Esri Geodatabase(File Geodb Mosaic Dataset)Writer要素类型参数

要访问特征类型参数,请单击齿轮图标在工作区中的要素类型上打开特征类型参数编辑器. 要始终在Workbench中显示编辑器,可以选择View>Windows>Parameter editor。




看到了吗Editing Writer Feature Typesfor more information.

表: General


When inserting into a table, Row Selection is ignored. When updating and deleting from a table (if applicable, based on a format's available Feature Operation options), a condition needs to be specified for selecting which rows to operate on. This parameter group offers two methods to construct the selection condition:


注:Starting at ArcGIS Desktop 10.5, mosaic datasets will be created with the new RASTER_STORAGE keyword called RASTERBLOB. Therefore, geodatabases created in ArcGIS 10.5 cannot be opened or deleted with earlier versions of ArcGIS.

Mosaic Dataset