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Database Connections

SelectManage > Database Connections.

Many workspaces that are run from FME Server require you to connect and authenticate to a database service. For example, a workspace that contains an Oracle Spatial Relational reader requires you to provide a service name, username, and password to connect to an Oracle Spatial Relational dataset.

FME Server allows you to store these authentication parameters as self-contained objects, and the Database Connections page provides a convenient and secure way to manage them. When you run a workspace from FME Server that requires a database connection, you can reference the named connection, rather than re-entering the connection parameters. If the connection parameters change, you can edit them in one place, rather than in each workspace that uses the connection.

Adding Database Connections

There are two ways to add database connections:

  • On the Database Connections page: ClickNew. Or, check the box beside an existing connection and click重复. On the Create (or Duplicate) a Database Connection page, provide a name for the connection, and specify the type of database. Provide the remaining connection and authentication parameters, depending on type. ClickOK.
  • From FME Workbench: When you upload a workspace that contains a database connection to FME Server, you can specify whether to upload the connection along with the workspace, or use a connection that already exists on FME Server. If you choose to upload the connection, it is added to this page.

Editing Database Connections

Click a connection name. On the Editing Database Connection page, specify the new parameters, and clickOK.

Removing Database Connections

Check the box beside one or more connections you want to remove, and click Remove. In the confirmation dialog, clickOK.

Using Database Connections

When you运行一个工作区, any connections that are compatible with the database type in the workspace appear in the Connection drop-down list, under Published Parameters.