Licensing from the Linux Command Line

To activate a single-fixed license with your serial number

  • Run:
  • ./fmelicensingassistant --serial <serial-number>

让你的序列号,see the confirmation e-mail you received after purchasing FME Desktop.

To activate a single-fixed license with a trial code

  1. Visithttp://www.亚搏在线
  2. Run:
  3. ./fmelicensingassistant --trial <trial-license-code>

To activate a license file provided by 亚搏在线Safe Software

  1. Complete steps 1-3 underInstalling a License File Provided by 亚搏在线Safe Software.
  2. Note:To obtain the registration key,navigate to the FME Desktop installation folder and run:

    ./fmelicensingassistant --key

  3. Run:
  4. ./fmelicensingassistant --file <文件名>

To configure FME Desktop to use a floating license

  1. Complete steps 1-5 underInstalling a Floating License on Linux.
  2. Run:
  3. ./fmelicensingassistant --floating <server> [:<port>] <FME-Edition>

    Note:For information about specifying<FME-Edition>,seeSpecifying the FME Edition to Use.

To configure FME Desktop to use a three-server redundant floating license

  1. Complete steps 1-3 underInstalling a Three-Server Redundant Floating License Server on Linux
  2. Run:
  3. ./fmelicensingassistant --floating <master-node-server>[: )< FME-Edition>

    Note:For information about specifying<FME-Edition>,seeSpecifying the FME Edition to Use.