Comments and answers for "using the JMS Receiver transformer with the Sorter transformer" The latest comments and answers for the question "using the JMS Receiver transformer with the Sorter transformer" Comment by david_r https://knowledge.亚搏在线 Hi,

you might want to report this to Safe, sounds like a bug to me.

If possible, you could try to split it up into two workspaces, one that reads the JMSR and writes it to a temporary table, then another to process it further (Sorter, etc). You could use the WorkspaceRunner to chain them together.

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:30:24 GMT david_r
Comment by battlezone77 https://knowledge.亚搏在线 Yes I have, it has the same issue, features are going into it and nothing coming out of it. What i think is going on is that it is waiting for all of the features to get there before sorting ( or holding features) to make sure it has all of the data. but with the message streaming the translation doesnt end until the translation is aborted (at least i dont think there is another way to stop it) so it doesnt know that all of the features have been received when the message comes through. im going to try using another workspace with just the JMSR and a sorter to see if i can figure it out. Mon, 29 Jul 2013 12:54:06 GMT battlezone77 Comment by david_r https://knowledge.亚搏在线 Hi,

I have personally never seen this issue, but have you tried to insert a FeatureHolder just before the Sorter?

Mon, 29 Jul 2013 12:47:24 GMT david_r