Questions in topic: "transformer" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "transformer" Is the FileExistenceChecker able to recognize url-adresses? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I tried the FileExistenceChecker to check fo a online xml-document but it seems that it can not check url adresses (result -> DoesNotExist).It didn't recognize an url-Adress that the xml-Reader is able to read (See attached Test Workspace).Any Idea what the problemTest_FEC.fmwcould be?

transformer url Mon,18 Feb 2019 09:12:57 GMT tschoppenhof
a by pass switch to just disable it but keep the data flowing thru it https://knowledge.亚搏在线

a method to disable but you want to let the data flow to an output (the default output - or choose which output) especially when testing but

- disable stops the data flow -- this would be the same as a disable but allows the data thru with no changes

transformer Fri,07 Dec 2018 19:19:13 GMT mikem
Ability to change transformer,reader and writer logging level https://knowledge.亚搏在线

When having a big workspace running,for the most of the the workspace components I wouldn't need detailed logging,just errors and warnings.But for some transformers,readers or writers I'd need very detailed logging (not just errors but all possible information for debugging).

At the moment there's no separate logging settings for individual components of a workspace.

workbench writers desktop transformer debugging log Tue,20 Nov 2018 18:34:43 GMT geolassi
Transform Aircom Enterprise Map/Data Asset file to ESRI Shapefile creates empty Shapefile https://knowledge.亚搏在线

log-1.txtI'm trying to transform Aircom Enterprise Map/Data Asset file to ESRI Shapefile

I get empty Shapefile

As input I've : index.txt,menu.txt and two binary files: g2 and g3 .

I can open my files in FME data inspector .

I tried to transform Asset files to 2D Shapefile or 2D with measurements,as result both transformations skipped the 2 features : g2 and g3

Please help,log file attached

shapefile transformer transform aircom Sun,09 Sep 2018 16:24:00 GMT t0ren
Point in polygon atributes https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I need to use a transformer so I can have as output the attributes all together,the points that are inside a polygon,which ones I may be using?

transformer Tue,07 Aug 2018 23:25:04 GMT mr_fme
Find nearby points https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have one line that express one bus route and would find the bus station within 375 meters.There is other transformer besides NeighborFinder should I use?

transformer Sun,05 Aug 2018 13:44:09 GMT mr_fme
ListManager- Introduce new transformer to modify lists https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi,it could be interesting working on the element lists like an AttributeManager do with attribute.

Grouping the functionnalities of ListHitogrammer,ListSummer and other list transformers in one could improve fme projects like the AttributeManager do.

Some other ideas on it ?

lists transformer manage Fri,2018年8月3日06:23:35 GMT aurelienchaumet
Transform simple geometry to multiple geometry before postgis integration https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Dear FME 亚搏国际在线官网community.

I've to extract geometries from ORACLE SDO GEOMETRY for insert them into Postgis DataBase.

The geometries in Postgis must be with type 'MULTILINESTRING' but my ORACLE SDO GEOMETRY are in 'LINESTRING'.

I try this solutions :

In postgis : to make a trigger for transform geometries before integration with postgis functionST_Multibut that don't work.

In FME : to useGeometryCoercerbut all geometries are untouched

In FME : to useGeometryRefinerwithout success

In ORACLE : to transform the source geometry but that doesn't works

Any idea ?

transformers geometry desktop transformer 多个几何 Fri,27 Jul 2018 10:05:52 GMT lalandexavier
Git transformer for git clone and git pull https://knowledge.亚搏在线

It would be handy to be able to clone a Git repository using a transformer.I'd be using this to clone a Git repository onto S3,so the contents could be downloaded more easily.Git pull would also be useful.

transformer git Wed,2018年7月18日21:12:16格林尼治时间 ryanat亚搏在线safe
FeatureColorSetter don´t work properly? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I´m using the FeatureColorSetter for create color and fill features,but the output file don´t change.Why?


transformer Wed,18 Jul 2018 18:53:12 GMT mr_fme
Prompt message or dialog box https://knowledge.亚搏在线

There should be a way to have a dialog box appear in the workspace to notify the user about the output of the transformer.There is the logger transformer,but the message supplied only appears in the translation log.It would be helpful if you could run the 亚搏在线workflow and get feedback that could then lead to alternative workflows depending on the output

transformer parameter input Wed,11 Jul 2018 19:00:35 GMT maryrichards364
Repair Geometry https://knowledge.亚搏在线

There is a transformer that does an operation similar to the repair geometry function of arctoolbox (ArcGis)?

transformer Wed,11 Jul 2018 13:27:58 GMT mr_fme
Standardize group transformers https://knowledge.亚搏在线

亚搏在线Safe has been standardizing a lot of transformers in the last few years.Think about the attribute handling,a single RegEx engine,adding Rejected-ports.

What I am missing is a standardization of the group transformers.I would like to see the following elements on all group-transformers (if possible):

- Group By (but that defines the group transformer)

- Suppliers / Base / Clippers / Etc first

- Parallel processing

- Input Is Ordered

transformer group by Parallel Processing standard group transformers Wed,04 Jul 2018 09:58:45 GMT lars_de_vries
Add Rejected Port to StringCaseChanger Transformer https://knowledge.亚搏在线

If the StringCaseChanger parses any values with an incorrect/incompatible character encoding,the translation will fail.It would be helpful if this transformer had a Rejected Port so that I could handle those situations myself rather than having the whole translation fail.

transformer encoding rejected port Tue,03 Jul 2018 16:08:21 GMT rylanat亚搏在线safe
GoogleDriveConnector (list) keeps running forever https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a GoogleDriveConnector connected to my account so that it lists all of the pdfs from a folder.As soon as there are more than 100 files in the folder,GoogleDriveConnector just keeps running forever (it got to 32000 outputs before I stopped it)

With 91 files it works correctly :

After uploading 10 more files the transformer gets to 741 outputs and would keep increasing if not stopped.

Is there a way to fix this issue?I've tested on different files/accounts and nothing seems to help.

transformer google drive connector Wed,13 Jun 2018 14:31:44 GMT jeromedesilets