Questions in topic: "styling" The latest questions for the topic "styling" Legend creation for a raster map


I am trying to create a map in a raster format and write it to MSWord ( using MSWordStyler) however I seem not to be able to create a legend for my map. ( a table holing the name of the attributes visualised on the map and their symbology on the next column) in my case the symbology is easy. just colored circles.

Does any one have an experience with this orhave an idea what transformer to use in order to get this result?

the part of my work space that creates the raster map:

Mapnikerasterizer. symbology mswordstyler colour 传奇 星期二2019年10月29日14:24:20 GMT 塞维达
Microstation Symbology from Oracle to PostGIS https://knowledge.亚搏在线


- 包含一个数字

的样式列 - 一个角度列,其设置为0对于非点几何形状

- x-scale列,其设置为0 for for for for non-point-geometries


-a Cellname列,这对于非点几何来空,但包含用于点几何形象的DGN单元/符号学的名称



我甚至如何实现它? oracle cad symbology Fri,06 Sep 2019 09:07:01 GMT FMECO. MapTextLabeller介绍 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

YouTube演示“target=”#blank“>使用FME和#39的地图标签基础;s MapTextLabeller,第1部分“target=”#blank“>使用FME和#39的地图标签基础;s MapTextLabeller,第2部分


在FME 2013中,我们添加了一个名为MapTextLabeller的新变压器,这是一个用于自动高质量地图标签的额外成本插件。底层技术由

Incorrect root tag in style: fme:xml-tables.

What am I doing wrong? Should I use some kind of transformer?

I just applied the default parameters/settings when translating. Should I change a setting in order fot the translation to succeed?

XML. cells DXF. symbology XML.reader Wed, 01 Nov 2017 07:16:27 GMT FMECO.
在属性中存储CAD Symbology


How can i store color symbology from CAD Layers in an attribute and apply it to layers in File GDB after translation?

Thanks in advance.

属性处理 autocad dwg filegeodatabase symbology Wed, 06 Sep 2017 08:17:10 GMT dheeraj.

It would be really helpful if the PDF Styler could handle more than just dashed lines. For, example, a dashed dot; symbology for waterlines ( -w-w-w-w-) or powerpoles (-p-p-p-), pipelines (-//-//-) etc. Overall it would be awesome if it could read/incorporate ALL autocad linetypes (from a .lin file)

autocad line pdfstyler. symbology Tue, 13 Jun 2017 18:47:53 GMT 吉尔曼普利
基于属性值的Excel中的样式单元格 https://knowledge.亚搏在线



I would like to suggest allowing the Styling options in the Excel writer to take attribute values.

This would allow conditional styling values for different cell values.

excel writer symbology 妈,03年4月2017 16:03:30 GMT erik_jan FME数据检测器2016 - 返回覆盖源复选框 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

在FME 2015中,改变显示的绘图样式时,有一个复选框,您可以解除恢复原始值。此功能似乎在2016年缺少,一旦显示已覆盖,就无法恢复。 data inspector 外表 symbology Mon, 05 Sep 2016 13:19:58 GMT ebygomm Create common syle for ArcGIS shapefile


I have tons of styled MapInfo datasets need to transfer to ArcGIS format, and I hope keep these styles automatically in ArcGIS. As there are some styler transformers, such as MapInfoStyler, KMLStyler, is there any way to create common style for ArcGIS shapefile/geodatabase.

Looking forwards to hearing any suggestions.

@takashi I followed your answers to solve many questions, hope and appreciate you may have solution for this question.

ESRI. shapefile symbology Tue, 28 Jun 2016 07:47:11 GMT zoe
Update styler to use SLD files

更新或将各种样式的变压器(PDF,MapInfo,CAD等)变为STYLE Manager Super Cramvertor。允许从其他数据集和表以及从JSON和SLD(整个地图样式)和SVG + PNG(个人特征样式)文件导入样式。

诸如操作系统之类的各种代理使用SLD样式文件。例如,如果可以在FME-Color和其他样式字段中转换数据和其他样式字段中可以打开样式文件并转换数据,则OS MasterMap在组织样式时会更少疼痛。如果此信息自动转移到其他写入格式,那么更好。

如果您还可以在样式管理器中预览样式,如点标记和透明度,并且在SVG或PNG格式中打开新的样式标记,那么FME就会在地图方面开始看起来像GIS一样强大创建。如果样式管理器也可以连接到Mapnnik光栅化程序,这将是惊人的。 变形金刚 symbology Fri, 03 Jun 2016 11:03:09 GMT Marko. 外部KML样式文件 https://knowledge.亚搏在线 < p >有人试图创建一个< >强external Style.kml file that is being referenced by other KML/KMZ files? I have seen several blogs where the KML StyleMap is defined by creating a Style feature, and I've got that working fine. But I've got 500+ KML files (all regionalised etc.), and the result is that each of them has the same StyleMap definitions in the top of the KML. I would like to define all my Style definitions in a separate KML/KMZ file, and each KML file to reference just this file.

The Google KML documentation shows this is possible, and all you need is a line like this:


But how to get this in FME? I have been playing around with the kml_style_url_* and kml_target_style_* attributes, but have been unable to crack it, and there doesn't seem to be any documentation on all these kml_* attributes.

kml. symbology kmlstyler 星期四,2016年5月5日16:21:38 GMT Arnold_bijlsma.
如何将KMZ转换的PAPIMARK大小增加到MICROSTATION V7 DGN https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi Folks,

New user here so I appreciate your feedback (and understanding). I am working with a KMZ and while I am able to write it to a MicrostationV7 format, it falls in the right place but I am only getting a simple line style as my only feature in place of the Placemarks. I would like to give them style and weight as they are so tiny I can barely see them in my map. Is this possible? Or am I looking at having to work in Microstation to "amp up" the symbology (points and lines).

Thank you for your feedback! Enjoy your day.

cad MicroStation DGN. kmz. symbology Fri, 29 Apr 2016 21:26:18 GMT jodell
htmlreportgenerator - allow for layer colour to be linked to attributes https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Currently the HTMLReportGenerator only allows colour change of features through parameters or by the colour picker. It would be amazing to be able to asign colours and transpecnery through attributes so that features can be styled differntly.

属性处理 htmlreportgenerator symbology 星期五,2016年4月29日13:26:04 GMT Marko.