关于“FME引擎的最佳数量”的评论和回答 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/33133/optimal-number-of-fme-engines.html 关于“FME引擎的最佳数量”问题的最新评论和答案 steveatsafe评论steve亚搏在线atsafe的回答 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/comments/62842/view.html Hi https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/comments/62637/view.html Hi @rudy_v < / >。由于这是一个老问题,而您又有了一个新问题,我一般建议您将您的问题作为一个新问题来提问,以确保它被看到并得到响应。你的问题引起了我的注意,我会尽力找个人来回答。由于< br > 2018年1月25日星期四21:34:28 GMT nataliewlock 答案由rudy_v https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/62306/view.html

我的问题:找不到任何安全网站/文件的参考。亚搏在线bb1 FME服务器64位,每个引擎的内存容量/需要,有多少内核和引擎使用,我的理解引擎= 4Gb和1核,但它使用更多的核心在64位 格林尼治时间2018年1月22日星期一23:27:19 rudy_v 回答,伊 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/33155/view.html < p >确实非常好的问题!但我更喜欢这个答案……(完 2016年9月01日星期四格林尼治时间06:55:00 待会 答案由aaronkoning https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/33143/view.html

什么一个很好的问题,也是我们经常收到!你计划你的系统架构,预算,硬件,等你需要知道究竟需要什么。现实情况是,你的条件将是相当独特的比别人,这使得它很难说。如果我赶,我可能会说 42 ,但更好的答案如下



  • 运行6级的数据处理工作流程(作业)<亚搏在线/ LI>


    1 FME引擎= 1作业中处理

    6个FME引擎= 6个作业处理(同时)




    数FME引擎的 = number of jobs you'd like done in an hour / number of jobs an engine can do in an hour

    Dealing with System Resources

    Let's make this a bit more real world and consider the impact of system resources like memory, processing power, I/O, etc. Imagine that jobs require much more time to process and system resources are limited.

    Assume we know that:

    • A job takes 1 hour to run.
    • We want to run 1 job per hour.
    • The FME Engine uses around 2 GB of memory while the job runs.
    • The machine where the FME Engines are installed has 4GB of memory.

    In this example, there is no problem with system resources as 1 FME Engine will use only 50% of the memory

    Setup: 1 machine with 1 FME Engine

    More Jobs

    Later on we decide:

    • We need to run 2 jobs per hour.

    If a job were to take 50% of the systems resources, then running 2 jobs on 2 FME Engines will take 100% of the system resources. The 2 jobs will run at the same time and finish at the same time.

    Setup: 1 machine with 2 FME Engines

    Beyond Capacity

    Later on we decide:

    • We need to run 6 jobs per hour.

    And we still observe:

    • A job takes 1 hour to run.
    • The FME Engine uses around 2 GB of memory while the job runs.
    • The machine where the FME Engines are installed has 4GB of memory.

    So, for sure we need to attempt to run 6 jobs at the same time, which means 6 FME Engines. However, the existing machine's system resources are fully used by 2 FME Engines.

    What are the options?


    1. Let Jobs Queue

    If 6 jobs are submitted and 2 FME Engines are available, 2 jobs will be started and 4 will be queued for later. You may need to reconsider the number of jobs required per hour based on what you can achieve. Perhaps 6 jobs in 3 hours is okay.

    Setup: 1 machine with 2 FME Engines

    2. Improve the Processing

    The FME Workspace contains readers, writers and transformers that control how the job works. There are definitely more and less efficient ways to create a workspace. Take a look at the log file to determine where the most time is being taken. Search the Knowledge Center for lots of tips and tricks. However, it's likely that you won't get large enough performance gains to eliminate the need for scaling.

    Setup: 1 machine with ? FME Engines

    3. Add FME Engines

    If 2 jobs on 2 FME Engines take all the system resources (memory, CPU, I/O), then running 6 jobs on 6 FME Engines will cause conflicts over system resources. This means that the jobs will run slower. This might be okay if there is no other acceptable option.

    Setup: 1 machine with 6 FME Engines


    1. Upgrade the Machine

    You can upgrade the machines components to provide additional resources (vertical scaling). If the machine has more memory, then those memory intensive jobs will likely run faster too. This is a great option in cloud computing where machine virtual hardware can be upgraded in seconds. FME Cloud offers this functionality.

    Setup: 1 big machine with 6 FME Engines

    2. Use Additional Machines

    You can install FME Engines on multiple machines to provide additional processing capacity (horizontal scaling). To be clear, there is still only one central FME Server Core install.

    Setup: 3 machines with 2 FME Engines per machine.

    格林尼治时间2016年8月31日星期三22:47:34 aaronkoning