The丹佛Amache项目大学致力于研究、解释和前serving the site of Amache, a WWII internment camp for Japanese-American citizens. Jim Casey, a GIS Specialist from the University of Denver, had been working on this project for a few years when he approached Safe Software with a question: can he render the data he collected in augmented reality?

当然,我们的答案是肯定的。当我们谈论如何FME could be used for the project, I suggested trying a couple of additional visualization options –cesiumjs.在网络上共享3D场景,以及虚幻引擎用于制作沉浸式游戏的环境。

The source data included almost everything a typical GIS specialist works with: CAD and GIS layers, ortho imagery, 3D models, historic map scans, photos and videos. The output was the most interesting part: three very technologically different, but visually appealing, ways to present the traditional data. Below, I talk about the details of this project, go through the data and the workspaces involved, and show the resulting models and worlds.


今天,Amache网站看起来与70年前非常不同 - 旧建筑消失,只有基础仍然存在于地面。网站上没有铁丝网。道路,小树和干草使它感到空虚和安静。有一些恢复的物品 - 一支营房,水塔和卫兵塔。还有一个信息亭。

Jim Casey向我发送了与该网站相关的大量数据,我的目标是使用FME将所有来源带到一起,并在WWII期间将其生成网站。以下是一些源数据集:

OBJ models generated from drone footage. Using Pix4D, which we’ll talk about below, Jim turned a few hours of drone footage of restored constructions into 3D .obj models.


GIS data. This Geodatabase contained several layers: the barrack and other building footprints, apartment polygons with information about their inhabitants, and an orthophoto.

Historic scan. This is a simple JPEG image with no georeferencing. It contains information about the location of the barbed wire and guard towers.

To enrich the virtual world in a realistic way, I found a few models of old vehicles and other features from the WWII era.

Step 2: Data transformation processes

PIX4Dto generate 3D models

Jim为项目提供了三种模型,他创建了PIX4D,专业摄影测量软件包,用于创建来自无人机视频的正轨,点云和3D模型。我创建了一个简化的营房版本 - 出于性能原因,但也是因为实质上,营房是简单的屋顶。另外两种模型需要比我所拥有的3D建模技能更多,所以我直接使用它们,经过一些网格简化MeshLab.

这是当时在FME外面完成的最大步骤,但从那里我们已经建造了一套custom FME transformersavailable through FME Hub for connecting to Pix4D.


This is a relatively big project, and putting every part of it into a single workspace wouldn’t make the overall workflow efficient. Instead, I created several workspaces, each solving a small transformation task to allow the data to take the necessary shape gradually.

例如,我想在虚幻发动机中“播种”一些草地。它可以在那里轻松完成,类似于使用Photoshop和其他图像编辑器中的桶工具;但是,我没有代表草地区域的多边形,所以我从ortho图像创建了一些简单的地图代数分析。如上所述,当道路比景观的其他部分更亮。如果我们将所有道路设置为NodatarasterexpressionEvaluator., transform the raster to polygons with the范特利奥戈翁塞纳克然后,然后从多边形中夹出建筑物脚印,我们得到一个种植植被的区域:

创建营房和一个娱乐馆模型需要大量的变形金刚,但这只是几步的步骤,模仿绘图过程 - 创建一条线,挤出它,现在在顶部段中间插入顶点并加注它达到5英尺,现在将多边形偏移120英尺(这是我们创造侧壁的方式),将纹理涂抹在这一侧,向该侧面,到屋顶,等等。

FME Workspace (click to enlarge)

我没有尝试用所有施工细节重新创建建筑物 - 没有2×4或适当的窗框 - 我主要依靠纹理来继承营房的外观。我们的最终数据集包含超过400个建筑物,我们当然希望它们能够为我们记住的所有目的地系统进行轻量调。

Once the models were created, placing them where they belong required a single insertion point for each building and two transformers. TheSharediteMadder.adds a geometry definition to the transformation, and theSharedItemidsetter.replaces points with the geometry instances.

虽然我总是用FME尝试做一切,但需要手动数字化的几个步骤。我使用了Arggis Pro来描绘铁丝网并将警卫塔点放置在历史扫描上,又必须匹配其他数据层。亚疗手可以使用光栅几何形状以及控制向量 - 线连接历史栅格和正确坐标系中的一个层上的相同点。我使用基础角落作为这样的控制点。

For the barbed wire, I needed to make sure that the single flight of the fence is placed logically, so that, for example, the wires wouldn’t hang in the air at the corners, that is, there will be a pole at each turn of the fence. The guard towers had to know their orientation in relation to the fence for a correct placement – a job for theNeighborFinder变压器。


根据我们是否编写铯3D瓷砖,AR模型或虚幻的DataSamith文件,最终步骤是不同的 - Cesium是一个投影和属性感知格式,AR文件需要一些逻辑,用于将模型放入现实世界,以及数据文件在虚幻引擎内需要额外的处理。


虚幻引擎comes with a few templates, which allows creating different kinds of games or real-time environments if we talk about non-gaming scenarios. For this project, a Multi-User Viewer template from UE4.22 was used. It allows exploring the world alone or in a multi-user mode where each participant can connect to the same world and see each other as avatars.

虚幻引擎gives unlimited possibilities for making the worlds look lifelike, but I made only several simple steps, such as setting collisions so that a user cannot go through walls and fences, I “planted” grass and “dropped” pebbles, and finally, added a few 3D SketchUp models of old cars and trucks.




探索虚幻环境中的Amache - 下载Win64要么Mac


Here is the Amache camp in Cesium. This is a lighter version with barracks only, which allows the model to work well on most computers:



最新版本的FME AR.appcan be made aware of the user location, and the model can be placed in the world properly relative to that location. I can’t easily go to Colorado and test it on the spot, so here is a version of the camp on the sports field of Aspenwood Elementary in Port Moody, British Columbia:

Explore Amache

The history of the 20th century is full of difficult and tragic episodes like the Amache concentration camp. Being born and raised in Russia, which went through turbulent years during both world wars and between them, I have a few such stories in my own family. It is our responsibility to preserve the memories of the past, and do our best to ensure that in the next 50 or 70 years the new generations of GIS specialists have only happy memories to depict of our time. This blog focused on the technical side of the project.To learn more about the important work of theAmache Preservation Society并查看这种协作的结果,访问ArcGIS StoryMap“Augmenting Amache“。

Learn more about this collaborative project in “Augmenting Amache”, an ArcGIS StoryMap



Augmented Reality FME AR. 游戏引擎 虚幻引擎

Dmitri Bagh

Dmitri is the scenario creation expert at Safe Software, which means he spends his days playing with FME and testing what amazing things it can do.


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