Comments and answers for "Collada to glb or gltf" The latest comments and answers for the question "Collada to glb or gltf" Comment by sander on sander's answer

Thanks for excepting my answer, even if it didn't work for you (or did it now?).
Are you sure you entered the correct command for the SystemCaller? It's sometimes a bit a pain to get it right, escaping certain characters and so on... (see documentation).

Anyway, you cannot call this website from FME workbench. It's not an API that would except POST/PUT methods so you can upload something using the HTTPCaller transformer and get a response, but it's made using pure JavaScript (and only allows for models up to 10MB, I noticed in the code).
I guess that's also the best for the Cesium people, else everyone would throw hundreds of files at their conversion service and their site would become unresponsive (or they'd pay a fortune on hosting) ;)

Fri, 01 Jul 2016 16:52:13 GMT sander
Answer by mongioviarchite

@sander_s thank you for the advise, it almost worked but probably the exe has some bugs, so I wonder if it's possible to run the online translator, which never had problems.
I mean the converter you can find at this link: (it works with a simple drag and drop)

Fri, 01 Jul 2016 15:44:53 GMT mongioviarchite
Answer by sander 你会需要使用< p >the SystemCaller transformer for this.

Fri, 01 Jul 2016 11:32:32 GMT sander