Answers for "Feature type Fanout on File-based GDB" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Feature type Fanout on File-based GDB" Answer by bo

I used @david_r's suggestion by creating multilpul feature types each with different geometry type.Then I had to pipe the point features into both Multipoint and Point feature types in the FGDB writer and got the complete set.Thanks!


Sun, 19 Jun 2016 14:16:51 GMT bo
Answer by bo

Not quite.Only line and point geometry types were written to the FGDB.The multi-point type was ignored without warning!

In the image below, the workspace reads from a FFS file containing 21 geometries of various geometry types.Only 6 of them gets created in the resulting FGDB using the dynamic writer, viewed from the Inspector.This behavior seems consistent with the "Save Data As..." command in the Inspector.

Sat, 18 Jun 2016 23:01:02 GMT bo
Answer by bo

Thank you @mark2catsafeand @david_r, Dynamic Feature Type worked!I used function @GeometryType() as part of the fanout expression.

Please ignore my point #2, I have no idea what I was talking about now that everything is working.


Fri, 17 Jun 2016 20:59:38 GMT bo
Answer by bo

@mark2catsafeand @david_r, Thanks for the help.I was out of town for a few days and I will follow your suggestions and post my findings shortly.




Fri, 17 Jun 2016 15:17:05 GMT bo
Answer by mark2catsafe


As@david_rsays, the issue is that a single table can't have multiple geometry types.

Another solution to #1 is to use a dynamic workspace.So open the Feature Type properties dialog.Check the box marked Dynamic.The Geometry Field should now let you choose "From Schema Definition", ie the geometry type is automatically set from the original schema.

You can then choose the attribute you want for the Feature Class/Table name.

However (and this is a little complicated) because you are now in Dynamic mode, FME will try to use the value of the attribute to try and define a schema;which is a problem because the new table names don't exist in the source.So - in brief - set Schema Definition Name to "fme_feature_type"

In other words you are telling FME to:

  1. Get the table name from the attribute
  2. Get the schema from the original table name
  3. Get the geometry from the original table schema

Additionally, you will need to add a suffix (or similar change) to the fanout attribute for one of the geometry type;because you can't write two geometries to the same table.

I amattaching a workspacethat demonstrates this.In here I have source data of fire stations.Each station has a point to represent it and a polygon to represent its coverage.I wish to create a new table for each station.I can't quite do that, because I can't put points and polygons in the same table, but I can create Station1-Point, Station1-Polygon, Station2-Point, etc

Hopefully this workspace will help explain better than I do above!

For #2, I have no idea why that should not be possible.Again a screenshot would help.In particular, if you click the box labelled Dynamic, what happens?The feature class setting should automatically change to an attribute.Also, what version of FME are you running?



Tue, 14 Jun 2016 14:37:59 GMT mark2catsafe
Answer by bo

David and Mark,

I ONLY have issues on performing feature type fanout with the FGDB writer.Two issues

1) When I add FGDB writer, it still forces me to pick a geometry type, which excludes the resulting FGDB to have feature types of different geometry types.

2) The attribute field in the Feature Type property is disabled for me to specify fanout parameters.


Mon, 13 Jun 2016 18:13:42 GMT bo
Answer by david_r


Seems like you've done adatasetfanout when you needed afeature typefanout.Have a look in theFME documentation under feature type fanouts, it's pretty well explained there.

More details here.


Mon, 13 Jun 2016 06:49:35 GMT david_r