The promise of Docker is that it can change how we deploy FME processing capabilities both on-premises and in the cloud.

For us, Docker is the ultimate abstraction layer in which to deploy fault-tolerant, scalable solutions. First Docker abstracted compute, then it abstracted networking, and soon it will abstract storage. As someone who did my graduate work in distributed and parallel processing, this is very exciting!Read more about Docker’s future plans around storage.

我们希望分享我们早期的码头实验,帮助我们学习和理解Docker Swarm和服务。好的事情是你可以在一台机器上尝试这个,知道它在形成群体的任何数量的机器上都有相同的工作。

If you want to perform the demo yourself you can find all resources at the end of this post.


Simple Docker Swarm Demo with FME

The demo is very simple and consists of two workflows (FME Workspaces): a driver workflow and a worker workflow (10 engines). This is shown below.

观看Docker Swarm和FME的视频演示。



Docker Magic在哪里?


司机完全忘记了有多少工人弥补了群体,或者甚至甚至与蜂拥而至。Docker Swarm神奇地照顾网络与工人与工人共享连接的细节,无论工作人员是否在单个机器上或跨多台机器传播。Docker Swarm只是隐藏和处理所有丑陋的细节。


工作流程是一个类似于我亚搏在线们在期间使用的FME工作区FME磨破ld Tour 2016. Each worker FME Engine is started using a long-ago added mode (as part of early FME Server experimentation) where it creates a TCP/IP channel and then waits for a driver application to connect and send it work. In this example we create up to 10 engines.


Here is the script (创建运行FME引擎等待在端口7777上工作的服务。

#!/ bin / bash scriptpath =“$(cd”$(dirname“$ {bash_source [0]}”)“&& pwd)”Docker Swarm Init.docker service create--name fme_engine -p 7777:7777  - 汇位类型=绑定,目标= / fmeengine /工作空间,源= $ scriptpath / workspaces --mount类型=绑定,目标= / fmeengine /结果,source = $ scrippath /结果 --mount类型=绑定,目标= / fmeengine / logs,source = $ scrippath / logs s亚搏在线afesoftware / fme-engine-2017Docker运行- 它-d -p 5000:8080 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock manomarks /可视化

在脚本中,您可以看到3 docker命令:

Docker Swarm Init.

This command initializes a swarm and puts the current node into the swarm.

docker service create

This command creates a single service for the fme_engine. It specifies that the engine port of 7777 is mapped to the same port on the host. The engine is also told where it can find its workspaces to run, the directory to put its logfiles, and where the results are to be placed.


最后一个命令只运行我们最喜欢的Docker服务可视化工具,该工具由Mano Marks. Always nice to visualize all the containers running.

FME磨破ker Workspace

Docker Magic在哪里?

The magic here is that as far as each worker is concerned, it is the only one. They all specify the same port number within the Docker container and Docker Swarm looks after all the details of multiplexing the requests between the workers and the driver FME.


Step 1: Run the start_containers script.

FMEStandaloneEngine dcm$./

Step 2: Check out the Visualization of the single running FME Engine Container (localhost:5000)


Step 3: Spin up a total of 10 engines


FMEStandaloneEngine dcm$Docker服务规模FME_ENGINE = 10

It is as simple as that. We now have 10 FME Engines running.




Now that the swarm is launched with all its FME Engines we are now ready to run the driver workspace.

To do this, simply run the driver workspace above in FME Workbench. This is run outside of the Docker Swarm. If you don’t have FME then you canTry FME for free.

Verifying the Results

To see the Air Quality reports being generated by the FME Workspace, simply go into the “results” directory and you will find web pages of the Air Quality requested, one web page for each requested City. Example:


演示显示Docker Swarm如何摘要网络,以便在形成群体的不同容器和服务器上共享单个TCP / IP端口。DEMO工作相同,所有容器是在单个机器上还是在许多机器上传播。

This isn’t production quality as it is easy to overrun the TCP/IP channels in a heavily loaded system. There is no queuing going on at all. Swarm is simply sending the worker messages to the different worker containers waiting on the read side of the socket.

Try It Yourself – It’s Fun!






关于fme. Docker FME Cloud FME服务器

Don Murray

唐是安全软件的联合创始人和总统。亚搏在线亚搏在线安全软件最初是在与林业行业共享空间数据的项目中为BC政府做的工作。在该项目期间,Don等联合创始人Dale Lutz实现了像FME这样的数据集成平台。当Don没有引诱他有多喜欢XML时,你可以找到唐在安全的时候,安全地将FME产品带到一个下一级。亚搏在线您还将在道路上找到他与客户和合作伙伴谈话,以了解他们希望看到的新FME功能的更多信息。


Grant is a DevOps Technical Lead for FME Server and works on all types of deployments for FME Server. In his spare time, Grant likes to play games and plays guitar.



  1. […] Docker – FME Server is now deployable as a collection of containers. These containers give us the power to easily deploy FME Server in new and powerful ways, such as this pattern. Suffice it to say that containers are going to play a bigger part in FME Server’s future. In this example, all FME Server including the FME Engine components are running in Docker. […]


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