======================= FME 2018.0 “最新消息” ======================= -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18312 20180615 -------------------------- FFS:FFS:端口:从功能表中剥离多读者的属性添加支持(PR#83853) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18311 20180527 -------------------------- DI:DI:Mac电脑:打开应用程序菜单时修正了崩溃。(PR#83670) DI:DI:功能简介:修正了在Mac上的单一特征选择崩溃。(PR#83696) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18310 20180518 --------------------------的Python:Python的:Python的制造不匹配错误消息出现在FME Server的过程监控引擎的日志。(PR83350) 工作台:工作台:反向移植修复PR#83299和PR#82166。 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18309 20180515 --------------------------的Python:Python的:改变默认的工作空间的Python的兼容性,以“Python 2.7版或3.4+”固定FME引擎的行为,当Python版本不匹配存在。(PR83350) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18302 20180513 --------------------------工作台:排序上的功能表当多于一个属性上排序的修正:减少空闲的CPU使用率时在画布上显示了多个特征的高速缓存(PR#83430)分拣机。(PR#83416)-------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18307 20180507 --------------------------内部变化-------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18306 20180503 --------------------------性能:提高FFS阅读PR#83364的性能-------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18305 20180430 -------------------------- SQL服务器:修复回归阅读一个空间列,当有多个(PR#83287)C136300 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18304 20180423 --------------------------形状/ DBF作家:系统语言标识符的修复写作为DBF文件属性(PR#82913)工作台:修复定制变压器有时不正确的部分运行运行(PR#83168)的SQL Server(ADO)作家:SQL服务器(ADO)作者:还原实例和端口(PR#83068)C135934 C135854支持-------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18303 20180417 --------------------------内部变化-------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18302 20180416 -------------------------- WorkbencH:其他对象以避免崩溃之前删除书签(PR83072)工作台:修正崩溃当包含折叠的书签的书签的双击边缘(PR83136)FeatureJoiner:固定自动比较模式与非ASCII兼容编码(PR#83141)一起使用时。-------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18301 20180414 -------------------------- Security Vulnerabilities: Upgrade zlib to v1.2.11 PR#83114 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18300 20180413 -------------------------- ORACLE: Prevent version checking and logging on every feature (PR#82958) C135641 AVF: Update the AVF plugin to version 2.0.0.beta.1 (PR83065,PR83066,PR83067,PR83069,PR83070,PR82546) DI: Table View: Handled temp folder path with space properly. (PR#83071) CSV2 reader: Fixed error when reading line with more entries than fields, on some system encodings (e.g. Japanese) (PR#83086). C135880 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18299 20180410 -------------------------- Sorter: Fix numeric sorting when Feature Table attribute is stored as a string (PR#83042) FeatureJoiner: Take geometry attributes from the Geometry Handling side, not the Attribute Conflict side (PR#82908). Workbench: Fix creation of custom transformer with collapsed bookmarks when shortcut is used. (PR82973) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18298 20180405 -------------------------- RPM Installer: Don't ask pip to upgrade pip, since will pull it in from t he package manager PR#82986 C135721 Geodatabase: Fix Read exposed attributes when in alias mode or using additional attributes (PR82645)(PR82646) Workbench: (Porting to 2018.0.x) Fix problem where schema qualifier wasn't parsed correctly when loading workspaces (PR#81854) C134280 Workbench: Fixed problem where published parameter used by feature types were not prompted before workspace run (PR#82976) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18297 20180403 -------------------------- Workbench: Fix crash when create custom transformer that contains a collapsed bookmark (PR82972) Workbench: Create tunnels within bookmarks (PR82979) FeatureWriter: Fix problem where adding new connection would result in decoupling of already used published parameters for other feature types (PR#82975) C135740 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18296 20180329 -------------------------- Workbench: Fix crash when right click with multiple objects selected one of which is a collapsed bookmark (PR82947) C135737 Workbench: Fixed Features not written warning that is logged during partial run (PR#82881) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18295 20180328 -------------------------- PowerPointWriter: Improved fix for issue where lines were being written as polygons (PR#82882) FeatureWriter: Fix duplicate factory name issue that could happen in some cases (PR#82897) C135589 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18294 20180327 -------------------------- Windows 32-bit: Start JVM early for GUI apps, default to 128 MB object heap. (PR#82453) (Backport of pull requests #30503, #30610) C134847 C135038 C135145 C93265 C135165 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18293 20180326 -------------------------- RasterCellCoercer: Fixed nodata cells always being created for some real32 nodata values, even when Extract Nodata Values is No (PR#82871). C135534 PowerPointWriter: Fix issue where lines were being written as polygons (PR#82882) MySQL: Restore support for multiple feature types in new writers (PR#82884) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18292 20180323 -------------------------- Workbench: Fix F6 shortcut to work when inspection is turned on/off during the workbench session (PR82829) Workbench: Fix initial size of tunnel annotation (PR82794) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18291 20180322 -------------------------- Workbench: Properly update red gear when validation of transformer changes after collapsing for reasons unrelated to attribute changes. (PR82560) SHAREPOINT: Fix SharePoint Online SAML authentication. (PR82823) Workbench: Workspace created in older FME (2014) fails to open in FME2017 onwards (PR#82821) C135506 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18290 20180321 -------------------------- Workbench: Fix mapping file output in feature caching mode when transformers are in collapsed bookmark (PR#82773 & PR#75315) C122593 C132639 C131181 C135318 DI: Feature Filter: Fixed rendering issues when a background map is on. (PR#82436) RasterCellCoercer: Correctly position polygons when not extracting NODATA values from raster (PR#82806) C135402 Workbench: Fix drop in string for attribute when using Python and Javascript editor (PR#82743) C135337 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18289 20180320 -------------------------- DI: Raster: Fixed slow raster reading. (PR#82797) C135335 DI: Table View: Display null values correctly. (PR#82788) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18288 20180319 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18287 20180316 -------------------------- FME: Fixed problem where Sampler would leak features when inside a collapsed bookmark and feature caching is on. (PR#82773) FME: Fix problem where dynamic writing would fail when schema was sourced from Schema From Table reader (PR#82761) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18286 20180315 -------------------------- OGC GeoPackage Tiles Writer: Fixed crash when writing rasters with user attributes (PR#82735) Inspector: Fixed definition of SAFE_FFS_NAME macro for linked custom transformers (PR#82413) C134769 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18285 20180313 -------------------------- PDF2D Reader: Fixed embedded null characters in Read Non-Spatial Text mode (PR#82676) Workbench: Fix caches not appearing for Reader feature types with '.' in their names (PR#82503) Workbench: Allow ctrl-up and down to work when hit multiple times (PR81933) (PR81934) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18284 20180308 -------------------------- Geodatabase: Fix Read Exposed Attributes with annotations (PR 82605) C135170 Workbench: Fix crash after reconnecting links to collapsed bookmark ports (PR#82625) GML Writer: Write out INF and -INF string literals when min fractional digit parameter is set, (PR82565). C134990 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18283 20180307 -------------------------- Workbench: Do not crash when JVM fails to initialize. Fix JVM initialization to work when memory is 'tight' (PR82453) C134847 C135038 C135145 C93265 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18282 20180306 -------------------------- GML Writer: Write out NaN as literal NaN, PR82565. -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18281 20180305 -------------------------- OSMPBF Reader: Fixed Map Features feature type routing and tag value list attributes (PR#82569) C134931 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18280 20180302 -------------------------- AVF: Force non-string SCHEMA_ONLY attributes to their correct type. (PR82535) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18279 20180301 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18278 20180228 -------------------------- QuickTranslator: Avoid crash at shutdown by correctly cleaning up UI objects. (PR#82439) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18277 20180227 -------------------------- GeometryValidator: Fixed crash for geometries with no vertices (PR#82382) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18276 20180227 -------------------------- Workbench: Don't try to write to feature types not participating in partial run (PR#82356) Installer: Fix URL to installation doc. (PR#82278) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18275 20180224 -------------------------- DI: Display Control: Fixed incorrect number of features (PR#82346) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18274 20180222 -------------------------- PowerPointStyler: Fix installer bug affecting map fill and border patterns (PR#81602) DI: Display Control: Fix the initial feature type icons (PR#82295) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18273 20180221 -------------------------- DI: 2D: Fixed crash in the rendering worker process when a point icon is specified. (PR#82295) XLSX Writer: Fix issue where dropping and writing to a named range would cause a malformed output (PR#82292) C132131 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18272 20180220 -------------------------- Workbench: Fix snapping to grid/guides for objects with incoming links (PR#82233) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18271 20180219 -------------------------- DI: Fixed slow 2D rendering for feature table. (PR#82126) DI: 2D: Fixed feature selection errors when selection is done before Reader is ready (PR#81727) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18270 20180216 -------------------------- CityGML Writer: Fixed clothoid and oriented arc error messages, also fixed error in the ADE_XSD_DOC writer parameter, PR81782. ProjectWiseConnector: Added ProjectWise transformer's dependent .fme files to installer. (PR#52306) C93265 C93711 C94696 C98879 C100579 C104052 C112295 C112541 C121030 C122557 C124501 C124553 C127675 C133477 C134208 MeshSimplifier: Simplify by the number of triangles instead of vertices, change the default simplification mode to relative, removed the default value for the maximum number of triangles (PR#82209, PR#82218) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18269 20180215 -------------------------- GoogleDriveConnector: Removed uploaded file from root folder. (PR#82134) PowerPointWriter: Fix bug in writing tables with Python 3.4+ (PR#82176) Coordinate Systems: Add additional GDA2020 coordinate systems (PR81722) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18268 20180214 -------------------------- ProjectWiseConnector: Fixed the web as file system definition. (PR#52306) C93265 C93711 C94696 C98879 C100579 C104052 C112295 C112541 C121030 C122557 C124501 C124553 C127675 C133477 C134208 PowerPointWriter and PowerPointStyler: Implement option to wrap label text for maps (PR#81628) Workbench: Fix error writing Geodatabase metadata when run with feature caching is enabled (PR#79394) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Support reading and writing Z and M, including NaN. (PR80910) C133050 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18267 20180213 -------------------------- PowerPointWriter and PowerPointStyler: Improvement and bug fix for image scaling (PR#82108) Python FME Objects: Add FMESpatialIndex. (PR#80711) C132831 Workbench: Fix inspect issues on caches loaded from workspace templates (PR#82123) OBJ: Reader: correctly interpret the 'Tr' transparency setting in the materials file. (PR#81995) QVX Writer: Added coordinate precision parameter, PR78515. PowerPointWriter: Add warning that strikethrough is not supported (PR#82053) Cesium 3D Tiles: Update writer to support latest version of Cesium. (PR81773) C134167 Workbench: Change attribute failed null check message (PR82051) C134526 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18266 20180210 -------------------------- S3Connector: Improve List performance. (PR81873) XMLFragmenter: Fixed rejected features disappearing (PR#81959) C134350 MeshSimplifier: Improved simplification of mesh boundaries (PR#81886) PowerPointWriter: Fix bug in custom text styling (PR#82063) GEODATABASE: Enable clothoid and oriented arc writing (PR81545) FMEMesh: Changed storage of colors to FME_Real64 (PR#82047) Workbench: Exclude disabled nodes for partial run highlighting (PR#81881) DI: 2D: Fixed incorrect Zoom to Selected Feature (PR#81968) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18265 20180208 -------------------------- FMEMesh: Updated mesh colours to have same interpretation as FME color (PR#82047) Workbench: Allow creation of published parameter from dataset editor dialog (PR82025) C134487 Workbench (Mac Only): Workbench (Mac Only) : Fixed problem where application won't quit (PR#81938) DI: Specially display Feature Cache datasets in Display Control (PR#80823) Coordinate Systems: Warn users when choosing auto pick transformation from GDA94 -> GDA2020 (PR81958) MSWordWriter: Fix bug in writing tables with Python 3.4+ (PR#82035) Bufferer: Cleaned up GUI definitions to fix localization issues (PR#81972) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18264 20180207 -------------------------- SALESFORCE: Improve SQL editor help links. (PR82006) SalesforceConnector: Add to Mac and Linux. (PR82021) Update Dataset: Ensure published parameter type matches dataset parameter type (PR#81152) OBJ: Writer: Fixed the transparency value in the material file according to the specification (PR#79399) Workbench: Add context menu option and shortcut key to inspect selected caches (PR80823) JDBC Readers: Fixed Where clauses being shared between readers (PR81976) C134466 MSWordStyler and PowerPointStyler: Move Column Header input for tables to match other interfaces (PR#81677) PowerPointWriter: Implement full support for setting map fill patterns (PR#81602) PowerPointWriter: Converted transformer to writer (PR#79707) Update Dataset: Fixed handling of named connections, fixed undo-redo, improved parameter matching (PR#81152) DI: Table View: Avoid clearing existing feature selection unnecessarily. (PR#81710) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18263 20180206 -------------------------- GeometryRefiner: Preserved OrientedArcs (PR#81980) OSMReader: Fixed search envelope working when option unchecked (PR#81849) ProjectWiseConnector: Added initial implementation of connector. (PR#52306) C93265 C93711 C94696 C98879 C100579 C104052 C112295 C112541 C121030 C122557 C124501 C124553 C127675 C133477 C134208 Bufferer: Fixed bugs in point cloud, raster, and text support with solid buffer types XLSX Writer: Writer performance improvements (PR#80944) MeshSimplifier: Reduced number of mesh simplification calls (PR#81898) Sketchup: Ensured circles are read with a sweep angle of 360 (PR#80214) FBX: Allow reading feature type names (filenames) and paths containing non-ASCII characters when system encoding is something international. (PR#74201) C125590 C125590 XLSX Writer: No longer ERROR when template sheet selected, but no template file (PR#81651) S3Connector: Added amazons3connector module to Linux installer. (PR#81910) PowerPointStyler: Change name of Image Slide subtype to match user interface (PR#81609) DI: 2D: Fixed a rendering issue that caused geometries disappear. (PR#81642) C134423 S3Connector: Add Include Subfolders option to List operation. (PR81665) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18262 20180205 -------------------------- GEODATABASE: Add unicode support for coded domain (PR17258) Date/time: Don't crash when placing DateTimeConverter if timezone data cannot be loaded (PR#80188) C132203 C134159 C134252 Workbench: (macOS) Don't provide disabled Quit menu option when quick tour dialog is shown at startup. (PR#81938) Installer: Don't show licensing dialog in engine installer. (PR#77008) Workbench: Fix crash happening on some Windows systems on startup (PR#81922) Performance: Serialize feature type and coordinate system names using IDs (PR#80197). Installer: Don't change database port in silent install if it is already specified. (PR#77701) MSWordWriter: Fix bug in writing non-string attributes to text elements (PR#81807) C133938 3DForcer: Prevented a crash due to invalid string input (PR#81059) Mac: Added an Info.plist in install/bin for fmeobjectsworker to hide it from dock. (PR#81597) Workbench: Properly upgrade SliverRemover version 0 to AreaGapandOverlapCleaner (PR81885) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18261 20180202 -------------------------- Installer: Cleanup python directory on uninstall. (PR#77937) C132441 C132525 S3Connector: Make Encryption and Permissions required parameters. (PR81697) MeshSimplifier: Added collection support (PR#81898) Installer: Update FlexLM version to 11.15. (PR#81820) Workbench: Make Excel Writer attribute picker match the styler (PR81882) MeshSimplifier: Added more logging (PR#81876) MSWordStyler: Modify table Column Values to take input directly from user (PR#81667) TDE Writer: Added support for writing OrientedArcs (PR81595) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18260 20180201 -------------------------- GEODATABASE: Mosaic Dataset Fanout Bugfix (PR80893) OSMReader: Modified GUI value for backwards compatibility (PR#81856) MSWordWriter: Fixed typographical error in error message (PR#81700) Generalizer: Support invalid geometries in ODR mode (PR#81855) New Format: FME Augmented Reality (AR) Writer (PR#81788) Workbench: Fix extra row creation in AttributeCreator (PR81598). Make in range fail for string data when range is empty (PR81825) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Handle variant in how server returns attachment body. (2) (PR81826) C134288 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18259 20180131 -------------------------- TESTER: Fix table rendering issues on Mac (PR80788) SalesforceConnector: Revision for initial release. (PR79253) 3DAffiner: Improved robustness for arcs (PR#81692) WFS reader: Fixed SEARCH ENVELOPE MAXY corruption, PR81786 C134168 Transformers: Fix forward/backward lookup in AttributeCreator of attributes that start with fme_ (PR81797) C134279 Installer: Upgrade JRE to 1.8u161. (PR#80050) Data Inspector: Fix crash when viewing data in 3D (PR#80694,PR#80683) GEODATABASE: Add unicode support for coded domain (PR17258) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18258 20180130 -------------------------- ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Handle variant in how server returns attachment body. (PR81826) C134288 Workbench: Complete the change to make bookmarks filled by default (PR81324) FFS reader: Only filter feature types when a spatial index is available (PR#81672). TableWidget and AttributeValidator: Copy and paste improvements and fixed crash on pasting in last blank row (PR#81611 PR#81661) AVF: Don't write empty strings for default language label values (PR81618) Workbench: Fix regression when test clause parameter is published (PR81747) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18257 20180129 -------------------------- DirectX: Emphasized log message (PR#74205) C133382 WFS reader: Fix xml_point_cloud metafile error, PR81721. C134211 Bufferer: Standardized rejection behaviour from commandline (PR#81212) C133386 SurfaceDissolver: Allowed CSG and rectangleFace input (PR#81528) SVGWriter: Fixed style when using attribute value for FeatureTypeName (PR#81204) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18256 20180126 -------------------------- GML and JSON writers: Amend previous and revert to old behaviour if max decimal digits is not specified, PR81696. GeoJSON: Modify warning about reprojecting to WGS84 (PR#81608) FeatureWriter: Fixed problem where right clicking an output port and selecting Inspect won't display schema in Data Inspector (PR#78501) AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner: Removed the numeric hint from the priority attribute parameter (PR#81335) Workbench: Handle collapsing bookmark where all input/output links go to the same port (PR81664) Workbench: Draw canvas object's drag target arrow slightly lower to avoid being covered by toolbar (PR#81640) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18255 20180125 -------------------------- FMEWorkbench: Update look and feel of Visual Preview in Workbench (PR#78663) GeoJSON/GML writers: Fixed max precision parameter for XML and JSON writing, PR81696. OSMWriter: Support tags for nodes/ways/relations (PR#81352) C133800 XMLFragmenter: Allow input data set from URL (PR#78067) C127652 Workbench: Allow breakpoints to be added/removed/enabed/disabled while a workspace is running. (PR#81596) GG,MGE: Restrict database types by platform. (PR80219) C132150 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18254 20180124 -------------------------- JPEG Writer: Support writing EXIF tags (PR#36974) C62886 C63622 C80549 C91711 C99915 C103581 C108723 C110232 C122411 C122824 C133245 AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner: Fixed bug in the longest boundary repair mode (PR#81335) Installer: Move ESRI splash and include it in the bundle. (PR#77909) C127707 Intersector: Direction attribute is optional on features going through the Intersected port. (PR#72074) POSTGRES: Add ISO support to time and timestamp writing (PR#81334) Update Dataset: Ensure when operation is cancelled, all state information is cleared (PR#81592) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18253 20180123 -------------------------- FileGDB reader: Fixed reading string attributes where the first value in the table is null (PR#81513). C133735 GOOGLESHEETS: Skip features with unrecognized Writer modes. (PR81568) Writers: Changed coordinate system granularity to feature for non-spatial formats (PR#81282) MapInfo Extended writer: Fixed crash when writing clothoid or oriented arc (PR#81548). Workbench: Show splash screen after license check (PR#66107) MSWordWriter: Add default name for MSWordWriter feature type (PR#79706) C127003 Workbench: Rename 'Full Inspection' mode to 'Feature Caching' (PR#80846) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18252 20180122 -------------------------- DI: 2D: Render using a worker process (PR#79879) Workbench: Add datetime mode to Tester (PR81537) MSWord Writer: Restrict user-set width to range accepted by Microsoft Word (PR#81206) FFS writer: Fixed attributes being dropped in Strict mode when the attribute name is invalid for the system encoding (PR#79656). JSONFragmenter: Added NUKERS to new version of JSONFragmenter (PR#81182) C133663 Workbench: Remove Mapzen web service and prevent re-running migration when using a database with a newer but compatible schema (PR81291) GeoPackage, Spatialite, CARTO, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, CouchDB: Added support for reading/writing null attribute values (PR#76118) Workbench: Reset 'drag' cursor after mouse button is released. (PR#80811) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18251 20180120 -------------------------- Text File Reader: Allow reading compressed zip files to work when reading Whole File at Once (PR#80992) C133209 FeatureJoiner: Set fme_rejection_code on rejected features (PR#81511). MSWordStyler: Fixed problem with conditional text values (PR#81175) TDE Writer: Fixed writing geometry in dynamic mode (PR#80284 ) C132284 Workbench: Fix down arrow in choice (PR81024) MSWordWriter: Converted Transformer into Writer (PR#79706) C127003 Installer: Fix Queue service uninstallation (PR#81466) FeatureWriter: Fixed failure when writing features read from certain formats (e.g. CSV) to a format that requires name mangling (e.g. POSTGRES) (PR#80265). S3Connector: Added London, Paris, and Ningxia regions to S3Connector. (PR#81058, PR#81431) C133377 CSV reader: Fixed reading values from attribute names that are not representable in system encoding (PR#81469). FeatureJoiner: Renamed from Joiner (PR#81440). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18250 20180118 -------------------------- JDBC - Teradata: Improve CLOB and BLOB reading performance (PR80490) Installer: Don't install the queue in engine only installs. (PR#81405) Workbench: Fix crash when right click bookmarks. Fix links not reappearing when opening a bookmark that contains nested bookmarks (PR81228) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18249 20180117 -------------------------- POSTGRES: Add writing tag to redshift metafile (PR#81334) MeshSimplificationFactory: Add Linux and MacOS Support PR#81359 MULTI: Clean up some multi-reader messages. (PR#81048) Path Reader: Added GUI option to recurse into subdirectories (PR#81187) POSTGRES Writer: Add tag to keep preserve compatibility with writing with no UTC offsets (PR#81334) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18248 20180116 -------------------------- PointCloudCombiner: Reject features with invalid geometry instead of crashing (PR#81098). C133321 Transformers: Fix bug in attribute has value when dealing with system encoded strings (PR81188) Geocoder: Remove Mapzen. (PR81292) Rasterizer: Reduced memory usage (PR#80643). Workbench: Added duplicate option for tables that support copy and paste (PR#79985) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18247 20180115 -------------------------- LandXML: Added support for writing clothoids and circular arcs (PR#77810) I3S: Implement terrain mesh writing (PR68226) C113412 C118267 C123791 C124973 C130849 POSTGRES Writer: Reject timestamp and timestamptz with no date. Reject timestamptz with no UTC offset. Deprecate postgres format support for both timestamp and timestamptz (PR#81336,PR#81334,PR#81337) XMLReader: Fix line/col numbers output at parse error (PR#8036) 3DBufferer: Simplify the initial interface (PR#81354) Workbench: Only prompt for parameters that are referenced in objects included in partial runs (PR#80854) MapInfo TAB: Add encoding support to metadata names and attributes (PR#79579) XLSX Reader: Simplify and increase prominence of Additional file settings option (PR#80054) Copy/Paste Table Rows: Fixed in HTMLReportGenerator (PR81050) Tester: Allow transformer names to have trailing Japanese daemoji characters. (PR#81240) Localization: Fixed extraction of strings with multiple words from dependencies/transformers (PR#80989) FeaureWriter: Added ability to expose additional attributes for summary feature (PR#78550) C128398 C130491 Workbench: Make filled bookmarks the default and slightly re-organize the options to be easier to find. (PR81324) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18246 20180114 -------------------------- Tester: Allow transformer names to have trailing Japanese daemoji characters. (PR#81240) Geocoder: Support ArcGIS Geocode Servers with localized Single Line Input fields. (PR81101) C133412 C133412 POSTGIS: Check columns to read against system encoding (PR#80295) Deaggregator: Added check to avoid inaccurate initialization. (PR#38554) C123634 POSTGRES: Add timezone support when writing and return proper FME time format when reading with timezones (PR#81241) MIF: 'Neutral' encoding is now explicitly converted to System encoding. (PR#79724) Workbench: Add regions to the connection file (PR80979) GOOGLESHEETS: Switch to FME Web Services for OAuth 2.0. (PR78385) PATH Reader: Fixed UTC offset for path_modified/created/accessed_date format attributes (PR#76737) JDBC - LDAP: Uses JNDI to query LDAP server for base Distinguished Name if none were provided (PR79189 PR79588) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18245 20180111 -------------------------- Python: Prevented the hanging of fme.exe when ArcGIS Pro Python interpreter is used. (PR#80800, PR#79856) Installer: Upgrade JRE to 1.8u151 (PR#78677) Joiner: Prepend input port to geometry names when aggregating geometries and a name is not unique (PR#70731). Joiner: Fixed crash when the first record of the Left and Right differ by an empty string attribute (PR#81239). IFMEUniversalReader: Added fme_feature_type_ids constraint (PR#81007). AIXM: Fix MacOS crash in AIXM writer PR#81063 C133280 TERRAINTILESAWS/Geocoder: Prepare for Mapzen shutdown on 2018-01-02. (PR81192) C133563 Various transformers: Allowed list creation without attributes (PR#81257) Joiner: Increased version to 1000 to avoid conflicts with potential future DatabaseJoiner versions (PR#70731). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18244 20180110 -------------------------- JDBC: Sets MSSQL_ADO as default for MS SQL Server family in Windows Platform only (PR61735) C117612 FMW Reader: Fixed issue where transformer_output_port_id would start from 1 instead of 0 and expose transformer_id in TransformerOutputPortAttributes feature type (PR#80379)(PR#80380) Merge Pull Request: 28436 C132456 C132456 PDF Reader: Added new reader (PR#19510) Merge Pull Request: 28492 C13438 C13188 C13228 C22212 C42358 C49031 C49044 C50361 C50506 C62150 C65896 C69842 C70517 C74968 C77400 C80812 C83539 C85573 C88535 C90803 C92706 C94025 C94321 C99959 C102140 C114295 C118629 C121133 C124175 C124553 C125645 C127738 C131470 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18243 20180109 -------------------------- Workbench: Fixed problem where Schema from Table reader could not be added when using certain reader types (PR#80924) C133146 TextEncoder: Add support for Unicode Code Point (PR#79962) C131669 Geocoder: Always expose error messages from ArcGIS geocoder. (PR81101) C133412 C133412 JDBC - Google Cloud Spanner: Replaced connection method to use OAuth 2.0 instead of private key (PR#78647) SQLite3 Reader: Improve efficiency of feature reading (PR#81197) POSTGRES: Read timezone portion of timestamptz while retaining backwards compatibility (PR#81165) Tiler: Improved rejection handling of solids, nulls, and non-numeric seeds (PR#78732) XMLFragmenter: Added option to reject or ignore features without no XML fragments (PR#81151) JSONFragmenter: Added option to toggle how the fragmenter handles empty lists (PR#79754) MapInfo Writer: Transcode attribute values to System Encoding instead of writing raw bytes (PR#79247) C126768 DirectX: Clarified an error message (PR#74205) C133382 JDBC: Set coordinate system granularity to feature level for non-spatial Writers (PR80791) Workbench: Set bookmarks to be sticky when using auto-layout (PR80500) Intersector: Fixed bug intersecting a closed arc and a line (PR#81232) JDBC: Changed JDBC SQL Types to be more user-friendly in log messages (PR80671) Workbench: Fixed problem where attribute type could not be set in Coded Domain and Range Domain dialogs (PR#81142) FME Quick Translator: Fix problem where running newer workspace would result in crash (PR#81131) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18242 20180108 -------------------------- FILEGDB: Add SQL Editor to Where Clause (PR#80590) Workbench: Properly save edits of workspace parameters when running/saving workspace (PR78817) Workbench: Properly select characters when using @DateTimeNow() (PR81166) Workbench: Fix Tester to preserve composite expression when test clauses are unselected (PR81185). Fix Tester to show red cog if there are no test clauses (PR81173). Fix conditional to add terminate and remove conditional option from menu (PR81189) Workbench: Allow port reordering for all nodes (PR79584) Workbench: Add transformer type to parameter editor dialog (PR76672) Workbench: Do not resize annotation when closing/reopening bookmark (PR81071) RasterCellCoercer: Output feature tables instead of individual features (PR#80046) RasterToPolygonCoercer: Exposed label attribute (PR#80355). C132948 FeatureWriter: Fixed problem where output port was not recognized as valid in some cases (PR#80784) Workbench: Add option to store Feature Caches when saving as template (PR#80368) Workbench: Properly show red cog for when attribute value uses a disappearing attribute (PR79289) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18241 20180105 -------------------------- AnchoredSnapper: Fixed segment snapping crash if a group had no anchor features (PR#81180) NAS Reader: Updated local schemas from v6.0 to v6.0.1, PR64760. C108323 C133596 GDA2020: Change transformation names to be more descriptive (PR78488) Workbench: Show all formats on all platforms treating unsupported formats similar to missing dependencies. Warn when opening a workspace that uses formats which are not available on the current installation. Properly display to user why a format is not available. (PR51062), (PR56618) C100056, (PR79830), (PR79941), (PR78596), (PR79965), (PR65339) C108847 Tester: Add compare function for DateTimes (PR#20078) C49109 C47570 C70787 C71436 C72985 C95510 C101913 SpikeRemover: Changed some failure cases to rejection cases (PR#78450) New Transformer: ExcelStyler (PR#79193) (PR#81106) Content: Rename DateTimeParser to DateTimeConverter (PR#78451) Localization Kit: Fix infinite loop caused by nested MULTIPARAMCONTROLLER. (PR#81147) Oracle Raster: Fixed reading from georaster table in another schema (PR#80637). C132665 C132665 Transformers: Rejection link stays where it should when the transformer is upgraded. (PR#81119) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18240 20180103 -------------------------- Revert Workbench: Add option to store Feature Caches when saving as template (PR#80368) Workbench: Add option to store Feature Caches when saving as template (PR#80368) GDA2020: Add NTv2 Grid (PR78488) SurfaceModelFactory: Allowed 2D inputs instead of rejecting (PR#73604) AreaOnAreaOverlayer: Fixed performance regression (PR#81096) Workbench: Fixed multi-path selection (PR79151) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18239 20180102 -------------------------- SurfaceSplitter: Fixed bug rejecting features (PR#81035) SectorGenerator: Fixed bug propagating downstream errors (PR#80134) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18238 20171229 -------------------------- Workbench: Properly load NetworkCostCalculator (PR81120) Workbench: Add EU Paris and London to list of Amazon regions (PR81091) Ingres: Fixed Envelope and Extents queries (PR#42813) (PR#43002) POSTGRES: Support fractional seconds in timestamps. Treat timestamp and timestamptz as same when reading and writing. Use datetime instead of STF_DateTime (PR#71992) C119165 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18237 20171221 -------------------------- SalesforceConnector: Added Salesforce as a Connector. (PR79253) Workbench: Properly handle composite expressions saved in prior releases (PR81089) SQLCreator: Fix encoding issue for Japanese SQL characters (PR#80293) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18236 20171220 -------------------------- PowerPointWriter: Made PowerPoint transformers feature complete for 2018.0 (PR#79707) Sampler: Fix First/Last N when sample rate = 1 (PR#81060) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18235 20171219 -------------------------- Workbench: Fixed problem where pressing F1 will not bring the correct help (PR#80653) JDBC - Ingres: Fixed bugs in spatial format (PR#42813) POSTGRES: Set timezone and fractional seconds when sending values to timestamptz (PR#47085) C79068 Workbench: Allow partial runs to launch Data Inspector (PR#80873) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18234 20171219 -------------------------- Aggregator: Added the cycle error attribute to the output port schema (PR#80978) JDBC - TERADATA: Map fme_buffer to varchar instead PR#80842 JDBC - Cloud Spanner: Updated Cloud Spanner JDBC driver to v0.15 PR#79020 XLSX: Add option to read cell formatting (PR#80692) Performance: Store feature types by ID to reduce memory usage (PR#80195). Geometry Related Classes: Arcs do not change type when attributes are set to existing values. (PR#80833) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18233 20171215 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18232 20171214 -------------------------- MYSQL: Add geometry column to read (PR#80176) SALESFORCE: Fix reading of multiline values. (PR61743) Workbench: Fix 'Run to this' receiving features from non-participating links from an upstream reader (PR#80901) XMLFragmenter: Added support for elements to match with quotes (PR#78971) C129781 JDBC - Ingres: Fix names of some non-spatial types (PR#42813) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18231 20171213 -------------------------- PointOnAreaOverlayer: Improved precision for polygons with arc boundaries (PR#80496) Aggregator: Added an error attribute when hierarchy mode detects a cycle with no root node (PR#80978) IMODEL: Add i-Model Reader tech preview (PR67830) C100579 C103100 C105942 C114270 C122177 C124553 C121735 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18230 20171212 -------------------------- Feature Type Properties: Disable table qualifier field if we don't allow reader feature type editing (PR#80844) Clipper: Fixed bug clipping nearly self-intersecting clippee with a tolerance (PR#71481) S3Connector: Fixing web connection and small errors, and removing listing folder. (PR71935) C123306 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18229 20171211 -------------------------- GeometryValidator: Added files for new rules into the install. (PR#69973) C60793 C104702 Workbench: Improve error message when unable to collapse bookmark due to multiple object containment (PR80899) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18228 20171208 -------------------------- FMEOrientedArc: Fixed measure interpolation (PR#80919) OSM: Output Incomplete Ways and Relations (PR#80334) Overlayer: Prevented a crash from dangling aliased attributes (PR80787) Workbench: Fix problem where inserting Junction would result in unwieldy names (PR#77573) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18227 20171207 -------------------------- ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Truncate using Admin API when possible. (PR70042) C116068 C126454 C132674 LineCombiner: Fixed edge case with duplicate end coordinates when checking elevation (PR#80138) C132079 SpatialFilter/SpatialRelator: Fixed Null Rejection (PR#78414) Dissolver: Output features that are not matched to any resulting areas out the remnants port (PR#80853) GeometryValidator: Removed unneeded clone from the 'Mismatched Dimensions Visitor'. (PR#41288) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18226 20171206 -------------------------- GeometryValidator: Prevented a crash when using all rules (PR#80830) AreaOnAreaOverlayer: Output features that are not matched to any resulting areas out the remnants port (PR#80581) GEODATABASE: Add Mosaic Dataset Writer (PR27486) C32753 C35040 C58621 C56338 C60965 C62865 C72314 C77837 C78184 C81671 C92692 C96753 C97057 C119371 C119371 C125049 C125152 C129417 Excel Reader: Add per-cell formatting (PR#52281) (PR#80752) C89698 C94152 PostGres: Log as query execute error as warn (PR#75522) C122919 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18225 20171205 -------------------------- Snapper: Fixed bug where nearly identical segments were not snapped together (PR#80315) FeatureMerger: Added a tolerance when building polygons with duplicate suppliers (PR#80572) Generalizer: Added a shared boundary tolerance (PR#80573) SurfaceDissolver: Allowed spaces in text input (PR#78751) GeometryValidator: Renamed 'Contains NaNs or Infinities' rule. (PR#59564) Pipeline profiling: Allow user-created pipelines to perform factory profiling. (PR#80766) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18224 20171204 -------------------------- DI: Table View: Reduce preview loading time. (PR#80773) HTTPCaller: Fix uploads of files with non-ascii paths. (PR80706) C132892 GeometryValidator: Fixed small bugs in the NaN Removal Visitor. (PR#59564) Overlayers: Use correct percentage for humourer (PR#80775) Workbench: Fix crash expanding bookmark on Mac (PR#80731) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18223 20171201 -------------------------- Elasticsearch: Fixed Content-Type HTTP header that was not supported by ES v6.0 (PR#80736) C132824 GEODATABASE_XML: Remove reader and feature type level where clauses (PR#80299) CoplanarFaces: Allowed for no donutHole traits (PR#80633) GeometryValidator: Fixed problems in the 'Type Repair Visitor' and 'NaN Removal Visitor'. (PR#80205) Excel Reader: Add per-cell formatting (PR#52281)(PR#80752) C89698 C94152 Workbench: Add case-sensitive and case-insensitive modes to Tester. (PR76782) (PR48291) C81290 C92300 C113393 C123244 C125814 C122369 Workbench: Add partial runs to bookmark contents (PR#63004) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18222 20171130 -------------------------- MapInfoExtended: Upgrade EFAL library to (PR#79945) C131903 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18221 20171129 -------------------------- Geocoder: Reject features with missing address or coordinates. (PR80719) GeometryValidator: RepairZandMeasureVisitor extends the FMEValidationRepairVisitor and a new rule is added. (#PR#69973) C60793 C104702 S3Connector: Fixing region default error and bucket name in list. (PR71935) C123306 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18220 20171128 -------------------------- VertexSnapper: Handle collapsed geometries better (PR#50620) C97315 Shape/DBF Reader: Preserve numeric field attribute types instead of storing as string attributes (PR#34424) C48673 Amazon S3: Added S3Connector and S3 web service definition. (PR71935) LineOnLineOverlayer: Added a collapsed output port (PR#28061) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18219 20171127 -------------------------- Snapper: Fixed bug for small features within tolerance (PR#80434) Workbench: Properly reflect case sensitivity for AttributeValidator regular expression parsing. Restore browse button for regular expression parsing. (PR80626) C132731 Workbench: Fix confusing prompt when opening Custom Transformer with multiple versions (PR80577) Workbench: Fix double-click of feature type to rename (PR79979) Workbench: Add Expose Schema Attributes to more formats (PR#79829) C131645 C131790 C132112 C132469 FILEGDB: Add unicode support to DatabaseJoiner (PR#79661) ORACLE: Add JSON support for Oracle 12c (PR#78097) C127925 Intersector: Added a collapsed output port (PR#80527) Workbench: Switch TestFilter and conditionals to new Tester query view (PR80580) (PR73196) Workbench: Fixed problem where pressing 'delete' key after selecting feature type node did not work as expected (PR#80653) Workbench: Fixed problem where pressing 'delete' key after selecting feature type node didn't work as expected (PR#80667 & PR#80653) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18218 20171125 -------------------------- GENTRANS: Fixed command line parsing. (PR#80615) JDBC - Teradata: Added ability to choose primary index (PR#80350) Packages: Fix the force install option -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18217 20171123 -------------------------- SpatialRelator: Ensured that terminators are propagated (PR#80568) C132664 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18216 20171122 -------------------------- Transformers: Preserved Aliased/Entangled Attributes in many transformers (PR#79249) C130421 Geocoder: Expose address type(s) from Google's forward/reverse geocode. (PR80594) C132659 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18215 20171121 -------------------------- DataInspector: Preserved OrientedArcs matrix when highlighting coordinates (PR#9507) C13182 C91980 C111261 C124512 Workbench: Make Tester a modeless dialog removing customizations and using GUI line table widget (PR49629)(PR73196) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18214 20171120 -------------------------- FeatureColorSetter: Allow option to more evenly distribute colour values. (PR#80371) ACAD,REALDWG: Annotative text adjustments. Fixes, RC 2. (PR80091) Workbench: Don't add duplicate GENERATE_FME_BUILD_NUM directive (PR#80275) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18213 20171117 -------------------------- SHAREPOINT: Support 'new login experience' for SharePoint Online. (PR80518) C132578 C132726 C132728 C128764 LocalCoordSystemSetter: Set coordinate system on all input feature types (PR#80027) Workbench: Fix copy-n-paste issues with bookmark annotations and collapsed bookmarks (PR80586) Workbench: Fix re-authenticate of existing Twitter connection. Also clean up some memory management issues (PR80545) Workbench: Fix updating of TestFilter when in parameter editor (PR80539) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18212 20171116 -------------------------- Dissolver and AreaOnAreaOverlayer: Added warnings if there were unexpected remnants (PR#80376) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18211 20171115 -------------------------- Inspector: Fixed problem where translation fails if transformer name was set to OUTPUT (PR#80418) Workbench: NEW_ATTR type now supports setting from published parameter (PR#80514) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18210 20171114 -------------------------- Clipper: Fixed bug for small clippees within tolerance that collapse to a point (PR#28061) AreaOnAreaOverlayer: Added a remnants ouptut port (PR#80376) RasterPyramider: Expose added attributes on schema (PR#80516). PointCloudMerger: Use FME_TEMP directory for temp files (PR#80510). C132553 ACAD,REALDWG: Remove dash from invalid characters for attribute names in new workspaces. (PR80236) GeometryValidator: Fixed issue where upgrading from older version was not selecting the expected values for certain parameters (PR#80375) InlineQuerier: Fix problem where transformer's output port schema won't match what the query result was producing if column names contained quote character (PR#80199) C132029 JDBC - Teradata: Read geometries as WKT for performance gains (PR42814) Workbench: Fixed problem where Twitter web connection could not be created after upgrading Qt to 5.9.2 (PR#80486) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18209 20171110 -------------------------- ACAD,REALDWG: Annotative text adjustments. (PR80091) FME Engine: Improved logging of automatic tolerances (PR#28061) GeometryValidator: NaN removal visitor handles -0 values. (PR#59564) Workbench: Allow strings in numeric expressions if they are function arguments (PR80124) C131965 Workbench: Fix OAuth for DropBox which was failing on some machines after qt5.9 upgrade (PR80452) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18208 20171109 -------------------------- Excel Writer: Add per-cell formatting (PR#47193) C79739 C87722 C87721 C98900 C99354 C104987 C115312 Workbench: Remove empty rows from saved table values (PR80211); Allow "?" as prompt in addition to ":" (PR80332) Workbench: Make precision part of the drop and name all string function parameters (PR72930) C121309 C126175 C127538 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18207 20171108 -------------------------- HTMLTABLE: Schema scan using all data. (PR80121) C131952 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18206 20171107 -------------------------- Workbench: GENERATE_FME_BUILD_NUM directive will be added to old readers/writers when run or saved if they didn't already have the directive (PR#80275) GG,MGE: Restrict database types by platform. (PR80219) C132150 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18205 20171106 -------------------------- Installer: Don't open redis up unless needed. (PR#80308) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18204 20171104 -------------------------- Datetime: Fix local timestamp/time zone functionality on Linux/Mac, broken during recent library upgrade. (PR80256) ZFS: Add option to read PPS/GPS time information (PR#78658) C128884 C130214 Workbench: Fix MS Access database connection issues (PR80139) (PR79635) glTF: Add support for glTF version 2. (PR76145) C128757 Linux: Report the peak memory usage PR#54606 C126687 C89628 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18203 20171102 -------------------------- ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Fix detection of SSL Required responses. (PR76285) C124017 C130167 C131291 C131690 C132344 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18202 20171101 -------------------------- DI: Fix Simultaneous Display of Colored and Uncolored Meshes (PR79994) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18201 20171031 -------------------------- PCD: Preventing conversion error and warn when writing non-ASCII file type (PR#80257) SENTINEL2AWS: Fix Band 0 incorrectly appearing. (PR80173) C132144 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18200 20171030 -------------------------- CoordinateRounder: Support all types of arcs (PR#80226) C130666 Snapper: Fixed bug snapping an ellipse down to a point (PR#80238) GeometryValidator: Degenerate clothoids that are really points, lines, or arcs are now handled. (PR#80047) AreaCalculator/LengthCalculator: Added warning the first time it sees a non-calculatable geom (PR#79969) PINTEREST: Updated webservice definition. (PR80130) Workbench: Fix help button on dataset editor to go to the format parameters. Adjust collapse bookmark to be the min size of text/node/current (PR79594) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18199 20171027 -------------------------- Workbench: Fix wordwrap for annotation widths based on text size rather than node size. (PR80006) FMEClothoid: Added support for stroking degenerate clothoids. (PR#80047) Workbench: Properly embed password parameters ensuring preservation of special characters (PR80174) C132099 Workbench: Added shortcut key on windows for "Save As"(PR80116) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18198 20171026 -------------------------- New Format: PCD (Point Cloud Data) Reader/Writer (PR#65235) C108598 Intersector: Renamed the Cleaning Tolerance parameter to Tolerance (PR#76766) DI: Display Mesh Vertex Colors (PR79994) Installer: Set a description for redis service. (PR#80155) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18197 20171025 -------------------------- FME Objects Python: Fixed crash in FMEGeometry.getTraitNames() and other handling of Py_None scenarios. (PR#79452) C130929 Excel XLSX Writer: Fix row formatting not working in certain cases and make attribute formatting more robust (PR#78718) MITAB Reader: Avoid extra separator in dataset path/filename (PR#79539) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18196 20171024 -------------------------- ENVIHDR writer: Changed default interleaving to BIL (PR#80165). DwgStyler: Add option to create region entities from areas. (PR80158) Python TFS: Fixed writing of integer attributes and prevent writing of unsupported binary attributes. (PR#79790, PR#79780) PINTEREST: Removed Pinterest as web as a filesystem. (PR80128) Workbench: Fixed problem where updating dataset would make the Reader/Writer unusable (PR#80088) MapInfo TAB Readers: Allow opening of files with mismatched types (PR#79515) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18195 20171023 -------------------------- HYPACKBRD: Made hypackbrd play nice with non-ascii filenames. (PR#80057) IDRISI Writers: Fix band and palette interpretation support (PR#79971) FMEClothoid: Preserved dimension of clones (PR#9507) C13182 C91980 C111261 C124512 FeatureWriter: Now allows having output ports, no output ports by default (PR#75281) C130491 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18194 20171022 -------------------------- Idrisi and CALS writers: Fix to work with Generic Writer (PR#80002) Workbench: Fixed problem where help button would invoke wrong help when in Reader/Writer parameter editor dialog (PR#80013) GENERIC: Add ability to expose 'fme_basename' and 'fme_dataset' (PR#79829) C131645 C131790 C132112 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18193 20171019 -------------------------- PointOnAreaOverlayer: Preserved incoming schema when merging (PR#80084) ORACLE_SPATIAL: Add Unicode writing for FM0 text features (PR#44015) C67759 WFS: Speed up WFS reading, PR79919. C131739 C131739 SurfaceDraper/SurfaceModeller: Add rejection port (PR#73604) Workbench: Fixed problem where find next invoked by context menu would not work as expected and some minor enhancements to find in general (PR#79981) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18192 20171018 -------------------------- GEODATABASE_*: GEODATABASE_*: Add unicode support to Begin/End SQL (PR#79704) SliverRemover: Added GroupBy (PR#69270) C113498 C116198 GEODATABASE_FILE: Add unicode support to match columns (PR#79816) AreaOnAreaOverlayer: Fixed a crash caused by an off by one error (PR#79088) C129974 TextStroker: Locate system font directories on Linux and Mac (PR#79955) C131835 GENERIC writer: Apply correct attribute mapping when using the GENERIC Writer with dynamic schema. (PR#79796) C131401 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18191 20171017 -------------------------- Workbench: Enable ERROR and WARN log handling to work when adding readers, generating workspaces when timings are being logged. (PR#79973) ACAD,CIVIL3D: Teigha update 4.3.1 for 2018 file versions. (PR75496,PR79674) C125728 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18190 20171016 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18189 20171013 -------------------------- HTTPCaller: Add 'application/soap+xml' to the list of upload content types. (PR79926) Workbench: In gui do not treat literal string starting with ampersand as attribute name (PR#79809) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18188 20171012 -------------------------- FME Engine: Improved precision when converting 32-bit reals to a strings and strings to 32-bit reals (PR#78318) ACAD,REALDWG: Add current / active layer to system variables read. (PR79876) StatisticsCalculator: Don't strip trailing zeroes from integers. (PR79866) Workbench: Properly handle python/Tcl parameters that are assigned to attributes via attribute creation on canvas (PR79822) C131610 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18187 20171011 -------------------------- Workbench: Fixed problem where merged feature type reading was broken due to a recent change (PR#79797) Workbench: Fixed regression where Add Reader dialog will show in place of Update Reader (PR#79839) Sampler: Added ability to get last N features (PR#79804) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18186 20171010 -------------------------- GeometryValidator: Coordinate System is shown in Failed features and in InvalidParts and IssueLocations ports. (PR#79690) Workbench: Properly replace the value when deleting a scripted parameter (PR79773) C131656 Workbench: Ensure subgroup and geom groups are visible (PR79763) Workbench: Replace . with _ when creating transformer alias only for Testsuite transformers (PR#79794) C131667 FFS: Reduced file size by one byte per attribute by changing the way null attributes are stored (PR#75437) Workbench: Do not auto-fill URL if it is optional (PR79739) C131593 Excel Reader: Fix misleading file too large errors (PR#79405)(PR#79402)(PR#79320) C130716 C131326 C130992 LengthCalculator: 2D clothoid with Length Dimension set to 3 outputs correct length value. (PR#79760) WORKBENCH: Fix hanging while doing a "Find" in the log containing a really long line (PR#79781) C131452 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18185 20171007 -------------------------- FILEGDB R/W: Adds BEGIN/END SQL (PR#79285) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18184 20171005 -------------------------- SALESFORCE: Don't read/write 'location'-type attributes. Not supported by Bulk API. (PR78964) FeatureReader: Fixed reading too many features when Max Features to Read is specified for some formats (PR#79329). EsriReprojector: Keep user selected direction for unknown geographic transformations (PR#78758) C129462 PointCloudSplitter: Allow more precision for generated ranges (PR#79259) C130576 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18183 20171003 -------------------------- GeometryValidator: Arcs with a negative primary or secondary radius are repaired (PR#40039) CsmapReprojector: Fix conditionals for Transformation parameter (PR#78694) Workbench: Fix the constant resize of Status bar when text with international characters is shown (PR#79644) Workbench: Fixed problem where list box GUI type was showing up as red even though the selected item was in the list (PR#79540) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18182 20171002 -------------------------- GeometryValidator: Repaired geometry now goes into the correct port (PR#63153) AttributeCopier: Rename column header to 'Default Value' (PR#79684) Workbench: Have the alignment options work with bookmarks. Remove term 'horizontal' and 'vertical' from alignment menu (PR59173) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18181 20170929 -------------------------- MSSQL_AZURE: Support database ... listing in settings box (PR#79643) MDB_ADO: Remove Select statement from Reader GUI (PR#79666) Workbench: Fixed crash on workspace generation when source or destination dataset contains non-ASCII characters (PR#79642) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18180 20170928 -------------------------- Geocoder: Fix handling of fme_rejection_code on input features. (PR79653) C131440 MDB_ADO: Add unicode support for where clause (PR#79662) SQL Server: Allow database listing via C++ or Java (PR#66952). CityGML writer: Allow ADE Schema File to be specified as a URL, PR79626. Workbench: Fixed the category for 3DBufferer to Spatial Analysis (PR79468) Workbench: Fixed Help and Run... button on SQL Editor dialog (PR78765) (PR79311) (PR79594) Workbench: Fix AttributeManager tool tip when conditionals are used (PR79586) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18179 20170927 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18178 20170926 -------------------------- Workbench: Add database connection dialog will automatically default to preferred format when needed for dynamic types (PR#75694) Workbench: Search field gets default focus when showing workspace search dialog (PR#79614) RasterMosaicker: Fixed incorrect zero values in output when keeping the minimum overlapping value and the band does not have a nodata value (PR#79607). C131317 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18177 20170925 -------------------------- Intergraph FRAMME Standard Exchange Format (SEF) Writer: Intergraph FRAMME Standard Exchange Format (SEF) Writer: Add support for feature type fanout (PR#42069) Northgate Strumap Writer: Added support for feature type fanout (PR#42070) DB2SPATIAL: Add AND if needed for where clause (PR#74174) Workbench: Expose FME_PLATFORM parameter (PR#79529). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18176 20170923 -------------------------- PDF2D Writer: Fixed incorrect encoded character in upper Latin set (PR#65692) 109356 Workbench: Fix ListBuilder GUI to have 'Input Ordered By' in the correct location (PR79554 ) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Don't query for fields not present on server-side Layer schema. (PR79571) LineCombiner: Added change log (PR#76267) JDBC: Fixes exception message when failing to convert coordinate system into other representations PR#79238 Workbench: Change the default for Attach Annotation to word wrap (PR55484) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18175 20170921 -------------------------- POST*: POST*: Add reader level where clause (PR#79390) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18174 20170920 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18173 20170919 -------------------------- VertexRemover: Extended rejection support (PR#79477) Triangulator: Added a rejection code (PR#76276) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18172 20170918 -------------------------- Workbench: Fixed issue where Update Reader required user to re-enter Network Authentication (PR#79469) C130790 POSTGIS: Prevent where clause from being appended twice (PR#79347) S57: Fixing reading of files with repeating line sections. (PR#78310) C128252 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18171 20170918 -------------------------- XMLValidator: Modified GUI setting to accept URL in Schema Filename field (PR#74829) Installer: Upgrade JRE to 1.8u144. (PR#77167) @Geometry(): @Geometry(): fixed the get/set of midPoint for ARCBY3POINTS (PR#79478) C125538 Installer: Remove python test folder. (PR#79006) SHAREPOINT: Handle variant of SAML login page form fields. (PR79414) C128764 SHAREPOINT: Support NTLMv2. (PR70819) C117312 C116689 C116752 C131028 CloudSpanner: Add missing file to installer (PR#75901). AttributeFilter: Fixed problem where upgrading from older version will mess up existing connections (PR#79449) C131074 Linux: Bring memory management roughly in line with Windows (PR#75288) C130708 GML Readers: Added Explore XSD Values option PR79323. -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18170 20170914 -------------------------- Clipper: Fixed clipping rasters with a NaN nodata value (PR#77325) C126433 3DInterpolator: Improved robustness of arcBy3Pt Interpolations (PR#77592) CoordinateRounder: Restored support for faces (PR#79368) NeighborFinder: Limited matrix modification on Faces (PR#58503) MDB_ADO: Add Selective Attribute Reading (PR#79435) PNG Rasterizer writer: Fixed undefined macro error (PR#78915). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18169 20170913 -------------------------- PERVASIVE: Fix malformed metafile (PR#77662) C127047 POSTGIS: Clear where clause if global where clause is non empty (PR#79347) Workbench: Fixed problem where we could run into 'duplicate factory name' problem due to transformer names used in embedded custom transformers (PR#78927) C129843 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18168 20170912 -------------------------- POSTGIS: Replace logging for unicode logging (PR#69999) Esrishape, DBF: Adding flag to allow fixed-width number type fields. (PR#71956) FeatureReader: Declutter FeatureReader logging (PR#77414) WLAS: Removed option to treat all attributes as text. (PR#79362) SQL Server: Fix crash introduced in FME 2017.0 string trimming (PR#78739). C129256 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18167 20170911 -------------------------- ORACLE: Add unicode logging to Oracle (PR#69999) Workbench: Fix bookmark ordering so it works, is saved and restored properly. This also fixes the collapse/expand bookmark resulting in Transformers being 'behind' the bookmark (PR73599). Hide annotations when their corresponding node is hidden -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18166 20170909 -------------------------- Collada: Write composite surfaces as meshes instead of splitting into nodes (PR78578) C128728 CityGML writer: Don't write out the gml:id for the CityModel when the value is auto generated by the Writer, PR79321. -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18165 20170907 -------------------------- IDRISI Writer: Add warnings for features with null/missing Geometry (PR#79203) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18164 20170907 -------------------------- RealDWG: Add merge modules for coordinate system access. (PR78738) SHAPE, dBASE (DBF): SHAPE, dBASE (DBF): Add Number field handling option for fixed-width or binary. (PR#71956) MDB_ADO: Add begin/end sql support (PR#79286) CSV reader: Fixed reading unselected attributes when merging feature types (PR#79245) C130565 CityGML writer: Allow CityModel attributes to be written, PR79321. Schema From Table: Made more tolerant and does not fail if the required attribute is missing - log warning and continue (PR#79114) C130299 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18163 20170905 -------------------------- GeometryValidator: Upgrade all versions (0-4) correctly copying over old values and keeping the new defaults (PR#79069) Excel writer: Add support for Border Style And Color to the Attribute Formatting GUI (PR#79200) Installer: Fix status messages in Windows 10. (PR#78913) C129713 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18162 20170901 -------------------------- String Functions: Error out when @Left()/@Right() are given non-negative character counts. Also give more accurate message. (PR#79025) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18161 20170831 -------------------------- ORACLE: Change easy connect regexp and parsing (PR#78775) C129479 WORKBENCH: Clear log filters whenever the log is cleared (PR#50245) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18160 20170830 -------------------------- POSTGIS: Allow geometry writing when geography permission revoked (PR#69743) C114421 TempPathnameCreator: Make generated filenames shorter to work better with external tools. (PR#79248) Revit Addin: Fix incorrect path in assembly loading (PR77923) GDAL Writers: Fixed crash when writing areas with boundaries made up of a linear path (PR#79231) C130358 XLSX Writer: Fixed incorrect row ID when feature contains empty-name attribute (PR#79237) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18159 20170829 -------------------------- Linux: Add file extensions to writer datasets (PR#62355). ENVIHdr Reader/Writer: Add options for .bsq and .bip file extensions based on data interleaving (PR#14551) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18158 20170828 -------------------------- Transformers: AttributeManager - make new 'reset' modes to make it easy to clear invalid incoming attributes (PR72277) DGNV8: Line style name reading fix for non-Windows. (PR79201) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18157 20170826 -------------------------- FeatureReader: Improved spatial filter names (PR#77413) ENVI Writer: Add writing options for .bsq and .bip extensions (PR#14551) Excel (XLSX) Writer: Excel (XLSX) Writer: Fixed Missing Hyperlinks and Issues With non-existent row formatting (PR#78718) WLAS: Removed | as an invalid character in a feature type (PR 50712) C85620 C100768 C115444 C116747 C116747 NeighborPairFinder: Clarified a misleading warning (PR#72019) Excel (XLSX) Writer: Excel (XLSX) Writer: Minor Revisions For Excel Cell Border Formatting (PR#78718) WORKBENCH: Added new log Information toggle icon (PR#50245) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18156 20170825 -------------------------- Workbench: Add ability to collapse/expand all bookmarks (PR70482) (PR59093) DATAFILE: Improve log message when opening writer (PR#79100) GeoJSON: Read coordinate systems from geometry objects. (PR79161) C130493 MAPINFO Extended TAB Writer: Add support for coordinate systems with affine parameters & bounds (PR78641) FMEGeometries: Ensured caches will update when traits are changed (PR#75758) Workbench: Fix QuickAdd links that end in a period (PR#78989) Workbench: Add option to include sensitive data from export (PR75900) Excel (XLSX) Writer: Excel (XLSX) Writer: Accounted for extra edge case in logic for merging different formatting (PR#78718) MSSQL: Fix BEGIN/END empty multiline queries (PR#79028) Oracle: Allow multiline BEGIN/END SQL to be empty (PR#79027) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18155 20170823 -------------------------- SHAPE: Add warnings for when attempting to convert strings to dates fails. (PR#78983) FMW Reader: Fix crash when reading a workspace that has a writer or reader whose dataset property evaluates to an empty string. (PR#78763) HTTPCaller: Don't create headers list attribute by default (PR79129) WorkspaceRunner: Use command file to run workspaces (PR#57643 PR#78696) Transformer Upgrade: Fixed problem where existing feature connections didn't connect as expected after upgrading (PR#79047) FMW Reader: Deal with empty dataset values, without crashing. (PR#79110) Ldap Reader: Miscellaneous fixes and tweaks (PR#37699) C57995 C91664 C92206 C96581 C101207 C119449 C127698 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18154 20170822 -------------------------- WORKBENCH: Fixed duplicate context menu not in sync with duplicate button (PR#78884) TextStroker: Correctly count number of lines for international strings (PR78683) C128937 Workbench: Suppress dataset fanout for formats that cannot support it (PR#78889) Installer: Add Twitter web service (PR79086) 3DBufferer: Add pre-generated buffer solids (PR#78981) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18153 20170821 -------------------------- WORKBENCH: Updated Geometry Creator dialog label names (PR#78085) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18152 20170820 -------------------------- WLAS: Fixed installer issue where WLAS format was not in PythonPlugins.fmemod (PR 50712) C85620 C100768 C115444 C116747 C116747 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18151 20170817 -------------------------- ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Handle 403 SSL Required responses. (PR76285) Excel (XLSX) Reader: Excel (XLSX) Reader: Added Support For Reading Tables (PR#78822) TestFilter: Fix tooltip generation to fix workbench crash (PR#79038) FME Desktop: Improve readability of GUI prompts (PR#71734) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18150 20170816 -------------------------- FeatureReader: Remove RUN from FeatureReader WHERE Clause (PR#78765) MSSQL: Remove adding MultiSubnetFailover=False to connection string (PR#78715) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18149 20170815 -------------------------- ARCGISPORTALFEATURES: Fix failure when truncating empty layers. (PR78917) Adobe Illustrator EPS (IEPS) Writer: Adobe Illustrator EPS (IEPS) Writer: Add support for Feature Type Fanout (PR#42067) C102173 C104452 C105163 Coordinate Systems: Add GDM2000 coordinate system & fixed RSKEW definitions for MapInfo (PR65798) C109390 SchemaMapper: Change default format from CSV to CSV2 (PR#79014) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18148 20170814 -------------------------- GeometryValidator: Added support for self-intersecting degenerate donuts (PR#68728) C112688 C113551 C123836 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18147 20170812 -------------------------- Excel (XLSX) Reader: Excel (XLSX) Reader: Updated `readCellValue` to properly round doubles retrieved from Excel sheets to 15 digits (PR#78566) C128595 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18146 20170810 -------------------------- SurfaceDissolver: Don't crash on invalid input (PR#78636) WORKBENCH: Moved the Getting Started exercises to a dockable window (PR#67440) C127502 Workbench: Fix Python compatibility issues when saving embedded linked transformers (PR77798) C127605 Workbench: Speed up the prompting of feature type selection dialog (PR#78950) Transformers: Fix ListSorter to properly numeric sort empty/null/missing with other negative numbers (PR72546) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18145 20170809 -------------------------- 3DBufferer: Add new Minkowski sum transformer (PR#77320) LineCombiner: Restored Break Across Attributes option with new modes (PR#78700) WORKBENCH: Updated some clothoid terminology in the Geometry Creator dialog (PR#77123) MSSQL_AZURE_JDBC: Add ApplicationIntent to Advanced Parameters (PR76590) C124525 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18144 20170808 -------------------------- DuplicateFilter: Fixed filtering by non-ascii attribute names in some cases (PR#78924). NTX: Fix Text Scaling issue on write (PR#69976) C115720 WORKBENCH: Added clothoid to Geometry Creator dialog (PR#77123) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18143 20170804 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18142 20170804 -------------------------- MSSQL_JDBC: Move Application Intent to Advanced Parameters (PR76590) C124525 FMWReader: Added workspace IDs to connections and added .fmwt type to file filter (PR#78832) (PR#78818) New Format: CALS (Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support) Reader / Writer (PR#62766) IFC: Be more tolerant when reading inner/outer face boundaries. (PR78846) DWGStyler: Add settings for annotation scale for text and mtext. Fix optional force visible. (PR31998,PR78461) C40996 C61571 C64469 C100525 C106024 C111839 C112680 C118236 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18141 20170802 -------------------------- Overlayer: Add 'Drop incoming attributes' mode to various Overlayer transformers. (PR#74745) GRIB reader: Added association with .grb2 extension (PR#78845). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18140 20170802 -------------------------- JDBC: Remove whitespace host name in JDBC connections (PR74303) Generalizer: Avoid fatal error when given invalid attribute value as parameter. (PR#34543) C50633 MSSQL (JDBC): MSSQL (JDBC): Add ApplicationIntent and MultiSubnetFailover (PR76590) C124525 MSSQL: Add ApplicationIntent to connection strings (PR#78715) MIF Writer: Improve handling of NaN values (PR#71091) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18139 20170731 -------------------------- FME Server Installer: Update Info-ZIP zip.exe from v2.3 to v3.00 (PR#78830) JDBC Reader: Return default data type for Arrays for Cloud Spanner and Generic Jdbc (PR78644) JDBC: Add Begin/End SQL (PR57682) WORKBENCH: Added find previous/next warning/error buttons in log window (PR#50245) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18138 20170730 -------------------------- Inspector: Fixed problem where Inspector won't launch if the workspace name had brackets (PR#78792) Coordinate Systems: Repaired definitions and mappings for some Rectified Skewed Orthometric coordinate systems (PR#36749) C55279 C23719 C88205 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18137 20170727 -------------------------- WFS reader: Fixed crash when Name is missing from Feature Type in the capabilities document, PR78794. C128518 C128990 Tester: Fix inverted logic around NaN comparisons. (PR#78735). GML: Allow https URLs to be used as the application schema when validating, PR78754. -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18136 20170726 -------------------------- Reprojector: Added Raster Tolerance parameter to improve performance (PR#56395). SurfaceOnSurfaceOverlayer: Detect coplanar surfaces with greater accuracy. (PR#78759) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18135 20170725 -------------------------- Tiler: Added 'Rejected' Port. (PR#78732) VertexRemover: Added 'Rejected' port. (PR#78072) ODBC: Added Begin/End SQL to GUI for ODBC Readers and Writers (PR#26921) MAPINFO: Added ETRF89.Europe/EqArea exception (PR63921) C107322 MapInfo: Affine parameter in a custom coordinate system will not be dropped anymore (PR30867)(PR63924) C107322 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18134 20170722 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18133 20170720 -------------------------- DateTimeStamper: Renamed @DateTimeTimezoneRemove() to @TimeZoneRemove(). (PR78655) FME: Fixed problem where dynamic writing may fail if more than one zipped schema sources were specified (PR#76790) C124789 DGNV8: Fix dimension element primary text override. (PR78697) C128978 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18132 20170719 -------------------------- MeasureSetter: Extended aggregate support to 4 new modes (PR#78423) Overlayer: Added new OVERLAY_TYPE parameter to OverlayFactory. (PR#78667) SOSI_GML: Added Reader and Writer, PR70860. C117396 Chopper: Clarified the rejection code (PR#78409) Generalizer: Improved handling of invalid parameters (PR#78411) DynamoDB: Use Named Web Connections (PR56531) JDBC: Set application name if implemented (PR76420) Scaler: Handle invalid parameter gracefully (PR#78415) CurveFitter: Handle invalid parameters gracefully (PR#78411) MeasureGenerator: Ensured rejected features still have a geometry (PR#78413) Chopper: Clarified the rejection code (PR#78409) SurfaceDissolver: Standardized deaggregation behaviour for multis and appearances (PR#78380) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18131 20170717 -------------------------- JDBC: Set application name if supported (PR76420) NetCDF reader: Fixed reading datasets where the x/y dimensions are not the most rapidly varying dimensions (PR#78587). C128872 Sap Hana Writer: Add Srid to spatial column definition (PR78203) Workbench: Ensure def lines preserve special characters for regular reader/writer and FeatureWriter (PR#78493) Cloud Spanner Reader: Added new format (PR75901) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18130 20170715 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18129 20170715 -------------------------- REALDWG: 3rd Party library update to 2018, with installer work. (PR77539,PR78378) DI: Table View: Fix crash on Mac by using new db connection in threads. (PR#78537)(PR#78540) FMEAggregate: Transfered appearances to parts being extracted (PR#78380) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18128 20170713 -------------------------- L10n: FME Server localization guide updates for 2017.1 (PR76757) Offsetter: Fixed bugs enforcing consistent dimensions on geometry instances (PR#78511) SliverRemover: Prevent infinite loop in Random mode (PR#70976) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18127 20170712 -------------------------- GeometryPropertySetter: Fix encoding of count trait name. (PR78429) C128322 NetCDF reader: Added support for version 4 (PR#29996, PR#74087). C33595 C35536 C44845 C109014 C109490 C113769 C113766 C113652 C119549 C120757 C122465 C126412 C127089 C127547 Excel (XLSX) Reader: Excel (XLSX) Reader: Fixed all '$' characters being replaced in attribute names on generate if parameters window opened first (PR#64370) C108006 ShortestPathFinder: Significantly improve performance when multithreading (PR#76609) GeometryPropertySetter: Fixed encoding of count trait name (PR#78429) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18126 20170712 -------------------------- DWGStyler: Add settings for annotation scale for text and mtext. Force visible RealDWG only. (PR31998,PR78461) C40996 C61571 C64469 C100525 C106024 C111839 C112680 C118236 DWGStyler: Add settings for annotation scale for text and mtext. (PR31998,PR78461) HullAcumulator: Added attribute accumulation modes. (PR#75735) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18125 20170710 -------------------------- Scaler: Added early failure case for invalid raster scale factors (PR#78420) Workbench: Fix the crash in Print Preview when a Reader is selected (PR78526) C128806 CSV reader: Fixed reading utf-32 encoded files with a byte order marker (PR#78433). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18124 20170707 -------------------------- Sorter: Significantly reduce memory overhead for very large datasets. (PR#78314) Workbench: Resolve parameters during design time for transformers using format prompt (PR#74436, PR#67466) C111069 CSGEvaluator: Maintain traits and appearances (PR#42671) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18123 20170706 -------------------------- GoogleFusionTables: Implemented support for embedded named connections (PR#52883) CoordinateRounder: Fixed bug where self-intersecting donut holes were dropped with classic input (PR#58793) Workbench: Fixed two crashes found when dealing with objects created in 2011 (PR78496) (PR78497) C128663 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18122 20170705 -------------------------- StatisticsCalculator/AttributePivoter: Allow both spaces and non-ASCII characters in attribute names. (PR#78471) MAPINFO: Add JPNGSI-18-Grid (PR78482) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18121 20170704 -------------------------- ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Honour layer-level maxRecordCount, if present. (PR78446) C128167 MAPINFO: Add JPNGSI Datum Exceptions (PR74425) C121723 Workbench: Eliminate duplicate entry from regular expression under Quick Reference (PR78445) C128547 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18120 20170701 -------------------------- DateTimeConverter & DateTimeCalculator: Added aliases to redirect hub transformers (PR#78452) GeometryExtractor: Simplified the OGC WKT precision options (PR#77622, PR#64570) WORKBENCH: Add help keywords for custom transformer Input Output Dialogs (PR74221) CoordinateConcatenator: Removed the precision parameter (PR#77622) GDAL Readers/Writers: Fixed non-ASCII character handling in CPLGetExtension and CPLFindFilenameStart (PR#77264) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18119 20170629 -------------------------- DateTimeConverter: Improved error messaging for unsupported flags. (PR78296 PR78350) StatisticsCalculator: Fixed handling of encoded attribute names and Group by of encoded attribute. (PR#78193, PR#78197) C128004 DateTimeConverter: Added alias DateTimeValidator. Removed confusing warnings when input is invalid. (PR78398 PR78399) DI: 3D: Fix incorrect feature indexes. (PR#78395) DI: Decoded feature type names from the parameters in the command line. (PR#78260) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18118 20170628 -------------------------- DateTimeConverter: Fixed conversion bug when processing seconds (PR#78289) DateTimeConverter: Added FME/ISO presets to Input/Output Format. (PR#78283) FME Engine: Improved the algorithm to convert 64-bit reals to strings (PR#77622) GoogleFusionTables: Add named connection support. Also, log table INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE mode explicitly. (PR#77825, PR#52883, PR#73079) DateTimeConverter: Fixed non-deterministic Preview behavior. Added $ to all presets. Fixed %Es preview support. Auto trimmed arguments. Improved error messages. (PR#78010 PR#78274 PR#78299 PR#78332 PR#78354 PR#78375 PR#78381) StatisticsCalculator: Fixed Group by attribute splitting behaviour. (PR#78193) C128004 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18117 20170627 -------------------------- DI: Mac: Fix graphics view and format info crashes. (PR#77142) StatisticsCalculator: Fixed handling of encoded attribute names analyzed by StatisticsCalculator and fixed Group by of non-encoded strings for Py3. (PR#78193, PR#78197) C128004 FeatureWriter: Fixed problem where importing from dataset won't set feature type's geometry for single geom type formats (PR#78362) C128447 IDRISIRaster: Implementation of new format IDRISI Raster (PR#32319) C42201 C99027 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18116 20170626 -------------------------- AWSIMAGERY: Specify whether a file was fetched from cache, or being downloaded. (PR77958) Spatialite Reader: Fixed crash when polygon has zero rings (PR#78351) C128253 AttributePivoter: Work with numeric-valued column group values. (PR#78217) C128043 Transformers: Add 'Untouched' ports to Triangulator and Chopper to differentiate between Rejected and Untouched features. (PR#76290) ACAD,REALDWG: Add reading of EXTMIN and EXTMAX system variables. (PR78288) C128125 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18115 20170624 -------------------------- JDBC: Change logging behaviour for Web Connections (PR78054) Workbench: Fixed problem where publishing 'dynamic' parameters like SDE_VERSION_LIST, DYNAMIC_[MULTI|SINGLE]_SELECT resulted in unexpected behavior (PR#77247) C125872 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18114 20170622 -------------------------- LocalCoordinateSytemSetter: Handle point geometry correctly even when fme_* arc attributes present (PR#78259). ACAD,REALDWG: Support for annotative text entity reading and writing. (PR31998) C40996 C61571 C64469 C100525 C106024 C111839 C112680 C118236 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18113 20170621 -------------------------- JSONFragmenter: Fix rejection of non-exploded features. (PR78262) DateTimeCalculator: Remove incompatible conditional option (PR#78117) GeometryValidator: Prevented modification of InvalidParts output (PR#77971) Workbench: Fixed the crash when selecting 'Add Parameter...' from context menu of Navigator tree when the start page is active (PR78243) C128218 MatchingFactory: Fix for distance tolerance check when given a single-point line. (PR#76440) C124274 Workbench: Make product and version selectable in About Window (PR#78156) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18112 20170620 -------------------------- LANDSAT8: Simplify labels for Feature Type Name(s) choices. (PR78231) Date time: Fixed some of the warnings when parsing/formatting fails. (PR#77396) C127809 C127933 TERRAINTILESAWS: Warn when neither Single Tile or Search Envelope are in use. (PR77927) Coordinate Systems: Add ESRI WKT/WKID exceptions for GDA2020 systems (PR70937) C117621 C123531 C124125 MinimumAreaForcer: Now processes any geometry collection that contains an area, rather than rejecting. (PR#76282) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18111 20170619 -------------------------- S57: LNAM Attributes no longer disappear (PR#77448) NeighborFinder: Create measure on Base Feature when Take Measures from Candidate and Insert Vertex are selected. (PR#77928) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18110 20170617 -------------------------- Geocoder: Fix error with ArcGIS Reverse Geocoding. (PR78047) C127852 DateTimeConverter: Rename from DateTimeFormatter and add aliases (PR#78025) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18109 20170615 -------------------------- TERADATA_JDBC_*: TERADATA_JDBC_*: share named connections with old format (PR77674) GeographicBufferer: Set Miter Limit default to 1 (PR#76906) C125254 C125262 Trimble SketchUp Writer: Add default option to consolidate appearances before writing (PR76485) C124312 GoogleDriveConnector: Fixed List mode so it works with / for root folder (PR75341) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18108 20170614 -------------------------- Localization: Read and Write guiprompts as UTF8. Add Date and Datetime support. (PR#77304) OEM: Add missing python dlls. (PR#77749) C127180 ODATA: Add parameter to set OData-Version header with default to omitting it. (PR77772) C127537 ACAD,REALDWG: Add geometry attribute schema for raster entities. (PR78107) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18107 20170613 -------------------------- Legal: Update to FME Desktop 2017.1 legal notices (PR73698) @DateTimeParse(): @DateTimeParse(): made * support more lenient. (PR#78023) Workbench: Properly detect user parameters within Custom Transformers that contain spaces (PR77744) DI: Mac: Fixed an intermittent crash from FME_fmeHome(). (PR#78037) OEM: Add missing fmeobjects OEM to mapinfo bundle. (PR#77749) Trimble SketchUp Reader: Add option to output original textures with UVQ coordinates (PR63734) RASTER READERS: Improve GUI For Raster Formats With GCP Support (PR#76654) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18106 20170612 -------------------------- KML: Always add gx namespace prefix when reading KML. (PR78053) C126643 DI: 2D: Set the default area fill transparency to 30% instead of 100%. (PR#78038) MetaRasterFormat: Added support for dynamic and batch workflows (PR#68071) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18105 20170610 -------------------------- Workbench: Fixed the problem where editing the Writer dataset value could make the workspace unusable after re-open due to undefined macro error (PR#77906) OEM: Update Mapinfo package to include missing gml files. (PR#77770) C127181 OEM: Added the required python files to MapInfo bundle. (PR#77749) C127180 C127180 AIXM 5.x reader: Map the DirectFlightSegment, MarkingElement, RoutePortion, and Reflector embedded objects as Multi Geometries, they were mistakenly mapped into Null Geometries thereby missing their geometries, PR77042. C125409 LANDSAT8: Support use through the GENERIC reader. (PR77972) MapInfo Extended and CSV readers: Fixed reading attributes when multiple feature types are present for a single reader (PR#77995). GEOMETRY: Add better RemoveTrait method to geometry interface. (PR#74131) GEODATABASE: Updated 64-bit compatibility message to be simpler and included examples of ESRI 64-bit software (PR77775) SDE30: Add ArcGIS Pro v1.4 & 2.0 support (PR77209) C125803 Clothoids: Allowed for endpoint snapping in local parameters (PR#77280) Date time: Fixed bugs in @DateTimeTimezoneSet(..., local). Added warnings when input datetimes contain overflow parts. (PR#77396) C127809 C127933 Snipper: Preseverd measures when snipping vertical lines (PR#77314) LANDSAT8AWS: Simplify labels for Feature Type Name(s) choices. (PR77954) LANDSAT8AWS: Fix Latest Date filter after introducing Collection 1 support. (PR77926) WORKBENCH: Added right-click menu to change rejected feature termination option (PR#77690) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18104 20170607 -------------------------- PLANETDATA: Assume time of 23:59:59 for End Date parameter. (PR77895) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18103 20170606 -------------------------- FMEServerJobSubmitter: Provide list of job queues from FME Server (PR#77711). @DateTimeParse(): @DateTimeParse(): no longer allow FME date/time presets to match non-FME datetime values. Fixed %s and %Es crash. (PR#77396)(PR#77387) Clothoids: Allowed for endpoint snapping in local parameters (PR#77280) LANDSAT8AWS: Support Collection 1 format for data after 2017-05-01. (PR77043) C125617 Emailer: Fixed password rejection with Python 2.7. (PR#77834) C125117 POSTGIS: Add geometry type checking for WKB format (PR#77095) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18102 20170606 -------------------------- FFS: Improved error message when reading an FFS file from the future (PR#77697) Inspector: Fixed incorrect feature counts (PR#77638). C127228 FFS Writer: Add option for faster schema scan without attribute types. Improve temp file cleanup. (PR#77629 PR#20970) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18101 20170604 -------------------------- DI: Table View: Add text alignment options to table cells. (PR#77729) FFS reader: Fixed crash when applying spatial filter to some datasets (PR#77415). StatisticsCalculator: Handled Unicode in GROUP BY parameter and transformer name. (PR#77246, PR#77531) C125912 C126703 Workbench: Properly substitute published parameters in Custom Transformers for AttributeManager/Creator/Renamer PR77716 C126649 CIVIL3D: Pressure pipe network reading. Initial implementation, port to master. (PR73692) C121042 Web services: Allow updated TLS versions to work with OAuth authentication. (PR#73463) C126721 FMEClothoid: Added ability to reverse Clothoids (PR#77280) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18100 20170602 -------------------------- Workbench: Add better format usability support for token based web connections PR76155, PR76383, PR64865 FME: Log warning message during dynamic writing that will help make sense out of 'Features With No Schema defined' warning in the log later.(PR#77540) C126602 GRIB reader: Improved performance of reading some large datasets (PR#77586) C126893 FORMATS: Fix Reading of Various Options (PR#77009) C125415 AttributeCreator: Properly support attribute value lookup in the replacement expression (PR77667) AZURE_TABLE/OGDI: Support any host as the dataset: use HTTPS by default. (PR77490) C126541 ListBasedFeatureMerger: Always output referencees when requested (PR#77381) C126120 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18099 20170601 -------------------------- NetCDF reader: Fixed reading datasets that contain only 2D data variables which depend on dimensions with unrecognized names (PR#77600). IMX Writer: Improve error on invalid feature type names (PR#77650) SAP HANA Reader: Detect EWKB via SRID flag rather than column name (PR77596) OSMPBF Reader: Added support for Community-Defined feature types (PR#71816) C120992 MapInfo Extended Reader: Prevent crash when using latest Inspector transformer (PR#77607) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Fix permission error when browsing over certain visible groups. (PR77541) C126553 GIF writer: Set unused palette entries to 0,0,0 (PR#77491). OSM reader: Return the broad feature types by default when no map features are selected in the tree GUI, PR77639. DBF Reader/Writer: Read older file version double fields (PR#77646) C127314 Update Dataset: Allow ability to update only the dataset without modifying the existing feature types (PR#31773) C35647 C44767 C56335 C57697 C121118 FFS writer: Fixed dropping geometries in some cases when Enforce Strict Schema is enabled and input geometries are named (PR#77610). Date time: Fixed issues in timezone functions. (PR#77396) C127809 C127933 GeometryValidator: Fixed intersection detection of a doubled-back line (PR#77551) Sap Hana: Support coordinate systems when no attributes requested (PR77360) Formats: Prevent unnecessary feature type name truncation for several format writers (PR#77117) C125397 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18098 20170529 -------------------------- DI: Table View: Always create database for the feature index column. (PR#77619) GEODATABASE Writer: Enable feature's geometry to update to NULL (PR68672) C112619 ECW writer: Use LMCC**Z* instead of LM**Z* projection names for RGF93.CC** coordinate systems (PR#77238). C126060 Tiler: Ensured correct row/column for repeated tilings (PR#77652) C127345 SurfaceDissolver: Allow inputs to be dissolved separately (PR#77310) Sap Hana: Fixed issues when writing to ST_Point column (PR77361) (PR77139) RasterExpressionEvaluator: Ensured failure doesn't occur if no input is supplied (PR#77649) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18097 20170524 -------------------------- FFS reader: Improved performance when applying a spatial filter (PR#77624) WORKBENCH: Changed pasting operation to paste to cursor location when using keyboard shortcut (PR#47651) C80500 SurfaceDissolver: Reconstruct surfaces which only overlay with themselves (PR#77310) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18096 20170520 -------------------------- DI: Background Map: Store the metadata in for the reproject data recorder in the universal reader. (PR#76472) DI: Table View: Correct the usage of COORDINATE_SYSTEM_GRANULARITY FEATURE in sqlite3.fme (PR#77572) 3DInterpolator: Improved interpolation for midpoint (PR#77592) DI: 3D: Remove feature index mapping. (PR#77598) FeatureWriter: Fix crash when certain parameters are published in Writer settings box and fix def line template definition in metafile (PR#77578) POSTGIS: Fix error logging to display UTF8 strings (PR#77434) WORKBENCH: Changed canvas to place the first added node at cursor location (PR#77495) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18095 20170518 -------------------------- POSTGRES: Make permission denied on Reader warn (PR#75522) C122919 Dissolver: Fixed performance regression caused by finite precision topology issues (PR#77482) DI: Table View: Rewrite mapping file to improve performance. (PR#77572) PointOnLineOverlayer: Prevented a crash when overlaying with text (PR#77587) C126954 Workbench: Allow drag connecting when node+annotations are selected (PR77467) SurfaceDissolver: Add option to require matching appearances (PR#77311) GeometryTools: Renamed method for clarity and added clothoid/3DArc support (PR#77519) POSTGIS: Add .gitignore to ignore license folder after build (PR#75209) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18094 20170517 -------------------------- SurfaceDissolver: Fix attribute accumulation issues (PR#77302) Generalizer: Refactor underlaying visitors (PR#72645) FME: Do not reverse the schema feature order and in Workbench layout nodes according to the order selected in feature type selector (PR#68621,PR#51001) C103979 C113789 C88102 SAP HANA: Added support for shorttext, text and bintext (PR77135) WORKBENCH: Added shortcut to create new unattached annotations and to attach annotations to transformers (PR#43179) Tableau: Add missing ICU symlinks to installer (PR#76866 PR#77433). FeatureReader: Fixed not reading features in some cases when a spatial filter is specified and the format natively supports that filter (PR#77415). GRD Writer: Skip NULL geometries (PR#51806) FFS reader: Added support for fme_spatial_interaction constraint (PR#77415). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18093 20170516 -------------------------- Generalizer: Restricted path segment logic to a group of algorithms (PR#75405) C124812 Excel (XLSX) Reader: Excel (XLSX) Reader: Improve read times for sheets containing several merged cells (PR#77231) C125779 FILEGDB: Upgrade FileGDB API to official v1.5 across all platforms (PR#75209) Feature Tables: Improved logging when building or splitting a feature table (PR#77261, PR#73227). Amazon Athena: Support secret keys that contain slashes (PR#77470). HTMLExtractor: Added handling of upper case characters in class and id names. (PR#77523) SurfaceDissolver: SurfaceDissolver : Enable attribute accumulation (PR#77302) Inspector: Improved performance in some cases (PR#77260). FBX writer: Avoid duplication of materials (appearances). As well as don't stop writing an aggregate/multi because one of its parts failed. (PR#76819) Reproject: Remove empty grid directories (PR#75974) Workbench: Fix typo in the help link for ArcGIS (PR77503) CIVIL3D: 3D pipe networks. Optionally represent pipes and structures as 3d solids. (PR55240) C121042 Expressions: Deprecate @TimeStamper (PR#77408) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18092 20170513 -------------------------- Generalizer: Restored collection support for the Orthogonal Distance Regression algorithm (PR#77504) PostGIS: Add version checking for PostgreSQL compatibility for JSON and JSONB column types (PR#73423) Date time functions: Added warnings when user input is rejected. (PR#77035) POSTGIS: Added validation and formatting to numeric types (PR#57424) C98573 C112845 Sap Hana: Added a log message when coordinate snapping is a possibility (PR77369) S-57 Reader: Allow large FIDN and RCID values (PR#77327) C123191 Workbench: Fix 'Replace Connection' to work properly for non-web URL values (PR77498) CurveFitter: Enforce consistency in path fitting (PR#72645) Elasticsearch: Added support for version 5.x (PR#70277) C123158 C123310 C123553 C125830 C126800 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18091 20170512 -------------------------- GeoPackage Spatialite CARTO Readers: Improved performance when reading only exposed attributes (PR#69755) TransporterSender: Create directory when transferring by file (PR#77326) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18090 20170510 -------------------------- FFS Reader: Added Flag to Enable Null and Empty Support to Metafile (PR#38295) (PR#72517) C96704 C121113 Tableau (TDE) Writer: Tableau (TDE) Writer: Added more Specific Warning for Failure due to 3D Geometry (PR#73612) Workbench: Add browse help when quick adding Readers and Writers (PR76838) Sap Hana: Fixed logging when SRID is unresolved (PR77354). WORKBENCH: Renamed coordinate transformers to be vertex transformers (VertexCounter & VertexRemover). (PR#76201) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18089 20170509 -------------------------- WORKBENCH: Updated configuration dialog of URL published parameter (PR#76589) Workbench: Added ability to copy/paste multiple 'User Parameters' and ability to make them 'private' or 'published' on paste (PR#77340) Tableau (TDE) Writer: Tableau (TDE) Writer: Fixed memory leak in Visitor in Not Supported case (PR#73612) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18088 20170508 -------------------------- SurfaceDissolver: Add SurfaceDissolver transformer and factory (PR#38394) C53173 C64773 Workbench: Fixed the crash in the Feature Type dialog when switching to 'Put' (PR77341) C126481 SpatialRelator: Fixed an intersection bug with Ellipses, Arcs, and Text (PR#77358) C126546 Generalizer: Added a Preserve Path Segments option (PR#75405) Workbench: Fix tooltips from port to be explicit rather than inherit from parent (PR64312) C107936 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18087 20170506 -------------------------- ARCGISFEATURES: Handle scenario where metadata doesn't specify any ID field name. (PR77337) FFS writer: Fixed dropped attributes in some cases when Enforce Strict Schema is enabled (PR#77347). FFS Reader: Fix issues with reading closest features when Feature Types to Read is specified (PR#77296) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18086 20170504 -------------------------- PLANETDATA: Reproject non-LL84 constraint features from FeatureReader; increase thumbnail resolution. (PR77329)(PR77330) PointCloudSplitter: Fixed issue where 'Split Type' wasn't disabled when 'Split By' was set to 'First Return Only' or 'Last Return Only' in localized version of Workbench(PR#60323) Workbench: Prevent locale from affecting numeric formatting on Linux/macOS (PR#49396). FTPCaller: Fix 'None' (anonymous) authentication option. (PR73772) C121105 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18085 20170503 -------------------------- SENTINEL2AWS: Added required SENTINEL2 flag (PR#77072) FFS Writer and Recorder: Clean up index files when writing new FFS files (PR#20970) POSTGIS: Added runCommand to take Utf8String (PR60534) C102424 C106237 CIVIL3D: Fix missing Name and Description attributes. (PR77277)C125958 Workbench: Quick add now list formats with missing dependencies with reason to improve discoverability of supported formats (PR#77196) Workbench: For choice_or_attr make choice literal supersede attribute name literal (PR77233) C125708 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18084 20170502 -------------------------- SHAREPOINT: Fix SAML authentication for sharepoint.com (PR77292) GeometryValidator: Maintain entangled attributes in more situations. (PR#77217) C125618 Clipper: Preserved connectivity when no intersection occurs (PR#71476) FME: Fix template writer test fail caused by a previous commit (PR#76731) C124745 Workbench: Alter URL on Google services to ensure refresh token is always received (PR77001) Workbench: Fix the ListSorter to handle the last element missing for structured lists (PR44584) C74623 C87841 C98733 C113471 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18083 20170502 -------------------------- OpenNURBS: Fix for DGNV8 data use where non-periodic BSpline needs missing clamped start and end knots. (PR77206) C124874 Amazon Athena: Fixed issue associated with selecting the us-east-1 region (PR#76934). Localization: Update FME Server localization kit to use new property files. (PR#76594) FME: FME function can have dot/period as part of their name (PR#76731) C124745 GeometryValidator: Updated the GUI (PR#63696) Workbench: Move FME Hub browser tool to the Tools menu (PR77195> FME Server: Upgrade JRE to 1.8u131 (PR#75283) ArcStroker: Added alias for ClothoidStroker (PR#76972) Workbench: Fix keyword for workspace properties help (PR77226) Workbench: Handle Published Parameters that affect output attributes via an ATTRIBUTES_ADDED directive in the .fmx for custom transformers (PR76935) C125282 C125429 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18082 20170427 -------------------------- FME: Honour the FME_NO_BUNDLED_PYTHON directive when python is loaded before IFMEMappingFile object is available (PR#70287) C115370 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18081 20170425 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18080 20170424 -------------------------- internal changes -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18079 20170423 -------------------------- Python: Fix error in importing arcpy when FME set to use ArcGIS Pro's Python. (PR76956) C125058 Python FME Objects: Fix FMEGeometry.copyTraitsFromGeometry(). (PR76872) C125073 New Format: GDAL VRT (GDAL Virtual Format) Reader (PR#70242) (PR#77060) RasterPaletteNodataSetter: Fixed setting palette nodata value for multi-part interpretations (e.g. RGB24) from an attribute (PR#77114). RCaller: Remove timeout when processing R scripts that could possibly take a lengthy amount of time (PR#76273) C123986 OneDriveConnector: Fixed file/folder mismatch for list action (PR#76501) DB2: Make reader SELECT Statement and WHERE Clause SQL editor friendly (PR#65097) Python FME Objects: Fix FMELine.setPointAt() not accepting FMEPoint. (PR73758) C121187 Rasterizer: Fixed crash in rejection case (PR#77108). Java FME Objects: Fix return value of IFMEGeometry.getAttributeBoolean(). (PR76735) C124828 Python FME Objects: Fix FMECurve.setEndPoint(). (PR76338) Python FME Objects: Fix handling of measure name in FMELine.getMeasureValueAt(). (PR76309) Python FME Objects: Fix FMERasterTools.offset(). (PR76690) C124620 Python FME Objects: Fix argument parsing in FMEMesh.addMeshPartExtended(). (PR73874) C121336 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18078 20170421 -------------------------- DB2: XML Support (PR#39883) FM0_SQL: Remove ODBC warning when writing/reading (PR#60150) Oracle: Warn when User Attribute does not exist in table (PR#66319) Workbench: Improved log message when translation aborts due to Rejected Feature Handling setting (PR#76536) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18077 20170420 -------------------------- SAP HANA Spatial: Reader and writer added (PR#47212 PR#62097). SurfaceDraper: Properly drape Arcs over a surface. (PR#77040) FFS reader: Added option to set feature index attribute (PR#76825). Coordinate Remover: Fix crash on Linux PR#77116 C125609 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18076 20170418 -------------------------- POSTGIS: Added count limited logging to reader (PR58351) Workbench: Improve Feature Type Selection dialog when importing feature types (PR#75494) POSTGIS: Added check for WITH in isSqlQuery function (PR74567) C121868 Date time: @DateTimeParse() now supports FME's date range in epoch times. (PR#77097) SQL Server: Make GUID handling brace-free (PR#35221) Workbench: Fixed problem where some attributes would disappear after updating feature types (PR#62238) C104822 Workbench: Properly support path quoting for copy/paste and drag-n-drop paths (PR74975) Workbench: Fixed selection of multiple zip files for formats that support zip natively like GTFS (PR#72077) HDFSConnector: New Transformer Implementation (PR#63254) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18075 20170418 -------------------------- Date time: Fixed @DateTimeNow() fail on non-English Windows. (PR#77021) C125527 Date time: @DateTimeParse() now supports negative epoch times. (PR#76918) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Support reading Attachments. (PR65120) Workbench: Fix URL Selection for Web as a File System, when nothing is selected (PR76887) Workbench: Allow Player and PythonCreator to work properly with the creation order (PR69255) (PR57272) C113427 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18074 20170416 -------------------------- Date time: added %Ez support to parse() and format(). Added %% support to format(). (PR#76767) Raster Transformers: Expose newly added rejection attributes (PR#56199) Workbench: Use fme_any geometry during import feature types for formats that support fme_any (PR#42859) C67305 DGNV8: Handle level names to write as case insensitive matches for existing levels. Logging will list the number of features written. (PR76948) C125319 AWSIMAGERY: Fixed issues when using Landsat-8 on AWS and Sentinel-2 on AWS in FeatureReader (PR#77005) Geocoder: Fixed Google Geocoding API Premium authentication issue (PR#77000) C125268 GEODATABASE Raster: Workbench parameters carried over correctly onto the feature type parameter (PR#66712) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18073 20170412 -------------------------- Workbench: Fix editing parameter from Navigation tree for transformers that are modal dialogs (PR77002) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18072 20170411 -------------------------- Oracle Spatial: Move Persistent Connection parameter out of Advanced section in the Navigator (PR#66572) FeatureReader: Fix Spatial Filter warning when using PostGIS as the format (PR#76804) Workbench: Fixed regression where dataset description was distorted when dataset name contains i18n characters (PR#76990) Oracle: Change log message for start transaction (PR#34340) WORKBENCH: Change DateTime parameter type to display FME formatted datetimes (PR#76679, PR#76682) C120294 C120294 SALESFORCE: Write null attributes using '#N/A' keyword. (PR74398) Format Prompt: Fix File Geodatabase defaulting to named connection after adding an Enterprise Geodatabase Reader (PR#76380) C124174 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18071 20170410 -------------------------- PointCloudStatisticsCalculator: Removed statistic attributes from rejection port (PR#76622) GeometryValidator: Catch non-manifold vertices in holes (PR#76769) Installer: Fix PostgreSQL path when install directory isn't default on Linux. (PR#76973) GOOGLESHEETS: Improve handling of empty header columns. (PR76964) C125270 Matcher: Fixed selected attributes parameter (PR#76931) C125182 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18070 20170409 -------------------------- DGNV8: Handle level names to write as case insensitive matches for existing levels. (PR76948) Workbench: Fix issues with Import Feature Type operation on Readers and Writers (PR#75493, PR#75769) Emailer: Fixed missing 'From' header issue in Generic SMTP (PR#76958) C125117 ReCap Writer: Prevent authentication timeout issues with large files (PR#76941) C125246 GeometryValidator: Replace hole filling algorithm (PR#76769) CoordinateRounder: Maintain more entangled attributes in old workspaces (PR#76942) C125252 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18069 20170406 -------------------------- Emailer: Fixed issue where incorrect password was supplied to SMTP server when password contained special characters (PR#76951) C125267 PDFStyler: Moved interactive parameters into Interactivity group (PR#70139, PR#70138, PR#45250) C74982 C77979 GEODATABASE Writer: Harmonize the feature operation and table handling parameters (PR#52719) C102060 C104526 Snapper: Fixed issue when inserting new nodes while snapping (PR#76839) AWSIMAGERY: Added better filtering when retrieving latest data (PR#69605) Oracle: Non-numeric binary_double and binary_float to reject non-numeric values (PR#49775) SQLExecutor: Restore correct transformer category (Workflows) for FME 2018.0 (PR#76946) Workbench: Properly reflect output attributes when parameters are published for transformers that compute the output attributes based on custom algorithms. (PR76935) C125282 C125429 Workbench: Allow access to selected reader/writer help from Add Reader/Writer dialog (PR#76775) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18068 20170406 -------------------------- Oracle Spatial: Fix oracle_element{} list attribute functionality (PR#76568, PR#29575) C30855 C13249 C52256 C82208 C86971 C123051 Snapper: Clean results within tolerance after snapping (PR#76837) Geodatabase: Update the format long names for better clarity (PR#76037) ACAD,REALDWG: Extended Entity Data writing cases, fix to static def lines. (PR14570) C12468 C108348 C117192 C125007 Oracle: Fix warning for mismatching SRID (PR#67689) FILEGDB: Make GUID handling brace-free (PR#76266) Oracle Spatial: Fix crash on reading bad geometry (PR#76727) PDF Writer 3D: Exposed option to merge feature and root geometry nodes in navigation hierarchy (PR#72945) FFS Reader: Improve search closest point logging of missing search envelope or closest point behavior (PR#75896 PR#76830) Workbench: Properly save and honour settings for the editor dialog (PR76884) C125064 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18067 20170404 -------------------------- Infrastructure: Fixed writing to dynamic writers from some source formats (PR#76879) C125082 Workbench: Fixed problem where switching Writer from Feature Type Properties dialog will result in crash (PR#76816) C124468 Date time: Minor bug fixes in @DateTimeParse and @DateTimeFormat(). (PR#76734) Transformers: Properly reflect attributes on output ports for AnchoredSnapper (PR76888) C125203 Excel (XLSX) Reader: Excel (XLSX) Reader: Added Missing Metafile Flag for permitting dollar signs in excel attribute names (PR#64370) C108006 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18066 20170404 -------------------------- OSM PBF: Added a no_geom type (PR76871) SPATIALITE: New workspaces encode attribute names in UTF-8, not raw bytes (PR#66225) C109817 Workbench: Fix display of international characters (PR61831) C104053 FFS Reader: Improve search closest point input validation, logging, and default max distance (PR#75896 PR#76830) LANDSAT8AWS: Added data quality and cloud coverage filtering (PR#75425) Workbench: Update Dataset - deprecated formats update to their current replacements (PR#31773) C35647 C44767 C56335 C57697 C121118 Clipper: Fixed band names being dropped when clipping raster with a non-rectangular clipper (PR#76853). AnchoredSnapper: Fixed bug transferring pseudonodes to candidates (PR#76525) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18065 20170402 -------------------------- Snapper: Ensure different arc types snap together to the same type, if overlapping. (PR#76836) SENTINEL2AWS: Unit tests added and standalone functions refactored (PR#76095) PointCloudCombiner: Removed unnecessary deletion that caused segmentation fault (PR#76621) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18064 20170331 -------------------------- GARMIN_MPS: Fix writing/reading of encoded attribute values for GPSBabel v1.5.0+ (PR#75575) Workbench: Do not allow attribute assignment in WorkspaceRunner if parameter is set to literal only (PR76811) C124326 PointCloud Transformers: Replace geometry on rejected features (PR#76621) SurfaceModelFactory: Added more specific rejection message for 2-dimensional input (PR#56199) FeatureWriter: Fix how add new feature type button with menu looked on Mac (PR#76599) Workbench: Fix display of multi-line text in navigation tree (PR76795) Snapper: Improved performance snapping short chains (PR#76525) Workbench: Show proper menu options for the ride side of certain operations in Tester (PR69262) C113393 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18063 20170329 -------------------------- Oracle Spatial: Repair issue with unknown elements when Geometry Handling = Classic (PR#70837) Raster Transformers: Added rejection ports for invalid input (PR#56199) Workbench: Prompt for feature type selection when adding canned schema writer with multiple feature types (PR#76036) C123644 Workbench: Fix launch of 3rd party transformer GUI (PR76730) C124928 Workbench: Properly enable/disable elements of disclosure groups (PR72162) (PR75716) Excel (XLSX) Reader/Writer: Excel (XLSX) Reader/Writer: Fixed column logging to not be 1 greater then the actual column (PR#74547) Workbench: Added support for updating fixed schema writers (PR#72297,PR#31773) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18062 20170328 -------------------------- Date time: Added named arguments for Datetime functions in GUI. (PR#75831) Date time: Added auto parse and format support for FME and ISO datetime strings. Added parse support for Z (Zulu time) and $ (match end of line). (PR#76741) MapnikRasterizer: Fixed error when creating many groups with multiple MapnikRasterizer instances (PR#76761) C124796 PointCloudCreator: Fixed crash when adding a component multiple times (PR#76764). ACAD,REALDWG: Improved ignoring of hidden layer options on read. (PR76483) C124501 CIVIL3D: Remove generic aec_style attributes in lieu of more specific entity styles. (PR76729) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18061 20170327 -------------------------- SENTINEL2AWS: Fixed tile name from basename error for SAFE compact (PR#75425) GeoTIFF: Fix Linux writing performance PR#76510 C124318 AWSIMAGERY: Added logging for spatial filters that select no features (PR#76616) Workbench: Show proper summary annotation for FMEServerJobSubmitter (PR76451) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18060 20170327 -------------------------- SENTINEL2: Added additional format attributes for granule metadata (PR#75425) SENTINEL2AWS: Added quality (data and cloud coverage) filter (PR#75425) PointCloudComponent Transformers: Replace geometry on rejected features (PR#76621) DynamoDB: Add new regions (Canada, Mumbai, Ohio) (PR#70854 PR#73048 PR#74530). Workbench: Fix undo of writer update operation (PR#72297, PR#31773) C35647 C44767 C56335 C57697 C121118 Python: Support larger PAC files. (PR76673) C124646 PointCloudFilter: Enable apply button when expression changes (PR#76640) ARCGISFEATURES: Handle NaN coordinates. (PR76656) Workbench: Tweaks to the Web Manager UI. Make item name disabled if the header is selected as API token location. Move apply/cancel outside of scroll area. Move 'Upload' button beside 'Test' and 'Export' (PR76652) (PR76671) (PR76478) Workbench: Add new functionality to update existing dataset in place (PR#72297, PR#31773) Reproject: Use ETRS89<->OSTN15 grids as an approximate answer for WGS84<->OSTN15 (PR#76650). Replaces lower quality approximation. C124649 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18059 20170323 -------------------------- SENTINEL2AWS: Added ability to select individual bands for download and read (PR#76330) Workbench: Write FME Server Published Parameters first if they are referenced by another Published Parameters (PR76531) C124262 PointCloudCombiner: Do not add color components when the first feature contains an aggregate with no appearances (PR#76639). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18058 20170323 -------------------------- Raw Raster reader: Warn and continue the translation instead of failing when a nodata value is out of range for the data type (PR#76595) C124211 PointCloudReplacer: Fix Blob Attribute option to accept an attribute as input (PR#76596) OSM Writer: Revert latitude and longitude conversion to using pretty precision when less than 16 decimal places selected (PR76377) C123915 XML Reader: Fixed source URL reading and HTTP authentication for dynamic selects (PR#74673) C122016 C123156 Workbench: Fix red cog on XMLTemplator (PR76325) Workbench: Do not show upload button for Hub services. (PR76478) FileGDB: Fix domains showing as Chinese Characters (PR#76592) C123601 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18057 20170322 -------------------------- Workbench: Properly validate connections within Web as a File System links (PR76119) Amazon Athena: New reader (PR#74353). ARCGISFEATURES: Allow empty polygons. (PR76558) C124498 PointCloudComponent Transformers: Fixed rejection handling to pick up REJECTABLE parameter (PR#66628) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18056 20170320 -------------------------- ARCGISFEATURES: Fix issue where FME 2016 FeatureReader can't list feature types in FME 2017. (PR76502) C124513 FileCopy Writer: Added option to fail or continue if permissions are insufficient (PR#75314) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18055 20170318 -------------------------- Elasticsearch Reader: Fixed reading type mappings that contain _meta key (PR#76548) AnchoredSnapper: Fixed bug transfering new nodes from anchors to colinear candidates (PR#76525) PointCloudSimplifier: Always do MASB in-core on MacOS (PR#76456) JSON Fragmenter: Send feature to rejected port if not filtered by query (PR76477) C124469 AVF: Hide Languages to Expose parameter from the Navigator, restore language codes in the Writer, log WGS84 reprojection (PR76439) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18054 20170317 -------------------------- DI: 2D: Fix nodata rendering and info for raster palette. (PR#76499) Google SketchUp Reader/Writer: Deprecate and use Trimble Reader/Writer for existing workspaces (PR76473) OEM: Include MapInfo Extended TAB reader in Mapinfo Pro OEM. (PR#76470) GeoPackage Reader: Allowed foreign key integrity checks to be optionally disabled (PR#75033) C122366 Oracle: Fix out-of-bounds access of StringArrayArray (PR#76280) C123795 C124847 ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Fix handling of FME datetimes and encoded attribute names. (PR76052) C124065 C124477 Google Drive: Return only root folders and files when requesting the root folder contents. (PR#76127) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18053 20170316 -------------------------- FFS Reader: Return all features if no feature types requested and a spatial index file exists (PR#72445 PR#75896) Point Cloud transformers: Added normal_x, normal_y, and normal_z to the list of components (PR#75810). ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Fix error in handling certain Feature Service directive values. (PR76484) C124461 ODATA: Handle negative unix timestamps. Emit unix timestamps in UTC. (PR76446) C124044 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18052 20170315 -------------------------- SQLite3 Non-Spatial Writer: New faster writer (PR#73559) DI: Feature Info: Show headers for single point info and enhance column resizing. (PR#56181) Neighborfinder: Fixed the index used for measure interpolation (PR#38844) C60850 C91787 C88583 C99399 C99745 GeoTiff: Added an option to GDAL to not use GDAL's version of MITAB to do re-projections, to fix problems caused by adding the MRR Reader (PR#60902) C102849 C114561 C116887 C123149 Snapping: Process GroupBy more efficiently (PR#76475) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Fix ability to work with non-unique layer names. (PR76462) KMLStyler: Unset existing line/polygon color attributes when setting new values. (PR76450) C124240 @DateTimeNow(): @DateTimeNow(): now outputs unzoned local times (used to be zoned local times). (PR#76459) OpenFlight: Fixed bug reading triangle strips and triangle fans (PR#76419) C123653 FFS Reader: Fix issue where incorrect feature types are returned (PR#72445, PR#75896) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18051 20170312 -------------------------- New Format: Multi Resolution Raster (MRR) Reader (PR#60902) WFS Reader: Added 'Prefer Dataset URL' option (PR76212) C123341 FMEMesh: Preserve original normals when caching a transformation (PR#73032) KML: Set kml_id values on Document features (PR76392) CityGML/GML Readers: Assign coordinate system when available to all non-geometrical features, PR76329. C121035 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18050 20170309 -------------------------- FBX Writer: Fixed issues of (1) extra geoms in output and (2) nested geom components positioned incorrectly. (PR#75348) FTPCaller: Log and save more error messages when setting authentication parameters (PR76399) Workbench: Properly show the output list when the ListBuilder is used in the Custom Transformer (PR72569) C119964 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18049 20170308 -------------------------- JDBC: Add support for Amazon Athena driver (PR#74353). OEM: Add tbb.dll to MapInfo and Autodesk OEM packages. (PR#73984) C123445 MBTILES: Fixed issue with non-ASCII characters in Windows filenames (PR#74953) Schema From Table Reader: Fixed problem where Reader would fail with bad Sorter clause error (PR#76345) C124111 AnchoredSnapper: Lock candidate segments that have completely snapped to an anchor (PR#74501) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18048 20170307 -------------------------- GEOPACKAGE: Fixed reading/writing of files with names that include non-ASCII characters on Windows (PR#75153) KML reader: Fixed crash when available memory is very low (PR#76366). JSON: Use table to allow multiple query strings. (PR76086) VectorOnRasterOverlayer: Fixed crash when rejecting invalid raster (PR#76331). FILE GEODATABASE: Added selective attribute support (PR#63852) DateTimeCalculator: Fixed problem where mode list would show internal strings on non-English systems without localized FME (PR#76333) Workbench: added the ability to select/deselect children (PR73718) C120992 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18047 20170306 -------------------------- PointCloudFilter: Added rejection ports for invalid features (PR#66628) IFC: Set coordinate system on property/quantity features. (PR76245) C123704 GeoPackage Writer: Added option to create aspatial tables (PR#71515) PointCloudSimplifier: Change MASB max octree depth to 5 (PR#76029) PostGIS: Make version comparison more robust by using int vectors (PR#75626) C122450 PointCloudSimplifier: Use existing point cloud normals if present (PR#75866) Workbench: Fix bookmark edit help, Fix ability to select attributes when editing a breakpoint (PR66453) C90835; Fix red highlight not shown in the AttributeManager when the rename references a new attribute name (PR74616) C121987 C122418 XMLFeatureMapper: Added 'Rejected' port. (PR#72037) Workbench: Add support for uploading a web service to FME Server from the web service dialog (PR75507) XQueryFactory: Added 'rejected' port support. (PR#72037) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18046 20170305 -------------------------- SecondOrderConformer: Added 'rejected' port. (PR#72037) PointCloudReplacer/Extractor: Added rejection port for invalid features (PR#66628) PLANETDATA: Fix cases of empty Asset picker; exclude Item Types known to be unsupported. (PR75947) PointCloudThinner: Added rejection port with rejection cases (PR#66628) Clipper: Fixed attribute merging when clipping Point Cloud Clippee with multiple solid Clippers (PR#59740). C112997 C119781 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18045 20170302 -------------------------- Civil 3D: Added TIN Surface entity reading as meshes. (PR21694) C76751, C77443, C92908, C95873, C121042 Point Cloud: Remove normalize function from point cloud API (PR#75866) Workbench: Fixed problem where running a workspace with i18n characters in its name would crash fme.exe (PR#76278) C123967 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18044 20170301 -------------------------- FBX Writer: Fixed bug writing instances of aggregates, where matrices would be applied less consistently than desired. (PR#75348) AnchoredSnapper: Snap candidate to nearest anchor (PR#74499) C124721 AnchoredSnapper: Fixed bug where there were no candidates in a group (PR#74592) Point Cloud: Apply transformations to normal components (PR#75866) PointCloudStatisticsCalculator: Added rejection port to handle invalid features (PR#66628) PointCloudSplitter: Added support to reject invalid features (PR#66628) PointCloudSorter: Added rejection port for invalid geometry (PR#66628) PointCloudPropertyExtractor: Added rejection port (PR#66628) Transformers: Sweep to ensure consistency in constants used (PR#66628) Workbench: Usability tweaks: When selecting a view, always bring it to the top. Do not clear the editing state if the parameter editor is not the top pane (PR72653) C119765; Ensure changes to feature type editing are picked up by the parameter editor (PR76067); Toss user edits if the parameters changed outside of the parameter editor. -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18043 20170228 -------------------------- PLANETDATA: Warn and skip when Item doesn't have the expected Asset. (PR73626) GEODATABASE Reader: Selective Attribute Support (PR#63852) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18042 20170227 -------------------------- POSTGIS: Fix failing to evaluate beyond first WHERE clause from FeatureReader (PR#76200) C123760 Transformers: Properly generate error attributes for AttributeValidator when international characters are present (PR68880) C112853 Workbench: Add right click option to select/deselect children (PR73718) C120992; Fix focus issues when selection widget shows in Parameter Editor of Custom Transformers (PR75968); Fix to apply empty default to dynamic selection parameters (PR75031) AVF Reader: Added 'Languages to Expose' parameter (PR76135) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18041 20170226 -------------------------- Core: Fix locale handling of string-to-number conversions on Mac OS (PR#76123). C122888 C123773 AVF Writer: Ensure that we use LL84 reprojection (PR76146) Oracle: Change writer GUI labels from Upper Case Column Names to Uppercase Column Names (PR#73395) SKP: Read textures on MacOSX PR#76050 AnchoredSnapper: Prefer snapping candidate to midpoint of an anchor instead of endpoint if midpoint is closer (PR#74592) Installer: Fix problem where integration console shortcut is left behind on uninstall. (PR#75000) MapInfo Formats: Remove unclear terms such as MFAL from user names and messages (PR#69682) C114476 Generalizer: Restored logging behaviour of old transformers (PR#76098) Revit Addin: Added FME Exporter for Revit 2017 (PR71074) C117818, C119496, C120454, C121564, C123871, C123891 I2KGML reader/writer: Updated to v3.1.4 schemas, PR76143 C122437 PointCloudOnRasterComponentSetter: Added rejection ports and rejection cases (PR#66628) PointCloudMerger Transformer: Added rejection handling including rejection messages (PR#66628) GeoJSON Writer: Add the option to reproject to WGS84 (PR74457) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18040 20170223 -------------------------- Date time: %z now takes precedence over %s in @DateTimeParse(). (PR#73545) GeometryCoercer: Allow coercion from surface to mesh (PR#58773) IFC: Fix crash when a solid in a boolean operation cannot be created. (PR76110) C123500 Oracle Spatial: Fixed regression causing some spatial interaction queries to fail (PR#76084) C123262 GeometryCoercer: Allow coercion from mesh to brep (PR#53699) Sketchup: Fix texture reading and writing on MacOSX PR#76053 PR#76050 Installer: Add missing plugin directories. (PR#76073) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18039 20170222 -------------------------- Date time: Added warnings for incompatible input arguments for diff() and add(). (PR#73545) SENTINEL2: Support SAFE_COMPACT metadata structure (PR#75668, PR#75663) C124080, C124090 Legal: Update to Requests-NTLM license information (PR68723) Workbench: Ensure that hidden links can be selected, copied and then pasted (PR#76081). C123662 GeographicBufferer: Added markdown description and changed category (PR#75171) Workbench: Transformer upgrading - added ability to set the new value from mapping even if the parameter didn't exist in the old version of the transformer (PR#76090) NeighborFinder: Versioned the transformer for a better parameter default (PR#38844)C60850, C91787, C88583, C99399, C99745 ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Handle layer names with characters in windows system encoding. (PR76052) Workbench: FME hub browser support for proxy server (PR76047) Workbench: Fixed regression in Redirect To Inspector where the output feature type names had unexpected prefix (PR#75766) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18038 20170222 -------------------------- PointCloudComponent Transformers: Added rejection ports and rejection cases to component function (PR#66628) L10n: Updated localization guides for desktop and documentation (PR72448, PR72314) SQL Server: Put Before/After SQL Commands under Advanced in Navigator Pane and make them not propagate on Inspect (PR#69436) PointCloudConsumer Transformer: Added rejection port for input with invalid geometry (PR#66628) SQL Server: Fix timeout not being honored (PR#66373) C109677 C113873 C113873 C121706 FeatureWriter: Improved performance in some cases (PR#73249). Schema Scanner: Added check to ensure non-null types are not merged into null types (PR#75760) (PR#72517) (PR#38295) (PR#13332) C12387, C96704, C121113 Workbench: Allow attribute referencing when editing writer feature type attributes on canvas (PR#75951) FeatureWriter: Fixed regression where deleting last feature type won't update the port on canvas (PR#76022) ArcStroker: Fixed rejection behaviour for text (PR#75963). C123546 Workbench: Identify the parameter being incorrectly given an optional value (PR61259) Transformers: Allow proximately factory to properly process empty published parameters (PR75969) C123540 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18037 20170220 -------------------------- ArcStroker: Only reject specific geometry types (PR#75963) Date time: Bug fixes for @DateTimeParse(). (PR#73545) Generalizer: Stopped rejection of points (PR#76035) PointCloud Transformers: Added rejection message attribute to rejected features (PR#66628) DI: Feature Info: Fix matrix display. (PR#75607) SliverRemover: Added 'rejected' port. (PR#72037). Workbench: Fix tooltip for date widget (PR76004) MySQL: Fix Multiple Feature Types Causing End SQL To Run Multiple Times (PR#60062) Workbench: Fixed an issue that prevents renaming a database/web connection name using the characters '$', '(', ')' (PR#75930). Workbench: Added a proper title to a message dialogs pertaining to Custom Transformers links (PR75988) MySQL: Fix boolean string to tinyint conversion (PR#75918) Schema Scanner: Updated to support logical and null types (PR#75760) (PR#72517) (PR#38295) (PR#13332) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18036 20170219 -------------------------- DI: 3D: Use Select mode by default. (PR#76000) DI: 2D: Fix the inaccurate blended image size. (PR#75569) Date time: Fixed format string parsing in @DateTimeParse(). (PR#73545) SHAPE Writer: Added ability to create a spatial index without ArcGIS license (PR#44102) C91927, C92574, C93722, C110404, C119834 GPXX: Ensure user attributes are not editable (PR#75877) AnchoredSnapper: Prefer snapping to the midpoint of an arc instead of an endpoint if the midpoint is closer (PR#74592) FeatureWriter: Fixed regression where enabling/disable dynamic would lead corruption of parameter values (PR#75983) Deaggregator: Removed erroneous changelog (PR#61872) Workbench: Prevent feature type dialog to become really wide by restoring the last saved size (PR#75972) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18035 20170216 -------------------------- MySQL: Fix Multiple Feature Types Causing Begin SQL To Run Multiple Times (PR#60062) GeometryValidator: Prevent freeze in solid boundary repair (PR#63903) C107268 SQL Server: Update warnings to recommend Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime (PR#59074) SQL Server: Add Before/After SQL Commands to Readers (PR#69436) MBTiles Writer: Fixed reprojection of rasters to Popular Visualization Web Mercator (PR#75574) Installer: Add FME Server user as a system user. (PR#75916) StreamOrderCalculator: Added 'Rejected' port. (PR#72037) SurfaceSplitter: Added 'rejected' port. (PR#72037) Workbench: Fix resizing issues with property editor dialogs (PR75957) Workbench: Re-add Esri layer selection dialog (PR#75892) C123469 Snapper: Fixed bug where results could be intersecting and improperly noded (PR#74690) GeometryValidator: Fixed more bad error locations (PR#75941) Installer: Add note to FME Server installer dialog that service user must have log on as a service right. (PR#70385) C116998 C107972 C101351 C117670 C112159 C114235 C109128 C106990 C117979 MySQL: Add JSON Support (PR#69845) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18034 20170215 -------------------------- Date time: @DateTimeCreate() now rejects null offsets. (PR#73545) AWSIMAGERY: Added file caching for Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 on AWS (PR#74855) Workspace (FMW) Reader: Workspace (FMW) Reader: Exception handling for insufficient read access (PR#75307) PLANETDATA: Fix empty Asset Types list after API change. (PR75947) DateTimeCalculator: Fix feature rejection. ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Fix case that results in DI table view having no attributes. (PR75914) GeoMedia: Remove traces of GMSQLFW writer (PR#71355) Workbench: Change case of replacement token. Order FME Server parameters alphabetically in Navigation Pane (PR75903). Do not allow connections to be created with invalid names (PR75895) SherbendGeneralizer: Added 'rejected' port. (PR#72037) Geocoder: Changed all API keys to password type (PR#75859) Workbench: Fixed some minor issues with FME Hub browser usability (PR72185) Workbench: reduce change notifications from guiline table (PR70716) SectorGenerator: Added 'rejected' port. (PR#72037) FeatureColorSetter: Updated parameter type to be less misleading (PR#71419) Transformers: Added the Starting Corner parameter to the Tiler (PR62192) Workbench: Added support for naming function arguments. Improve lexer to maintain invalid replacement arguments (PR75831) GEODATABASE: Added international character support for workbench parameter WHERE clause (PR#75355 PR#33008 PR#69421) C44835 C49510 C79958 C95672 C97117 C102408 C122860 C113656 C121136 C121329 Date time: Date/time functions now consistently reject empty strings for enum-style STRING arguments. (PR#73545) FBX: Read and write files with Z as the up axis (and -Y to the front). (PR#75868) Date time: Fixed bug parsing intervalType in @DateTimeDiff(). (PR#73545) PointCloudCombiner Transformer: Added rejection port and invalid feature handling (PR#66628) FFS writer: Fixed output when both Enforce Strict Schema and Create Spatial Index are enabled (PR#75828). Workbench: Support OR_ATTR and ability to launch text edit for XMLFragmenter/XMLFlattener (PR74178) C121575 Workbench: Show FME Hub help for remote transformers and full help for embedded transformers (PR71959) Workbench: Fix problem where workbench would crash on close after certain operations when in the modeless feature type properties dialog (PR#75814) Workbench: Fixed problem where transformer's icon won't update in navbar after transformer's state has changed PR#(75881) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18033 20170213 -------------------------- CityGML reader/writer: Added Add XML Namespace Prefix to Feature Types parameter, PR75388. C122616 Date time functions: Replaced BOOL arguments by STRING arguments and now reject more bad input. (PR#73545) Workbench: Improved performance of running with Full Inspection when using some readers (PR#70622). DI: Table View: Fixed a crash for AGOL when the FFS cache filename is not available from the metadata. (PR#75122) Workbench: Value column in user attributes tab of feature type properties dialog now allows picking from incoming attributes only (PR#75795) FME3DArc: Added explicit endpoints (PR#5907) FBX Reader: Corrected handling of parent+child nodes which both have geometry (PR#75611) GeometryValidator: Fixed bad error locations for self-intersecting faces (PR#75853) AttributeCopier: Fixed problem where copying attributes will copy the special characteristics of the original attribute (PR#75827). C123307 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18032 20170209 -------------------------- Date time: @DateTimeParse() now rejects invalid input. (PR#73545) DEMDistanceCalculator: Fixed order of output features in some backwards compatibility cases (PR#71303). GeometryValidator: Update val3dity to version 1.2 (PR#41419) SQLite3: Remove IMMEDIATELY option in Initialize Tables (PR#71279) PointCloud Transformers: Added rejection ports to the Coercer and ExpressionEvaluator Factories (PR#66628) Oracle: Fix Spatial Object Reader Search Envelope Failure (PR#75740). C123177 DatabaseJoiner: Fixed problem where Added Fields parameter didn't work as expected (PR#75767) FeatureWriter: When importing schema, default 'Attribute Definition' parameter to 'Manual' instead of 'Automatic' (PR#75807) C123213 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18031 20170208 -------------------------- Date time: Removed overflow repair from all date time functions except @DateTimeParse(). (PR#73545) Workbench: Fix test button for OAuth to try refresh the token (PR75511) Workbench: Raise valueChanged() when the geometry changes (PR72523) C119924 VoronoiDiagrammer: Preserved Propagate Attributes flag (PR#75431). C122722 Workbench: Fixed the HTMLExtractor to show list attributes if output mode is to build lists (PR75462) SQLite3: Include *.gpkg filter for SQLite Non-Spatial reader (PR#64005) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18030 20170208 -------------------------- Date time: @DateTimeParse() now has optional argument to auto repair input. (PR#73545) MultipleGeometrySetter: Added 'Rejected' port. (PR#72037) NetworkCostCalulator: Added 'Rejected' port. (PR#72037) NetworkFlowOrientor: Added 'Rejected' port. (PR#72037) Intersector: Preserve duplicate points on non-intersected lines (PR#12888) Workspace (FMW) Reader: Workspace (FMW) Reader: Added attribute to determine which UserAttributes are exposed (PR#75689) C122875 GEODATABASE: Added international character support for workbench parameter WHERE clause (PR#75355 PR#33008 PR#69421) Workbench: Show a descriptive tooltip for Encoding GUI type. (PR51911) Collada: Change the way alpha values are written. (PR72045) C119350 Transformers: fix StringPadder to work with quote and parenthesis (PR75471) C122881 Date time: Fixed bug in overflow month repair when processing datetime input (PR#73545) Workbench: Fix crash when deleting links (PR75685) Snipper: Snipped Geometries now copy over Names and Traits from original Geometries (PR#75696) SpikeRemover: Added rejected port. (PR#72040) MinimumAreaForcer: Added aggregate handling modes. (PR#66356) MultipleGeometryFilter: Added Rejected port. (PR#72037) HTMLExtractor: Added ability to retrieve HTML from a simple URL (PR#72578) Workbench: Add conditional support to Value column in feature type properties user attributes tab (PR#75718). C123137 PointOnLineOverlayer: Created lines now copy Geometry Traits over from original line. (PR#75691) Workbench: Properly encode fme_db_operation (PR75616) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18029 20170206 -------------------------- Google Fusion Tables: Fix issues with table permissions and HTTP errors (PR#72157) Date time: Fixed bugs in parse() and cast() (PR#73545) INFX: Added check to detect Informix ODBC driver (PR66142) Cesium 3D Tiles: Allow writing of attibute names containing quotes and other such characters. (PR75715) Cesium 3D Tiles: Fix incorrect writing of JSON attribute values. (PR75701) NEW FORMAT: LANDSAT8AWS: Added Landsat-8 on AWS reader (PR#68741)(PR#72891)(PR#69487)(PR#72889) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18028 20170202 -------------------------- Cesium 3D Tiles: Add normals to all meshes. (PR75025). C123009 Revert CityGML Writer: Warn when orphaned features are detected, PR75388. C122616 Reproject: Add missing OGC datum mapping for new OSGB datum, Part 3 (PR#74973). LineCombiner: Fixed bug in the new break on attribute values option (PR#72877) C123150 Snapper: Avoid changing arc sub-types when possible. (PR#69524) LineCombiner: Added an option to merge across connection sets (PR#72877) Workbench: CoordinateSystemSetter: properly substitute macros in a conditional (PR72966) C120166 Workbench: preserve editor settings in rcaller (PR69273) C113509 Workbench: log when there are problems downloading a file from FME Hub (PR73153) Workbench: PointCloudXYZ - do not clear preview when there are variable parameter values (PR67245) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18027 20170201 -------------------------- Date time: Flipped start/end in @DateTimeDiff() so it's now end/start. (PR#73545) CityGML Writer: Warn when orphaned features are detected, PR75388. Reproject: Add missing OGC datum mapping for new OSGB datum, Part 2 (PR#74973). Reproject: Add missing OGC datum mapping for new OSGB datum (PR#74973). Cesium 3D Tiles: Make sure the bounding box of a 3D tile always has non-zero volume. (PR75057) Workbench: 'auto heal' workspaces (PR#74268). C120799 C121984 C120025 C122713 Excel (XLSX) Reader: Excel (XLSX) Reader: Improved geometry column recognition (PR#52289) CSV2 reader: Improved usability when read through GENERIC reader (PR#73240). FBX: Upgrade SDK to 2017.1 to address security vulnerabilities. Only Windows complete for now. (PR#75583) GENERIC reader and FeatureReader: Improved performance when reading from some formats (e.g. CSV2) (PR#73414, PR#73240, PR#73339). Workspace (FMW) Reader: Workspace (FMW) Reader: IDs properly recognized and set in subdocuments (PR#75273) Workbench: Fixed problem where some readers will stop reading features (PR#74268) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18026 20170131 -------------------------- Date time: Fixed rejected port failure. (PR#73545)(PR#75570). C122979 Triangulator: Added aggregate handling modes. (PR#66356) LineCombiner: Added a new parameter to break connections on differing attribute values (PR#72877) GeometryPartExtractor: Add an output port for each Action. (PR#47971) SQL Server: Add XML column type support (PR#33893) C63773 C98781 C119858 DI: Feature Info: Display multiple lines on Mac. (PR#54625) LineOnAreaOverlayer: Do not propagate intersection nodes to 3rd parties (PR#75588) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18025 20170131 -------------------------- Workbench: fix categories FeatureTypeFilter dropping features (PR75519) ||| ensure column is wide enough for a combo box (PR59300) ||| Fix autogenerated published parameters being unreadable (PR75555) C122920 Workspace (FMW) Reader: Workspace (FMW) Reader: Preserve transformer IDs and reader/writer keywords from the workspace (PR#75273) Cesium 3D Tiles: Restrict point clouds to 1 per tile (PR74342) Britian: Added OSTN15 approximated via NTv2 (PR74973) Workbench: fixed writing of tables to support {*} syntax (PR75160) LineCombiner: Added aggregate handling modes. (PR#66356) Excel (XLSX) Reader: Excel (XLSX) Reader: Fixed reader only reading exposed attributes when set to read all (PR#58936) Excel (XLSX) Writer: Excel (XLSX) Writer: Updated Excel writer to accept alpha values for xlsx_col_id and Start Column on the feature type (PR#65787) Workbench: Do not show $(FME_MF_DIR) and friends in tooltips. ||| Fixed published parameter creation in AttributeCreator (PR75490) MeasureSetter: Added front-end support for feature rejection. (PR72036) PointCloudSimplifier: Improve handling of parameters resulting in extremely small grid sizes. (PR#75518) Xerces-C++: Xerces-C++: upgrade from 3.1.3 to v3.1.4, PR75412. Tester/TestFilter: Avoid incorrect false regex match when internal caches fill up. (PR#74347). C121652 C122369 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18024 20170129 -------------------------- Date time functions: completed @DateTimeFormat(). (PR#73545) PLANETDATA: Honour Workbench cache size limit. (PR75529) Cesium 3D Tiles: Set the coordinate system granularity value for Cesium 3D Tiles. (PR74342) PointCloudSimplifier: Improve out-of-core logic and add warnings (PR#75518) TextPropertySetter: Restored ability to reject invalid multipoints (PR#75515) Nodejs: Added nodejs doc to the installer. (PR#75024) StringReplacer: Fix upgrading older versions (PR#75520) DI: Feature Info: Use word wrap. (PR#72993) CAT reader: Fixed Update Feature Types (PR#53410). C98692 Workbench: Fixed problem where copying readers and writers and then pasting either in same or different workspace could lead to workspace corruption (PR#74268) C120799, C121984, C120025, C122713 Excel (XLSX) Reader: Excel (XLSX) Reader: Updated to get user modified attribute types, even if reading all attributes (PR#58936) Excel (XLSX) Writer: Excel (XLSX) Writer: Updated Specific Permissions GUI Options to be more reflective of actual functionality (PR#75100) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18023 20170126 -------------------------- X3D/VRML Writers: Fix missing feature types on workspace generation. (PR66873) INSPIRE reader/writer: Added HydrogeologyCore and SpecialisedObservations options to the INSPIRE Themes parameter, PR75487. C122880 Rotator 2D: Reject invalid geometry types. (PR#72036) Workbench: Fix crash when using dynamodb reader and then trying to authenticate (PR74204) (PR74259) Workbench: Fixed upgrading of transformers where same parameter got changed over different versions (PR#75451) Workbench: Fix crash when using both S3downloader and FMEServerJobSubmitter in a workspace (PR75357) WORKBENCH: Add accordion specific help to Text Editor help menu (PR#75156) Localization: Fix localization of NEW_ATTR strings in metafiles. (PR#75004) GeoJSON: Use underscores to replace non-system characters in attribute names (PR74783) C122139 SQL Server: Fix two concurrent FeatureWriters failure (PR#69965) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18022 20170125 -------------------------- FBX writer: Don't create an empty FBX material when we have FME appearance 0 (inherited or default appearance). (PR#73333, PR#73431) Cesium 3D Tiles: Make the cesium_priority attribute exposable in workbench. (PR75356) Cesium 3D Tiles: Fix writing of attributes with null values. (PR75473) AnchoredSnapper: Fixed crash caused by empty string group by field (PR#75448) GEODATABASE: Added feature type WHERE-clause (PR#33008) C44835 C49510 C79958 C95672 C97117 C102408 C122860 DGNV8: Fix reading of empty filename on non-Windows. (PR75363) C122614 AttributeCreator: Remove PUT as an option in 'fme_db_operation' dropdown (PR#68507) Parameter_mapping: Fixed and restored parameter mapping for a handful of transformers (PR#75431) Chopper: Added aggregate handling modes to Chopper (PR#66356) PLANETDATA: Support reading Item thumbnails. (PR74854) Workbench: Do not show unexposed attributes in the tooltip/summary annotation (PR75459) Offsetter: Reject invalid geometry types (PR#72036) FBX: Started logging the units of scenes we read. Also changed error to warning for the case where W or Q texture coordinates are passed to writer. (PR#71580) DI: Display Control: Fix crash on exit on mac. (PR#75129) Workbench: Fixed problem where Open Containing Folder option didn't show for KML reader/writer (PR#75429) Workbench: Properly remove output port from inline querier (PR75351) MeasureSetter: Reject invalid geometry types. (PR#72036) Batch Deploy: Allow creation of batch deploy without batching writer. (PR#75392) SQL Server: Fix non-bulk insert not being able to insert uniqueidentifier (PR#63470) FFS writer: Fixed dropping of all attributes and geometry when using feature type fanout while Enforce Strict Schema is set to Yes (PR#75406). Excel (XLSX) Writer: Excel (XLSX) Writer: Added a check to ensure we are in the correct sheet before writing out a feature (PR#64282) C105701 C107873 Workbench: Avoid double prompting the user and fix crash when FeatureReader has been edited and selection changed to a different transformer. (PR75371) Excel (XLSX) Reader and Writer: Excel (XLSX) Reader and Writer: Revised logging to report columns as Excel letter representation (PR#74547) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18021 20170124 -------------------------- SHAREPOINT: Support system-encoded feature types and attributes. (PR74611) Workbench: Fix problem where commas in the custom transformer help would result in new lines (PR#75397) Generalizer: Allow Inflection Points to work on donuts (PR#75119) HTMLTABLE: Fixed dropped attributes containing international characters on Mac (PR#73214) Workbench: Published Parameters: Fix issues with WorkspaceRunner propogating created parameters between the outer and inner queries (PR75393) Workbench: Fix dataset parameters to properly handle activechoices and groups (PR74237) Workbench: If user explicitly specifies a log file name then we write out the log file irrespective of the Save Log to File setting value (PR#75394) OBJ Reader: Improve efficiency when reading many objects (PR#73084) C120514 GeoPackage Vector: Enabled support for curve geometries and improved geometry conversion performance (PR#69359, PR#64607) C119074 OGC WKB: Improved performance reading lines and points (PR#19184) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Improve speed of Feature Service search. (PR62775) Linux: Stop requiring Python 3.x on CentOS/RedHat (PR#74853). Workbench: DynamoDB: Fix validation for optional parameters and ordering problem with lookup types (PR74237) PointCloudXYZ reader: Fixed preview for non-ascii component names (PR#75366). Workbench: Fix alignment in modeless window for feature type properties (PR75099) Add tooltip for categories to transformer gallery PointCloudSimplifier: Add progress logging (PR#75272) MIF Writer: Changed coordinate precision from 15 to 17 digits (PR#70645) FMW Reader: Fixed crash when filename contains non-English characters. (PR#75318) FDO: Deprecated FDO_FME and FDO_Map2008-2014 variants (PR#75092) PointCloudComponentAdder: Fixed corruption of extents (PR#75535). DI: 2D: Fixed max distance calculation for closest feature selection. (PR#75232) Workbench: Fixed crash when closing workspace property dialog without making changes (PR75349) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18020 20170120 -------------------------- General: Reject aggregate features outside of scope of transformer (PR#72036) PointOnAreaOverlayer: Improved performance merging attributes (PR#75215) Generalizer: Restored handling of ungeneralizeable features in old workspaces, and restored logging (PR#75257) Excel (XLSX) Writer: Excel (XLSX) Writer: Fixed formula fields not having formatting applied (PR#65784) FFSWriter: Preserved encoding of schema (PR#75087) I2KGML: Added xml schema based Swedish I2K/G2K (Interface 2000 GML) reader/writer for versions 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, deprecates the existing Swedish I2K (Interface 2000) reader/writer, PR75011. C122437 Geocoder: Fixed silent failure when failing to authenticate with ArcGISOnline (PR#75302) C122403 Trimble SketchUp Reader/Writer: Remove reliance on FMEGeometryTools (PR75331) Workbench: Change default value for OGC version to the latest (PR75300) PointCloudSimplifier: Add checks for string components and flat point clouds (PR#75275, PR#75276) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18019 20170119 -------------------------- GeometryExtractor: Improve WKB & WKT parsing of odd EMPTY corner cases.(PR#29176) Workspace (FMW) Reader: Workspace (FMW) Reader: Added Transformer_Aliases as Transformer attribute (PR#74942) Workbench: Fix problems adding a new connection from the FMEJobSubmitter transformer (PR75130). Also save edits in the parameter editor BEFORE launching any edit dialogs Java API: Fixed non-ASCII chars in system encoded string of Java keyword value. (PR#75238) Performance: Improved performance storing large amounts of data during processing (PR#75029) LANDSAT8: Improvements to format (PR#71584) DI: 2D: Restored the thick selection highlight. (PR#75233) General: Reject aggregates features outside of scope of transformer (PR#72036) FFS Reader: Improve string transcoding log message. GeometryExtractor: improve WKB the same as WKT was improved in PR#26695. (PR#29176) RasterCellValueReplacer: Fixed incorrect replacement of values when only one of the minimum or maximum value was specified, and that value was outside the data type range (PR#75192). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18018 20170118 -------------------------- FFS Reader: Don't convert null strings to empty strings during transcoding (PR#75141). Workbench: Removed transformer connection style from preference and added menu to change style to specific type (PR#75249) General: Reject out of scope features in Scaler function. (PR#72036) GeoPackage/GeoPackage Raster: Use generic network authentication and proxies. Allow dataset selection from web services (PR#75237) Workbench: Properly handle redirect when doing oauth calls (PR74948) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Fix incorrect handling of some Feature Service directive values. (PR75050) Workbench: Properly create default path (PR75138) MIF Writer: Improve logic for detecting encoding when not specified by user (PR74866) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18017 20170116 -------------------------- ODATA: Parse datetime values that look like /Date(unix_timestamp)/. (PR75219) EllipsePropertySetter: Prevented modifications to text locations (PR#75074) Excel (XLSX) Writer: Excel (XLSX) Writer: Change GUI options for spreadsheet protection at writer and feature levels to better reflect functionality (PR#75100) Excel (XLSX) Reader: Excel (XLSX) Reader: Allow $ in attribute names instead of replacing with underscore (PR#64370) C108006 PointOnAreaOverlayer: Restored output in areasFirst with unmatched groupBy (PR#75211) GeometryValidator: Prevent crashing after failed triangulation (PR#75225) WKT: More efficiently read in WKT LineStrings. (PR#75150) DI: Options Dialog: Exposed the Coord Sys page. (PR#75121) Excel (XLSX) Writer: Excel (XLSX) Writer: Fix issue where workspace containing an Excel writer cannot be saved (PR#75194) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18016 20170115 -------------------------- Tableau: Fix search path on Linux (PR#68608). FeatureMerger: Restored ability to select attributes for list (PR#75143) TextStroker: Don't reject features because of missing font face attribute (PR75070) SQL Server: Fortify MSSQLServerVersion and MSSQLCompatibilityLevel (PR#58378) Workspace (FMW) Reader: Workspace (FMW) Reader: Fixed incorrect and/or truncated date attributes (PR#66178) C109649 DI: Table View: Initialized the table view with an empty schema to show a column with no schema. (PR#75122) MapInfo Extended reader: Fixed crash when reading schema from FeatureReader (PR#75152). DirectX Reader: Give more useful log message when fails to create on FME Server. (PR#74205) MapInfo Extended: Fixed crash when reading dataset with Unicode charset (PR#75159). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18015 20170113 -------------------------- GeographicBufferer: Fixed Python compatibility bug (PR#75075) PointCloudSimplifier: Update PointCloudSimplifier parameters (PR#74716, PR#75132) Generalizer: Restored ability to find inflection points in aggregates (PR#75119) Workbench: Fix SurfaceFootprintGenerator to properly output attribute reference (PR73371) ArcStroker: Reject unsupported GeometryTypes (PR#75083) DI: Options Dialog: Exposed the Network Proxy page. (PR#61485) C103638 C111675 C116433 C118117 C119231 C121840 FileGDB: Added international character support for WHERE clause (PR74294) Workbench: Allow import of manually editted web xml (PR75139) Bufferer: Changed Buffer Amount parse error log to be more helpful. (PR#55444) PointCloudSimplifier: Add default values for new parameters (PR#75102) Workbench: Do not crash when web service can not be loaded. (PR74416) MSSQL_SPATIAL,MSSQL_AZURE_SPATIAL: Added option to enable/disable MakeValid() when reading with spatial constraints (PR72732). C116652 RasterMosaicker: Do not round floating point values when calculating Average or Sum overlapping values (PR#75113). -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18014 20170111 -------------------------- Generalizer: Preserved Donuts across generalization (PR#75112) PointCloudSimplifier: Enable deterministic RNG (PR#74937) Generalizer: Added rejection support for features with invalid parameter values (PR#73693) DI: 2D: Use the entire requested extent to render text instead of clipping the text using the text bounds (PR#75082) Workbench: Fix problem where coordinate system could not be selected in COORDSYS gui type (PR#74268). C120799 C121984 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18013 20170111 -------------------------- Licensing Assistant: Display error when missing license type (PR#73052). C120487 DI: Table View: Remove the corresponding tabs of the dataset being removed. (PR#74488) DI: Table View: Detect multiple attribute types for the best column type. (PR#74047). C121405 ElementFactory: Removed logs specifying when no mode has been selected. (PR#62102) SQL Server: Make MSSQL spatial reader not read null geometry column as an attribute (PR#63980) FBX: Ensure writer does not crash when mesh has no vertex normals. (PR#74103) NeighborFinder: Added option to take measures/Z from candidate (PR#38844) C60850, C91787, C88583, C99399, C99745 ODATA: Handle 1.0-style feature list response. (PR74962). C122361 DI: 2D: Fixed missing rendering during zooming. (PR#74911) RCaller: Ensure input port names are valid (PR#71837). C118786 Workbench: Reorganized transformer categories (PR74202) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18012 20170109 -------------------------- General: Corrected documentation for @Geometry function. (PR#70765) Scaler: No longer check if scaling factors are equal to zero. (PR#73861) GeometryCoercer: Removed unnecessary warning logs. (PR#72746) Date time: Merged a couple of date time functions. Added support for diffing date times as fractions years, months, etc (PR#73545) SQL Server: When Spatial Index Type is set to None, do not run the Spatial Index Creation SQL (PR#50727) Linux: Locate the Oracle JRE correctly on RedHat PR#73543 Clipper: Added interpolation support to the midpoint of arcsby3pts (PR#74983) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18011 20170106 -------------------------- MBTiles Reader: Improved error message when requesting non-existent zoom level (PR#73235) AppearanceSetter: Add texturing options from SharedItemIDSetter (PR71454) FBX Reader: Added axis system handling and Convert to Metres option. (PR#71580) Geopackage Raster Writer: Added support for zoom level generation (PR#74976) Mac: Avoid high Workbench CPU usage situation by checking clipboard compatibility more intelligently. (PR#69420). C113746 PointCloudSimplifier: Allow flat point clouds (PR#74960) PRC: Greatly improved performance writing many appearances that use the same raster (PR#69127) SQLExecutor: Always supply 'fme_feature_type' to Result features (PR#74890) AnchoredSnapper: Fixed vertex snapping crash for areas that begin with arcs and end with lines (PR#74955) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18010 20170105 -------------------------- PointCloudSimplifier: Improve point cloud component handling (PR#74917) Intersector: Fixed bug intersecting arcs with shared end point (PR#74677) DI: Table View: Rename Edit Schema... button to Columns... (PR#73134) Workbench: Fixed problem where saving as template would mangle url dataset values in some cases (PR#74885). C122287 Triangulator: Make sure that the TIN surfaces have consistent sidedness (PR#72629) PointCloudSimplifier: Complete out-of-core algorithm for large point clouds (PR#74015) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18009 20170104 -------------------------- Installer: Remove unnecessary PCL DLLs (PR#74357) Workbench: Fixed problem where users could not download transformers from FME Hub, when behind proxy. (PR#74750). C121198 C118879 C122123 C116677 C119432 PointCloudSimplifier: Update parameters in transformer UI (PR#74883) GeometryValidator: Fixed 2 degenerate solid checks (PR#73123) DI: 3D: Use Orbit as the default camera mode. (PR#74874) Workbench: Fix restore defaults for controlled multiparameter (PR74821) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18008 20170103 -------------------------- WorkspaceRunner: Fixed problem where the command line to execute/log had empty parameter arguments (PR#74841). C120761 JavaScriptCaller: Re-enable on OSX now that node.js is supported (PR#73568). XLSX: Update sheets on Network Authentication changes (PR#71178) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18007 20161230 -------------------------- Date time: Fixed build error on MacOS (PR#73545) GeoJSON: Use underscores to replace non-system characters in attribute names (PR74783) C122139 DI: 2D: Render datasets with invalid rect bounds (PR#74253) DI: Save As Dataset: Fix incorrect data. (PR#73115) PointCloudSimplifier: Reject inputs with infinite/NaN points (PR#74438) ECW: Fixed reading of datasets with > 100 bands (PR#72306). Rasterizer: Added support for path geometry (PR#74143). Date time: phase 1.1 functionally complete (PR#73545) PointPropertySetter: Don't remove orientation when all parameters unset (PR71284)(PR72249) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18006 20161222 -------------------------- Elasticsearch Reader: Support multiple attribute flattening modes (PR#68506) GML and XML Readers: Make sure to log dataset being read (PR#74733) GML: Disable Map FeatureCollection when Ignore Application Schema selected (PR#74096) Workbench: Avoid crash browsing web sources for files when Python cannot be loaded. CSV2: Log when opening a dataset, and log all directives (PR#74346). PointCloudSimplifier: Handle transformations and improve precision (PR#74810, PR#74738) PointCloudCombiner: Fixed handling of non-ascii component names (PR#74799). GeometryReplacer/GeometryExtractor: Added QlikMaps Encoded Polyline option, PR74587. PointCloudSimplifier: Compute reasonable default parameters (PR#74787) XMLTemplater: Fixed workspace runner empty macro issue, PR74749. C120761 Python: Updated Python Compatibility location in error message. (PR#74063) Workbench: Add help button to dialogs Workbench: Disable the distance parameter in Extruder when direction is Specified (pr73455) Spatialite Writer: Changed COMPRESS_GEOMETRY default to No (PR#74774) Workbench: Add font color picker icon (pr73632) Workbench: Fix url in network url settings validation to automatically add http:// if needed (pr73762) Workbench: Indicate which parameter is empty when there is a parameter within the multiparameter that is invalid (PR71692) VariableSetter: Allow value to be empty string, to wipe out content of a variable. (PR#70668) Workbench: Default to saving log text to workspace default location instead of last data directory. (PR#71982) Elasticsearch: Fixed issue with capital letters in index name (PR#72540) FME Objects Python: Added Python Raster API. (PR 50880). C86032 C88501 C88502 C93631 C107415 C120839 ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Preserve null values when writing, for all attribute types. (PR74770) Logger: When logging features to FFS, include previous message attribute that matches what was typed in logger. (PR#73878). C121279 AIXM5 reader: Snap calculated geometries to defined geometries when constructing paths, PR74589. C121849 PlanarityFilter: Fixed normal vector reporting for edge cases (PR#72031) Workbench: Move to left justified fields for modeless dialogs. Update to 'Data Inspector' rather than 'Inspection Application' and remove 'properties' term (PR74656). Fix crash when delete AttributeCreator GENERATE: Use actual format name when deciding whether to download from URL. (PR#74702) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18005 20161220 -------------------------- GeoPackage Reader: Added to SQLExecutor with fme_execute_sql constraint support (PR#60472) Date time: Added date time functions and DateTimeCalculator transformer. (PR#73545) Spatialite: Fixed string encodings when used in SQLExecutor (PR#69521). C113929 Python: Improved logging when Python fails to load. (PR#74063) Interlis: Updated to v6.1.5 (PR#73434) COUCHDB and CLOUDANT Writers: Fixed ability to perform PUT and DELETE operations in dynamic workspaces (PR#73234). MAPINFO_EXTENDED: New reader for the MapInfo Extended TAB format (PR#64228). FMW Reader: Display annotation types as text (PR#73411) Workbench: Fix unlicensed dialog regression (PR74234) ||| Update cached connection list when importing a connection (PR74449) Transformers: Properly honor encoding parameter in AttributeEncoder. (PR69640). C115699 Dynamic writing: Return ERROR when a schema feature is missing required fme_geometry{} attributes. (PR#74450) GDAL Vector Formats: Fixed multiple issues with dataset, feature type and attribute name encodings (PR#70625, PR#70581) DataInspector: Preserve schema for all groups in GROUP_BY mode (PR#74395) Workbench: Fixed problem where mixing old and new writer would invalidate the old index type names (PR#74681) S3Uploader: Upgrading moves Upload Content Type into Headers (PR#71145). Workbench: Fixed problem where undo operation for deleted dynamic feature type failed to restore the schema sources (PR#66865) PointCloudManipulator: Offset point cloud to origin to improve precision (PR73804) DropboxConnector: Fixed download path error handling (PR#74657) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Improve error logging for some server-side error cases. (PR74671) IDRISI: Create a 2003 Access database by default (PR74700) Workbench: Add help buttons to the 'Change Connection Storage' and 'Regenerate Key' dialogs (Pr74626) Workbench: Fixed problem where editing unpublished dataset parameter will lose any referenced macros (PR#68277). C112742 C119573 PointCloudSimplifier: Add the ability to output the 'discarded' points separately. (PR#74455) Topology: Prevented crash from NaN nodes (PR#74515) Workbench: Disable parallel processing when running workspace with full inspection or debugging (PR#69376). C119610 Excel Writer: Added options to create password protected sheets and specific protection levels (PR#49783). C84604 C84234 C93292 C83914 C94139 C99937 C100774 C116989 -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18004 20161214 -------------------------- Python: Prevented running workspaces with incompatible linked custom transformers. (PR#72263) ShortestPathFinder: Update logging to reflect renamed From-To port (PR73144) PointCloudSimplifier: Expose more granular algorithm controls (PR#74455) MeasureGenerator: Expanded rejection support (PR#72011) AnchoredSnapper, Snapper: Fixed error message if published parameter cleaning tolerance has a space (PR#62411). C105112 C109418 C110612 C121047 Installer: Add back warning about EPEL and IUS repos. (PR#70708). C117162 C116021 PlanarityFilter: Fixed Aggregate Support (PR#72030) Snapper and AnchoredSnapper: Changed the default behaviour to the new two-tolerance snapping for old workspaces (PR#62411) Web Connections UI: Don't crash when nonexistent version of Python has been chosen by user. (PR#74585) Workbench: Add new multiselection icon (PR74459) Snapper: Prefer to snap intersection points to nodes even if the new point is not within cleaning tolerance (PR#62411) Workbench: Do not prompt for save when no changes were made (PR74598). Make all views scrollable so they do not affect width/height of modeless dailog (PR74586). Fix flashing window when selecting some items (PR74431) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18003 20161213 -------------------------- Snapper: Log the auto cleaning tolerance used (PR#62411) PLANETDATA: Fix cache timeout errors on Mac. (PR74388) PointCloudSimplifier: Route output to the correct port. (PR#74455)(PR#74437) HTTPCaller: Don't set the content type header on empty string uploads. (PR74635) SHAREPOINT: Handle system-encoded feature types. (PR74611) PointCloudSimplifier: Move the MASB algorithm from the PointCloudThinner into its own transformer. (PR#74455) TextStroker: Restored Rejection Support for fontnames (PR#72510) Intersector: Fixed floating-point precision issues intersecting arcs and lines (PR#62411) Workbench: Minor tweaks to menu titles related to connection style (PR#70033) Generalizer: Prevented crash in ungeneralizable aggregates (PR#72646) Workbench: Fix problem where it was impossible to add new vertex with different connection style in some cases (PR#70033) Intersector: Improve arc-line intersection precision near endpoints of line (PR#62411) GeometryValidator: Standardized Issue Locations for Nans (PR#74491) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18002 20161212 -------------------------- TextStroker: Removed misleading font parameter default (PR#72510) GeographicBufferer: Add more corner style options. (PR#73112)(PR#73160) JSONFlattener: Log and save an error message when there is no JSON document. (PR74509) Workbench: Renamed General tab to Parameters and tweaked group names to match the tab (PR#74480) Workspace (FMW) Reader: Workspace (FMW) Reader: Add schema entries for feature type link reading (PR#74503). C122060 Tableau: Enable on Linux (PR#68608). AnchoredSnapper: Snap candidate endpoints to the closest endpoint on a segment (PR#73345). C120860 OGCKML Reader: Pre-declare an xsi ns declaration for reading bad data using the xsi prefix but missing the declaration, PR43765. C72931 GPXX reader: Allow gpx files missing their gpx namespace declarations to be read, PR54617. TextStroker: Restored non-modification of invalid points (PR#71119) Workbench: In the FME Server publishing wizard, fix an issue that allowed 'Include Writers in Stream' to be empty (PR#73035). Generalizer: Fixed Crash when preserving shared boundaries in self-intersecting areas (PR#72646) SENTINEL2AWS: Ensure fme_basename always has a value. (PR74046) GeometryValidator: Fixed errorLocations for shell repair and nans (PR#74495) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18001 20161210 -------------------------- AnchoredSnapper: Fixed more bugs snapping nearly identical lines and arcs (PR#62411). C105112 C109418 C110612 C121047 Snapper: Fixed crash snapping large dataset (PR#74568) GeometryValidator: Fixed Crash in Location Reporting (PR#74495) SHAREPOINT: Pick up and honour fme_attribute_reading. (PR74538) Installer: Set NETWORK type on express installs if network path entered. (PR#73894) MBTiles Reader: Detect and warn if unable to read the expected number of tiles from the source dataset (PR#74295 PR#73239 PR #73268) Installer: Keep the database logs local to the db machine. (PR#72359) GeometryCoercer: Output aggregates that could not be coerced to multis out the untouched port (PR#72648) Workbench: properly save concontroller file parameter when propogating parameter values from one multiparameter query to the next (PR74220) || clear 'yellow' when viewing transformer parameters (PR72653) AnchoredSnapper: Prefer to snap candidates to the midpoints of the anchor over other pseudonodes (PR#62411) FMEServerJobSubmitter: Correctly map parameters during upgrades, excluding 'Workspace Parameters' (PR#72533, PR#72534). GeometryValidator: Prevented crash when getting the issueLocation of a bad donut (PR#74495) TextStroker: Restored dimension of stroked text (PR#71119) -------------------------- FME 2018.0 b18000 20161209 -------------------------- CityGML reader: Enabled CityGML xfmap caching after bug fix, PR73856. JSONFlattener: Fix missing error attribute in the Rejected output port. (PR74509) Installer: Remove sql client 2008 from installer. (PR#71490) Workbench: Fix crash generating AttributeManager tooltip (PR74504) (PR74446) || Fix writing of loop transformers (PR74486) Workbench: Add new icons for the parameter editor toolbar (pr74185) AnchoredSnapper: Allow snapping candidates endpoints to anchor midpoints in more cases (PR#62411) TextStroker: Restored text stroking in older transformers (PR#71119) Installer: Ship STK dll with FME Server console. (PR#72821) Workbench: Added Bezier and Manhattan connection (link) styles (PR#70033)