Questions in topic: "writers" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "writers" Right click or select to Inspect multiple writer FeatureTypes at the same time https://knowledge.亚搏在线

When you've run a Workspace with multiple Writers with multiple FeatureTypes,it would be great if you could window select all the FeatureTypes you want to inspect and then either right-click to Inspect or activate the FeatureTypes toolbar popup to be relevant to all FeatureTypes that have been selected.

writers inspector Tue,2019年3月19日10:12:26格林尼治时间 1spatialdave
PowerPoint Writer Format Attributes https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Finding that the Format Attributes documentedhereare not the same as the ones that are showing up when I use the Microsoft PowerPoint writer within a FeatureWriter transformer (see screenshot below and look for the pptx_title_text parameter):

writers featurewriter format attributes 演示文稿 Mon,18 Mar 2019 18:03:58 GMT dmatranga
Could not Find a Layer/Table matching Feature type "name" https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have created the Stop Sign Writer and the Height Restriction Writer and the RR Crossing Writer and then when I go to Insert the writer in the Workbench it requires a layer name that it already assigns or puts in there (we are free to change this to whatever we want as per FME Software Help)

Everything runs beautifully ......right up to the very last instance of Global Variables Final State Summary

When it runs …….it fails at the Writer because it cannot find that layer (I have used every conceivable Layer Name on this earth and it fails no matter what is used)

ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Could not find a layer/table matching feature type 'Stop'

I am INSERTING and TRUNCATING on the writer to overwrite all and replace the FS with what I am writing out from the FME process

No matter what I do it fails at the Layer Name

Can you help me understand why it is failing there as I have searched everywhere in FME for this answer to a simple fail point and cannot find anywhere what I am doing wrong to make it fail at the writer ?

Do you think that I have to configure this to use a FME Server for it to work?I have it set to the DOT AGOL Server

I can create Shape files without a hitch ....all day long

But the whole purpose of using FME is to create changes to existing FS's without having to manually overwrite existing shapefiles and then loading them manually to overwrite existing FS's

writers layernames Mon,04 Mar 2019 15:05:49 GMT bettsgeospatial
Writer gets out of memory exception https://knowledge.亚搏在线


In some cases I get out of memory exception when using writers.The reason is that FME needs to get all results for example from postgis into memory and then save it (for example in GML or DWG format).

When there is a lot of data then problem appears.

One soluton for that would be to use paging.

First execute count() query to check how many records are we expecting and then for each part run workspacerunner with some limit and offset parameters.

That works nice but:

In my case I need to first take a polygon by which I will do filtering and then take all rows from another table that intersects with this polygon.

Using FME Reader with intersects in works quite well but when I want to execute that query on my postgres DB then it takes forever even though I have geo indexes set on both tables :/

Do you have any experiences with such a problem?

writers postgis memory consumption memory issues Wed,27 Feb 2019 14:23:36 GMT witos
Writing a GBD relationship class https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi FME Experts,

I am trying to write a Geodatabase relationship class between feature class and stand-alone table but it could not be created,it gives me a below error :


Unable to create table/feature class/relationship class of type 'geodb_invalid'.Creation of this type is not currently supported by FME,and must be done through Esri tools

GeodatabaseRelationshipFeaturesPipeline::GeodatabaseRelationshipFeatures(SortFactory): A fatal error has occurred.Check the logfile above for details

A fatal error has occurred.Check the logfile above for details

Some error has occurred closing the pipeline factory,see previous warning

Transaction #1 rolled back.Rerun translation specifying transaction #0 for the keyword 'TRANSACTION'

Some error has occurred closing the pipeline factory,see previous warning

A fatal error has occurred.Check the logfile above for details"

Note :

I have followed the steps and recommendation points in the articlehttps://knowledge.亚搏在线

writers feature types file geodatabase relationship class sde feature class Sat,23 Feb 2019 18:08:29 GMT gisuser
Bentley OpenRoads https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Support readers/writers for Bentley's Open Roads,as many transportation agencies are using them.

readers writers readers writers Tue,12 Feb 2019 21:32:06 GMT runneals
Writing Vector Data for Use with OpenCV https://knowledge.亚搏在线

What format can I write to using FME so that my vector data can be read/processed with OpenCV?

I'm in the early stages of an image segmentation project to identify impervious cover data from aerial imagery but we're having some early issues getting my vector impervious cover data into a format that my computer science counterpart can use in OpenCV.

It seems like XML or GeoJSON would work,but I don't have any experience with OpenCV.Any ideas?

writers formats Tue,08 Jan 2019 21:08:56 GMT carmijo
Having problems with the first row of data written using excel writer https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi folks,I've had a look through the knowledge base and tried to find another reference to this,but cannot find the same problem.

I have a workbench that pulls data from a couple of our postgres databases,checks it against data in an excel workbook,and,where required,appends new rows to the bottom of the excel worksheet.

I'm using the excel writer in insert mode,and using overwrite set to no,having identified the location to start writing by checking the existing data and using an attribute called rownum with a counter to give the row number attribute for the rows to be written to.As this is an existing data sheet the header rows already exist,so the output field names is set to 'No'

The existing excel workbook being written to contains a large amount of formatting and conditional formatting,so I have left this as existing rather than trying to apply any formatting via the excel writer or the excel styler transformer.Almost everything works fine,apart from the first row posted each time,where the formatting for the cells does not appear correctly.

I've tried everything I can think of,so if anyone could provide any suggestions I would be extremely grateful.

excel writers writing to excel writer error Thu,20 Dec 2018 14:36:16 GMT stevekj
Does FME support ZIP64? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Just a confirmation on FME specifications.

Does FME support "ZIP64" (allowing to create larger than 4GB archive) on every 64-bit platform - Windows,Linux and MacOS - for writing features into a destination archive?

writers zip Thu,29 Nov 2018 11:16:49 GMT takashi
Manage execution order between SQLExecutor and Writer (Postgres) https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I don't find out if there is a rule to manage the execution order between a SQLExecutor and a Postgres Writer.

I want that the SQLExecutor is executed before the Writer because it makes a backup of the table before writing.

And I can't use the "SQL to run before write" field in my writer because I use feature values in my SQL instruction and this field doesn't handle feature values.

The strange thing is that in one of my Workspace the SQLExecutor is executed before the writer and in another the Writer is executed before the SQLExecutor (the second one handles far more data).

I tried to change the horizontal and vertical order of both but that doesn't change anything.

Thanks for any help,


writers sqlexecutor order executio Wed,28 Nov 2018 14:56:44 GMT christian_b
Ability to change transformer,reader and writer logging level https://knowledge.亚搏在线

When having a big workspace running,for the most of the the workspace components I wouldn't need detailed logging,just errors and warnings.But for some transformers,readers or writers I'd need very detailed logging (not just errors but all possible information for debugging).

At the moment there's no separate logging settings for individual components of a workspace.

workbench writers desktop transformer debugging log Tue,20 Nov 2018 18:34:43 GMT geolassi
Writing to XML and using XSD validation,fails with undeclared element https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm writing my output to an Excel spreadsheet,but the file also needs to be written to an XML.I've been provided an XSD schema file and using XML Schema Validation in the writer's parameters with the provided file.

I get an error of "no declaration found for element 'xml-tables'.I think I need to declare it in XML Namespace Declarations,but I'm not sure what syntax to use for it.Could you provide any insight,@DeatAt亚搏在线Safe?

xml writers Wed,07 Nov 2018 20:49:32 GMT jmhomza
Database writers: support Handle Multiple Spatial Columns per table instead of per writer https://knowledge.亚搏在线

It is not possible to write multiple spatial columns to some tables and one to the others in the same writer.

Using 2 writers (or the single and multiple spatial column tables) makes the first writer to write the tables on the fly but the 2nd (and subsequent) writers to hold all the features and write out when the 1st writer finishes.It eats up memory when both writer gets huge amount of features (eg.updating basemap).

Would it be possible to set single/multiple spatial columns per table so no 2nd (blocking) writer is required?(SQL Server and Oracle writers in my case but PostGIS and other databases could work the same way)

database writers postgis multiple geometry oracle spatial object reader sql server spatial Sun,04 Nov 2018 18:23:11 GMT revesz
Write multiple files in a directory https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi all.

I am trying to read a directory with many TIFF files,select the latest ones and copy or move them to a new directory.

I read the files with a Feature reader using the Directory and File Pathnames format.

The files got the date-time in the name so I use the Sorter to find the latest one and then I use the Sampler to select a few of them.

Can someone advise me how to write them now in another directory?

Many thanks

writers directory watch ti Fri,02 Nov 2018 14:26:06 GMT vazquezsuarezyo
Visual differentiation of Reader and Writer https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I wanted to put forward an idea to help to differentiate between readers and writers on the canvas to avoid the need for bookmarks or lots of annotation to describe the data container's source\destination.It doesn't need to be as overt as my dodgy Photoshop skills suggest but along these lines:

It could also be added to FeatureReaders\Writers though that would likely be much harder as it would need to be more dynamic.

Anyway,just wondered what people think?

readers writers featurewriter Thu,25 Oct 2018 21:37:53 GMT 1spatialdave