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Performing a Silent Installation (Windows)




属性 默认值 描述
fmeserverhostname. The Computer Name on which the installer is running 主机名用于此安装FME服务器。
installdir. C:\ Program Files \ fmeserver要么C:\apps\FMEServer FME服务器安装目录。如果更改此值,则路径必须以“\”结尾。例如,InstallDir = C:\ apps \ fmeserver \
INSTALLDISTRIBUTEDREPOSITORY 没有 FME服务器系统共享是否存储在单独的服务器上而不是核心机器上。允许的值是yes和no(区分大小写)。

the Windows user account that will run the FME ServerSystem Services. This account must have:

FMESERVERUSERPASSWORD 如果指定了fmeserveruser,则用户帐户密码。
FMESERVERSHAREDDATA [INSTALLDIR] FME服务器系统共享目录的路径。在主持FME Server安装程序组件的所有计算机上指定此属性。
ADMINUSERNAME admin The user name for the admin account. For more information, see默认用户帐户和密码.
ADMINUSERPASSWORD admin The password for the admin account.
rootdir. [INSTALLDIR] The path to the root folder on the core machine. In an Engine-only installation, the path to the FME Server System Share directory. Specify this property only in a distributed installation on a machine that is not hosting the FME Server Core.
databaseType. 默认 将与FME服务器安装一起使用的数据库类型。可能的值是默认,MSSQL,Oracle,PostgreSQL..默认installs the built-in PostGreSQL database.
数据库 [FMESERVERHOSTNAME] The host that the database is on. This should only be specified if DATABASETYPE is not默认.



Oracle: 1521

The port to connect to the database. This should only be specified if DATABASETYPE is not默认.
ORACLESID The SID for the Oracle database. Must be specified only if DATABASETYPE isOracle.
JDBCDRIVER 如果您的数据库需要安全的JDBC驱动程序不提供,请在此指定完整路径,并将其复制到安装目录中亚搏在线的相应位置。
SERVLETTYPE 默认 The type of Application Server (servlet engine) you will use with FME Server. Possible values are默认,Apache,Oracle,和servletexec.. Choosing默认installs the built-in Application Server.
webserverhostname. [FMESERVERHOSTNAME] The host on which the servlet engine is installed.
SERVLETPORT 80 (if open) The port that the servlet engine host uses or that the built-in Apache server uses. If not specified, the installer checks ports 80, 8080-8085 and use the first one that is not in use.
Webappsdir. [installdir] \ utilities \ tomcat \ webapps The path to the webapps directory for the servlet engine.
NOLOGPREFIX 没有 如果Yes,FME Server log filenames are not prefixed with the server host name.

Selecting Features to Install

To select which features to install, use the ADDLOCAL property, and specify features in a comma-delimited list. If this property is not specified, all features are installed.

FME Server Core fmeservercore.
网页服务 Services
FME Server Console ServerConsole
FME发动机 Fmeengine.


To install the FME Server Core and FME Engine services:


Installer Flags


/q[n|b] Signifies a quiet installation./qnmeans quiet with no user interface, and/qb意味着具有基本进度条的安静安装。
/norestart Do not restart the computer after installation.
/ l * v 启用日志记录<logfile>specified.



安装所有默认选项(类似于Express Install),启用日志记录

msiexec / i fme-server-win-x86.msi / qb / norestart / l * v installfmeserverlog.txt

Install core only with an FME Server System Share directory on a share on another machine named "\\machine1\share"

msiexec /i fme-server-win-x86.msi ADDLOCAL=FMEServerCore FMESERVERUSER=MYCOMPANY\user1 FMESERVERUSERPASSWORD=password INSTALLDISTRIBUTEDREPOSITORY=Yes FMESERVERSHAREDDATA="\\machine1\share" REPOSITORYSERVERROOTDIR="\\machine1\share" /qb /norestart /l*v installFMEServerLog.txt

Express install, but with an MSSQL database located on another server

msiexec /i fme-server-win-x86.msi DATABASETYPE=MSSQL DATABASEHOST=DatabaseMachine DATABASEPORT=1433 /qb /norestart /l*v installFMEServerLog.txt

仅使用Engine Install Install,其他服务器上的所有其他FME服务器组件名为“\\ machine1 \ fmeserversystemshare”

msiexec / i“fme-server-win-x64.msi”/ l * v“install.log”/ qb / norestart installdir =“c:\程序文件\ fmeserver \”fmeserveruser = mycompany \ user1 fmeserveruserpassword = password adminusername = adminadminuserpassword = admin fmeserverhostname =“machine1”addlocal = fmeengine fmeservershareddata =“\\ machine1 \ fmeserversystemshare \”installdistributedrepository = yes rootdir =“\\ machine1 \ fmeserversystemshare \”