你在这里: Web用户界面 > 使用界面 > 连接 > Web Connections

Web Connections

选择连接> Web连接

The Web Connections page lists the web connections you have uploaded to FME Server along with workspaces.

Many workspaces that are run from FME Server require you to connect and authenticate to a web service. For example, a workspace that contains an HTTPCaller transformer may require you to authenticate to a web service, such as Google Fusion Tables, by providing your user name and password.


添加Web Connections.


  • 来自FME工作台: When you upload a workspace to FME Server, and the workspace contains a web connection, you can specify whether to upload the connection along with the workspace. If you choose to upload the connection, it is added to this page.
  • 在Web连接页面上:点击。或者,选中现有连接旁边的框,然后单击Duplicate。On the Create (or Duplicate) Web Connection page, provide a name for the connection, and specify the type of service. Provide the remaining connection and authentication parameters, depending on type. ClickOK
  • 注意:您只能为使用FME服务器完成的服务添加Web Connections。看到管理Web服务, below.

Using Web Connections



  1. If not already completed, configure the web service definition with FME Server. For more information, see管理Web服务, below.
  2. 授权连接:
    1. 单击连接以打开它。
    2. 在“编辑”页面上,单击授权


从包含Web连接的FME桌面上传工作区时,还上载了对关联的Web服务的引用。您还可以直接从FME Workbench中的“管理Web服务”对话框中载Web服务,然后根据“工具”>“FME选项”>“Web连接”。要查看上传的服务,请单击Manage Web Services。将打开Web服务页面。(要从此页面删除Web服务,请选择并单击去掉。)

在大多数情况下,填充你的网页就是FME服务器ce credentials from the web connection information uploaded from FME Desktop. These credentials are enough to run workspaces, as long as the web service access token is valid. If the access token is no longer valid or cannot be refreshed, you must complete the web service configuration in order to authorize the connection directly with FME Server.


  1. 点击Manage Web Services
  2. 在Web服务页面上,单击要编辑的Web服务。
  3. 在编辑Web服务页面上,指定服务参数。对于大多数Web服务,您必须提供授权和连接凭据。

    小费:For information about creating an app, retrieving the app credentials, and setting the redirect URI , click the link beside外部帮助链接

    • 客户IDand客户秘密(oauth2)或消费者钥匙andConsumer Secret(oauth1):与应用程序关联的凭据。您必须在Web服务中创建一个应用程序,然后检索该应用程序的凭据。
    • 重定向Uri.(oauth2)或回调URL(OAuth1): A web address that resolves to the location of the fmeoauth web application. If your FME Server is completely installed in the public domain, such as on FME Cloud, the Redirect URI will have been set correctly when the web service was published. If FME Server is on-premises, you will likely need to change the URI. You must set the correct Redirect URI in the app you have created.
      • 如果您的FME服务器配置为通过A访问Web服务在公共DNS服务中输入,使用服务生成的重定向URI。
      • 如果您的FME服务器配置为通过A访问Web服务DMZ,使用重定向URI(https://<主办>:<港口> / fmeoauth.)对于自定义安装FMEoauth Web服务public机。
  4. 点击OK

