like to retrieve the email from the users list inside fme server because there are synchronized with Active Directory.With the FME_SECURITY_USER I've got the user but there aren't others FME_SERVER variables that contains the email.How I can get this information?

Thank you for suggestions.

fmeserver email user Tue,26 Feb 2019 11:46:15 GMT giosp
Renaming Repository - Using Project file https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Is it possible to rename Repositorys by changing the text in the .fsproject file?and then reimport the file.It does not seam to be possible,but would be a great function to implement in future versions of FME.


fmeserver repository rename Tue,26 Feb 2019 10:21:50 GMT northswejohan
connect fmeserver on remote host.What IP,what URL? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I've installed fmeserver on some remote machine (VPS,linux,ubuntu,express installation).Knowing IP of this machine,how can I send remote rest api requests or at least connect it through web interface?Assuming that ip of my machine is I tried to run

`` to launch web interface,getting

`The requested URL /fmeserver was not found on this server.` error.

To send rest api I tried `` getting The requested URL /fmerest/v3/healthcheck was not found on this server.

For installation I've followedhttp://docs.亚搏在线

How to build URLs to connect my fmeserver?What IP should I use?Where I do get wrong?

fmeserver rest api url url api web interface Tue,26 Feb 2019 09:50:50 GMT przegee
Getting Started with Automations https://knowledge.亚搏在线

What is Automations?

Automations is an exciting feature of FME Server 2019+!With Automations,you can quickly and easily create 亚搏在线workflows that run on a schedule or whenever an event happens.Saving time has never been easier,as the Automations interface allows even users unfamiliar with scripting or web integrations to specify what they want done and when,and then monitor that it is indeed happening.

We think you'll enjoy harnessing all the power of Notifications (and then some!) in a simple drag-and-drop interface like the one you know and love from FME Workbench.Author sequential or parallel 亚搏在线workflows to occur in response to a triggering event,or on a schedule.Automations also provides centralized logging and management of all your automated 亚搏在线workflows.

This article provides a brief introduction to the purpose and interface of Automations,with links to Automation examples and tutorials on their creation and management (coming soon!).

What can you create with Automations?

Examples of Automations are included in theAutomating Enterprise 亚搏在线Workflows with FME Serverwebinar recording.As this webinar was created with an FME 2019 beta version,please expect that terminology and user interface may differ in your installation.

Common scenarios for Automations include:

  • Running a workspace on a schedule

  • Running a workspace when new data arrives to a directory

  • Running a workspace in response to an incoming email

  • Uploading/moving data to external storage (Amazon S3,Microsoft Azure Event Grid,Dropbox)

  • Running a number of workspaces in parallel or series (job chaining)

Accessing Automations

Access Automations by logging into the FME Server web interface.If you don't see the Automations menu item (pictured below),check your version of FME Server (it should be 2019.0+,displayed at the very bottom of the web interface) or ask your FME Server Administrator for access to Automations.

Server administrators can download theOfficial Releasehere (FME Server 2019 is expected to be released early April),or check out the latest FME ServerBetafor bleeding-edge functionality!

The Automations menu has links to Build Automations or Manage the ones you've already created.

FME Server Menu incl.Automations

How to build an Automation?

Your Automations can consist of the following components:

Triggers.A Trigger listens for and receives messages from an external client or from within FME Server.Every automation begins with a Trigger.

Actions.Process messages from a trigger with an FME workspace or other tool hosted on the Server.

External Actions.Sends a message to an external client or another process in FME Server.What happens afterward is no longer part of this Automation.

For a full description of triggers and actions available,please visitthe Automations documentation.

Assemble and configure your Automation

When you create a new Automation,you'll begin in Guided Mode,which prompts you to add your next Action:

The red exclamation mark is visible on Triggers and Actions that have not yet been configured.Double-click theTrigger node to configure it.

First,you will need to choose what type of event will trigger your Automation 亚搏在线workflow.Once you've chosen a Trigger from the drop-down,configuration parameters will appear.

Once you have configured your Trigger,double click the silhouetted Next Action that is connected to the Trigger.

This will allow you to specify what should happen once the Automation is triggered.Picking from the Actions list will continue the Automation with options on success or failure;the External Actions list will send output to another process,ending that branch of your Automation.

Above:generic Automation Action options.With a fully configured trigger upstream,options for both Actions and External Actions will be available.

You may also add nodes to your Automation by clicking and dragging their icons from thetoolbar in the lower left out onto the canvas.If you find you prefer to add nodes manually rather than through the visual prompts,select "Disable Guided Mode" in the Automations menu.

Actions have two output ports: one for success and one for failure.You can set different destinations for each output port,so that,for example,a successful action triggers another workspace to run and a failure emails some responsible party for troubleshooting.External Actions have no output ports,because they notify processes outside the current 亚搏在线workflow.

Below:generic 亚搏在线workflow to send a notification if an Action is not successfully completed,or perform more actions if it is.

Organize and run your Automation

Save and test what you've built through the top left menu,or by clicking thesave icon above the canvas.Each time you save your Automation,you'll be prompted to add or remove descriptive tags,which you can use to filter your growing collection of Automations.

Tools for zooming/panning around the canvas and organizing or annotating your Automation are available through the hamburger menu in the upper right:

Right-click on nodes to add annotation or create bookmarks that separate major components of your 亚搏在线workflow.

Once you have your Automation set up and documented,run it by clicking the "Start Automation" button at the top right.You will be prompted to save any recent changes.While your Automation is running,you may not make any modifications to it.To stop the Automation so that it can be modified or removed,simply click the same button,which now says "Stop Automation".

How to manage Automations?

Once you have saved Automation(s) on your FME Server,click on Automations > Manage in the left side FME Server menu to view a list of your saved Automations.You can check which are currently enabled or see at a glance if there are any errors that may require your attention.At the top of the screen is a filter bar where you can opt to view only those Automations with a specific tag.

Select an Automation,and the Actions button will become available,allowing you to start or stop the Automation,view its log file or triggered jobs,duplicate it to build a similar 亚搏在线workflow,or even remove it.

Troubleshooting Automations

Viewing Triggered Jobs

Under Automations > Manage,in the Actions menu (pictured above),selecting 'View Triggered Jobs' will show a list of all jobs triggered by the Automation you have currently selected.Here you will see the job start and finish time,its current status,and other useful parameters.You may also filter the list of jobs on the Jobs > Completed page to see all jobs with source type "Automations".This will help you keep track of what workspaces are being ran by your Automations.

Log files

Each Automation has one log file (also accessible from the Actions menu) which collects information so you can easily track errors/warnings.Logs can be exported or cleared for easy sharing,archiving,or added clarity.If a log contains any warnings,this will be easily visible from the manage page.When changes are made to an Automation to address warnings or change 亚搏在线workflow,you may want to archive the log and clear it to make it easier to track current issues.

Above:The Manage Automations page.Note the two running Automations,one of which has a single warning."View log file" from the Actions menu would supply further information.

Where to go for more?

fmeserver notification service automate automation automations Fri,22 Feb 2019 22:59:14 GMT keithat亚搏在线safe
I am changing servers and upgrading my FME Server to 2018 but cannot find my serial number to license properly once installed on the new server.where can I find this? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I cannot find what my current license serial number is to input into the upgraded 2018 FME Server license area.the temporary works for 7 days but want to use the license i had for 2015 server on 2018 server,

fmeserver license Wed,20 Feb 2019 13:48:18 GMT zcherve
install FMEServer on remote platform (e.g.AWS) https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am looking for a configuration that would let me use FME from web client.I imagine I can install FMEServer for example on AWS EC2 and control it via REST API.But the fact that I haven't seen any tutorials/documentation about it,makes me thinking my assumptions might be wrong.My questions are:

1.What platform would be best for installing FMEServer remotely (for testing purposes – would a free of charge platform be preferred)?

2.Do you know any tutorials that would guide me through this process?

Thanks in advance

fmeserver remote app Tue,19 Feb 2019 14:53:09 GMT przegee
A callback function must be defined in order to use the FME Server REST API. https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have tried to replicate one demo application from FME Server Playground.I have replaced repository name and workspace name and initialized my FMEServer with my host and token values.As can be seen from the screenshot after modifications,the HTML page opens correctly,and I am receiving works parameters."Choose File" and "Upload Files" buttons do they work but after hitting "Run Works Space With Data" I getting an error.Can you please help me to fix this issue?

fmeserver formats Tue,19 Feb 2019 14:51:38 GMT linasster
Can FME handle and unknown set of attributes? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

To simplify this issue,my short term goal is to build a simple module which checks each attribute from a transformer or reader and returns the percentage of nulls for each attribute (vs the total number of records).

for instance something like:

















or something like that...

Again,to clarify,we DO NOT KNOW the Attribute names nor how many attributes there will be.

Ideally,I would build a Custom Transformer,which accepts an unknown number of attributes and performs this calculation / process.

However,Custom Transformers require that the inputs attributes are static.

From all the research Ive done I cannot figure out any way to make this happen.

I thought about a transformer that takes all attributes and combines them into one then they could be broken apart after but nothing seems to exist.

I am open to any suggestions even as far as using FMEServer,Published parameters,whatever it takes,except ideally avoiding Python since this module would be reusable by others therefore avoiding versioning issues..

This is the first step in many Data Quality Checking Modules I would like to generate so my main goal is to find a way to dynamically accept a unknown set of attributes,perform calculations,and return them in their original state with some extra calculated values.



transformers fmeserver lists custom transformers Wed,13 Feb 2019 15:10:25 GMT david.benoit