
The Scaler scales objects to make them bigger or smaller.


Scale Factors


Point Cloud

Usage Notes

  • This transformer supports raster band and palette selection.TheRasterSelectorcan be used to modify selection.
  • This transformer simply multiplies all coordinate values with the specified scale factors.If the object being scaled is not on or near the 0,0 point of the coordinate system,using the Scaler will also introduce a shift to your data.
  • This transformer works with both raster and vector data.

Editing Transformer Parameters

Using a set of menu options,transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace.More advanced functions,such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor,are also available in some transformers.To access a menu of these options,clickbeside the applicable parameter.For more information,seeTransformer Parameter Menu Options.

Transformer Categories




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Keywords: pointcloud