Hi FME’ers,
2016年末,我posted to the KnowledgeCentrethe idea of a Best Practice analysis tool. The idea was to create a tool that could review a workspace and validate it in terms of the techniques used.

With the help of the FME community, this tool was created andposted to GitHubfor download and use by anyone.

However, this type of resource is more flexible as an online service. That way no-one needs to install anything, just use the service.

So I made that service. If you already tried this in my Code Smells workshop, then be sure to note the new email address below. For anyone else, this post describes how to use the service, what you can expect from the report, how it was set up, and how you can contribute.

The FME Workspace Best Practice Analyzer and Reporting Tool (FWBPAART)

Not the most concise name, but you get the idea. This is a tool for analyzing workspaces. And this service is very simple to use. All you do is:

Best Practice Sending Email

In response you will (very quickly) receive an email report of the workspace’s best practice techniques.

Best Practice Received Email

The above is just the report header, by the way. There is a lot more to the reports than that, as we can see below…

The Best Practice Report

There are multiple sections to the report:

  1. HEADER: A report header with statistics on the workspace file (size, creation date, etc) plus the FME version the report is generated by.
  2. WORKSPACE: A report on the workspace in general, such as its version and the Name/Category fields.
  3. STYLE: A report on the style used in the workspace, in particular annotations and bookmarks.
  4. DEBUGGING: A report on debugging components (like breakpoints) in the workspace.
  5. READERS: A report on the workspace’s readers, including version, published parameters, dangling readers, disabled feature types, and excess feature types.
  6. WRITERS: A report on the workspace’s writers, including version, invalid feature type names, mixed case attributes, and coordinate systems.
  7. TRANSFORMERS: A report on a workspace’s transformers, including total usage, version, excess scripting transformers, and unpublished parameters.
  8. PERFORMANCE: A report on performance issues, such as parallel processing, and performance parameters.
  9. SUMMARY: A summary of the number of warnings and errors in the report.

Each section contains multiple tests, and each test can report a PASS, WARNING, or ERROR. There are so many separate tests that there isn’t space to list them all. To see a full list send an email without an attachment. I set up the system so that no attachment, instead of causing a failure, returns documentation.

However, let’s look at one example of a test: coordinate systems in a writer.

Coordinate System Test

According to the documentation, this test carries out the following:

Best Practice Writer Analysis

This is fairly typical of the tests carried out. It doesn’t highlight a specific, 100% guaranteed error, but it shows a weakness of design. Here the issue is that FME might fail to reproject the outgoing data, because there is no guarantee it knows the incoming features’ coordinate system. The source dataset itself might have that information, but we cannot say for sure. More importantly, if the source data is outside of your control, you cannot say for sure either!

There are many other tests that produce a warning, to say that somethingmaybe a problem. Only a few tests produce an error for something that is conclusively bad. But even some errors are a matter of opinion; for example, are Inspector transformers bad in a production workspace? I say yes, but you might disagree.

Overall I think any warningsmaybe ignored. But any errorsmustbe fixed before putting the workspace into production.


Note that this tool is still a work in progress, and that there are a few limitations. The biggest one is that we can’t read inside an embedded custom transformer to analyze its contents. Besides that the HTML is also fairly basic and not easy to navigate through. I think we could do a better job there.

There are some more tests we could add too, and some users have suggested we make a scoring system, rather than just warnings and errors.

How Does FWBPAART Work?

If you’re interested in how the reporting tool works, it’s a simple combination of FME Cloud notifications and a processing workspace.

It’s not too complex a tool, even though it sounds like it. The notification parts are fairly clear-cut and the analysis workspace – although it is large and uses custom transformers – is very modular, where each test in itself is quite easy to understand.

My Favourite Parts

I want to highlight a few parts of the process that I like or find interesting:

Best Practice Creating an Email Notification

Best Practice Mixed Attribute Name Case Workspace

Why Create FWBPAART?

FME is (I hope you agree) a superb product, and I see it more and more at the centre of system architecture diagrams. For example, fromthis presentationat the FMEUC comes a typical FME-centric diagram:

Best Practice FME at the Centre of an Architecture Model

But as the projects that FME is used in get larger and larger, FME components scale up to match, and some users find this hard to organize. I think that’s why projects for organizing FME content exist. In particular – just like this Best Practice tool – people are using FME to organize FME!

There are two great examples from the recent FMEUC.

“Hey Dude, Where’s My Workspace”: A project by the City of Zurich that uses FME to catalogue existing FME workspaces, and presents the results through a wonderful web interface:

The “Where Did We Come From” slide is especially relevant: a twelve-year build-up of 1,000+ workspaces, stored in all sorts of locations (shared folders, developer PCs, etc), on all sort of staging environments (development, testing, release, etc), and with various degrees of documentation. It shows users must be organized to scale up to larger FME use.

That project made use of the Workspace Reader (as I did) and that format is covered in more detail in this FMEUC presentation:

这个想法是为了再次worksp文档和目录aces, and analyze workspace dependencies (which is very important). The part I most like is returning a diagram of inter-dependencies that can be used to fine-tune workspace scheduling.

So perhaps my project is important not just for best practice on individual workspaces (though that’s a very important part), but also as an example of how to use best practice for organizing FME, using FME.


If I’ve jumped around different topics in this post, I apologise. In short I created this best practice tool to be a public service, so please use it however you like. Remember, the email address isbestpractice@safe.comand you can also download the source fromGitHubto run it locally (there’s no code, just pure FME workspaces and transformers).

But besides good practice in workspaces, this is an example of how we can use FME to organize FME. Remember these techniques when you are scaling up your FME use. And keep a look out as we implement functionality inside FME; like workspace revision control, which I believe is planned for FME Server 2018.

If you would like to contribute to the best practice project, then you could…

I know that not everyone uses GitHub, so if you do want to contribute tests or edits, you can send the files to me and I will commit them on your behalf.



I want to acknowledge folk who contributed ideas and time to this effort, particularly Sigbjorn. At first I didn’t know how he found time. After the FMEUC I realized he only needs 2 hours sleep a night! Also thank you to Martin Koch from whom I took the phrase “using FME to manage FME”.

And if you want to watch other FMEUC Videos about Best Practice, then try these:

About FME Best Practice Customers Email FME Cloud FME Evangelist HTML Notifications Web服务

Mark Ireland

Mark, aka iMark, is the FME Evangelist (est. 2004) and has a passion for FME Training. He likes being able to help people understand and use technology in new and interesting ways. One of his other passions is football (aka. Soccer). He likes both technology and soccer so much that he wrote an article about the two together! Who would’ve thought? (Answer: iMark)

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