With CesiumJS, you can create a web visualization to display your geospatial data in a browser—making it easy to share your data with anyone, anywhere. Here are the steps I took to prepare 2D building footprints for a 3D CesiumJS web visualization.Download the workspaceand play with the output below.

Source Data: 900 MB of Polygons

It is always fun to play with an interesting dataset. A recentpublicationof 125 Million building footprints in the United States to the OpenStreetMap community is a perfect example of a dataset with which I would want to make something interesting. This is how I ended up with a900 MB JSON file representing the buildings of Washington state.

A quick inspection of the footprints revealed there was no elevation information. Perfect! This looks like a typical task for FME (and for myself) – bring in a few different datasets and combine them into something new and exciting.

Converting 2D to 3D with FME

Step 1: Combine Footprints with Elevation Data

For elevation information, I went to theWashington Lidar Portal, a source of LiDAR and derived products managed by theWashington Department of Natural Resources. I picked two counties, Pierce and King, and downloaded the DSM and DTM for both—a pretty heavy 80 GB dataset with over one hundred pairs of raster tiles.

From here, FME can take care of everything. As my first steps, I brought the JSON footprints and rasters into the workspace, extracted building geometries withGeometryExtractorinto an attribute, and usingRasterBandCombiner, merged all DSM and DTM into two-band rasters, grouping them by tile names:

Step 2: Get Building Heights from Clipped Rasters

建筑本身rved as clippers to the two-band rasters (Clipperwith “Merge Attributes” option checked so the building geometries will be transferred to rasters). The result is hundreds of thousands of small rasters – one raster per building (and sometimes more in cases when a building was stretching over the tile edges – I usedRasterMosaickerto guarantee a single raster per footprint).

WithRasterBandMinMaxExtractor, I extracted the minimum and maximum values per each band within each small raster – the lowest pixel value of the DTM band represents the ground, and the highest value of the DSM band, the top of the roof. To be precise, the highest value is not guaranteed to be the roof top – it might be a tall tree overhanging the building – but for our purpose of a massive visualization, it is an acceptable deficiency.

Note DTM and DSM are raster products derived from LiDAR. This means when DEM datasets are not available, it is possible to use LiDAR data instead – FME will clip the point clouds, and then, withPointCloudStatisticsCalculator, we can find min and max values within the buildings.

Step 3: Extrude Footprints Based on Retrieved Elevation Values

The final steps include replacing the raster geometry with the original footprint geometry, and extruding this geometry to the difference between max DSM and min DTM.

Sharing the Output in a Web Visualization

In the past, I have shared my output by publishing a few screenshots.

Today, I can easily share the full result with you thanks to modern web-based technologies. I hope you enjoyed my three.js experiments before, and now it is time to use the power ofCesiumJS library, which is better suited for geospatial data and can handle huge datasets thanks to smart tiling and priority settings.

FME currently has two Cesium writers: one for point clouds (Cesium 3D Point Cloud), and one for 3D geometries such as solids and surfaces (Cesium 3D Tiles).

Writing to 3D Tiles is straightforward. The only format attribute we can set is cesium_priority, a real number that defines the relative placement of features within the tile hierarchy. I usedVolumeCalculatorto set this attribute. In Cesium, this leads to rendering bigger buildings before smaller ones.

The resulting dataset consists of a JSON file, which outlines the tile structure of the dataset, and a folder of 3D tiles with the .b3dm extension.

At this point, FME does not generate the HTML file necessary to open the scene in a browser; however, it can be done withAttributeCreator,我们可以很容易地地方智慧必要的代码h minimal changes, such as specifying paths to the Cesium JavaScript library, CSS style sheet, and the dataset itself. Of course, it is possible to make any kinds of adjustments and add a lot more customization and functionality using JavaScript, but for that, I invite you to visitCesium.org.

Meanwhile, you can have a look at 1.2 million buildings in King and Pierce counties of Washington state right in your web browser. A good internet connection and a powerful computer are recommended

Interact with the output in Cesium

But if you prefer the old way of sharing, here are a couple of screenshots.

Downloadand learn how the Cesium workspace is made and try it with your own data. We would love to hear how you use Cesium tiles in your work or if you don’t use them yet, where do you see them fit in your organization.

3D About Data Cesium DEM Raster Web Visualization


Dmitri is the scenario creation expert at Safe Software, which means he spends his days playing with FME and testing what amazing things it can do.


2 Responses to “How to Bring 2D Data into CesiumJS”

  1. Felipe Verdú says:

    Thanks DImitri for very interesting article about creating 3Dtiles, something really new for me!
    I am really interested in see the results in a browser so I am wondering how to create this html file and to be able to open in for instance Chrome.

    I have created this html but I am not able to open/see it in Chrome

    3D Tileset Test

    @import url(https://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Build/Cesium/Widgets/widgets.css);
    html, body, #cesiumContainer {
    width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden;

    var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’);
    var tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
    url: ‘./3Dtiles/pierce’

    • Ada Lee says:

      From Dmitri: Hi Felipe, it’s hard to tell without looking at the details. One of the conditions to make this work – the file should be viewed through the http (so it either should be uploaded to the web or viewed through a local web server). If you already do this, maybe send me a note todmitri@safe.com, and we will try to figure out what is going on.

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